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Why Do Chicken Eggs Come in Different Colors?

Why Do Chicken Eggs Come in Different Colors?

Most eggs sold at the supermarket have white shells. So where do brown eggs and blue eggs come from? The color of the shell is determined by the breed of the hen that laid the egg. Most white eggs sold at the supermarket are laid by Leghorn hens. Many other breeds lay eggs with white […]

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Why Does a Rooster Have a Comb?

Why Does a Rooster Have a Comb?

One of the most outstanding features of a rooster is his comb — that fleshy crownlike protrusion on top of a chicken’s head. So why do roosters have such ornate combs? At about 3 to 8 weeks of age, depending on the breed, baby chicks start developing reddened combs. A cockerel’s comb will gradually become […]

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Weekly Special Exotic Island Fowl

Weekly Special Exotic Island Fowl -0

Weekly Special Exotic Island Fowl – Sold as Baby Chicks Only

 Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available

Weekly specials can be shipped together. Any other orders other than weekly specials needs to be a separate order.

Must ship within the next two weeks.

Item# WS1233

Minimum of 15.

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