Not Sexed White Leghorn
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Brown Leghorn Chicken

- Brown Leghorn – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
Not Sexed = 3
Female = 3
Male = 1
Total of 3 birds to ship
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru September
Continue ReadingWhite Leghorn Chicken

- White Leghorn – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
Not Sexed = 3
Female = 3
Male = 1
Total of 3 birds to ship
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru July
Continue Reading17 Common Questions about Chickens and Eggs

By Cackle Hatchery Here at Cackle Hatchery® we are constantly fielding questions from our customers. Below are answers to 17 of the most common questions we hear about chickens and eggs. Why do chickens lay eggs? Chickens lay eggs to reproduce more chickens. However, unless a rooster is present, the eggs won’t be fertile and […]
Continue ReadingThank you for updating your dealer listing
Enjoy your free downloadable gift for updating your dealer listing with us here at Cackle Hatchery! Click Here to Download As an added bonus after downloading feel free to print any Cackle Hatchery sales sheets for poultry you may need instore: PRINTABLE CHICK SALES SHEETS Tips for printing: Make sure your printer settings are set […]
Continue ReadingWhat You Can Learn from a Chicken’s APA Class

For exhibition purposes, large chicken breeds recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA) are organized into six classes. Most of the classes represent the geographic region where the breeds originated or were developed. Knowing a chicken’s APA class lets you infer a number of things about the breed, including temperament, laying ability, climate tolerance, and […]
Continue ReadingChicken Breed Abbreviations

Chicken keepers often use abbreviations and assume their listeners know what they mean. Here are some of the more common chicken breed abbreviations, along with abbreviations for variety features and those used for show that may be puzzling when you see them in poultry publications, forums, and websites. Note that abbreviations may be combined to […]
Continue ReadingAt What Age Do Hens Start Laying Eggs?

Although the age at which hens start laying eggs depends on many factors, the ultimate factor is the breed. Some breeds mature fast and start laying as early as 4 months of age, while others mature more slowly and start laying much later. Below are just a few of the many chicken breeds, along with […]
Continue ReadingWhat Is a Dual Purpose Chicken?

To some chicken keepers, a dual purpose breed is one that’s suitable for both meat and eggs. To other chicken keepers, dual purpose refers to a breed that’s suitable for neither meat nor eggs. So exactly what is a dual purpose chicken? Meat or Eggs Before the poultry industry developed into the behemoth it is […]
Continue ReadingHens Can Grow Spurs, Too

All chickens have spur buds. Roosters are well known for their spur buds developing into full-blown spurs. But hen’s can grow spurs, too. While some roosters — notably certain strains of Cubalaya — maintain only rudimentary spurs, some hens develop long rooster-like spurs. As with roosters, the longer the spur, the older the hen. Which […]
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