General FAQ’s What is in each box? For each box, we carefully select fun products. We cannot guarantee that you will receive a specific item, however, we try to include some products for your chickens, and some for you! Will I receive live birds in a shipment? No, each box will only include supplies and […]
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Poultry Breed Finder Index Page
STANDARD CHICKEN BREEDS Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Barred Plymouth Rock Exhibition Type Bielefelder Black Ameraucana Black Australorps Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Black Jersey Giants Black Laced Gold Wyandotte Black Laced Red Wyandotte Black Laced Silver Wyandotte Black Sex Link Black Sumatra Blue Ameraucana Blue Cochin […]
Continue ReadingPlanning Your Spring Chick Order

When planning your next order of chicks from the hatchery, give careful consideration to how many roosters you want (if any), and the real possibility that some of the chicks might not survive. Below are some important points to keep in mind when making your ordering decisions. Sexed Chicks For many breeds you have the […]
Continue ReadingChick Sales Sheets
PRINTABLE CHICK SALES SHEETS Tips for printing: Make sure your printer settings are set to landscape orientation and that the scale is set to “Fit to Page”. Ancona Duck Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Barred Rock Bantam Bielefelder Black Australorp Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Standard Chicken […]
Continue ReadingWholesale FAQ
Q. What are the qualifications to become a Wholesale Dealer? A. To qualify to be a Wholesale Dealer with Cackle Hatchery®, you must own/manage a store where you are selling the baby chicks. Q. What are the price discounts for wholesale? A. Wholesale has its own price list. There is not a percentage discount. […]
Continue ReadingHeritage Turkey Spotlight — Royal Palm, Ideal for Small Families

The Royal Palm is a lightweight turkey with stunning white plumage trimmed in black. Turkeys with a similar color pattern have been raised in Europe since the 1700s, known there variously as black-laced white, pied, or Crollwitzer. The first turkeys in the United States with the palm color pattern appeared in the 1920s in […]
Continue ReadingHow to Control Ammonia in the Chicken Coop

Ammonia is a pungent-smelling gas constantly released by bacteria that decompose chicken droppings. Not only does ammonia smell bad, it’s also a health hazard for you and your chickens. High levels of ammonia in the coop’s air can discourage chickens from eating—affecting the growth rate of young birds and the production of laying hens—and can […]
Continue ReadingChicken Breeds List Comparison Chart
Use the chicken breed list below to help you choose the right chicken. This list includes all of the chicken breeds that are for sale at Cackle Hatchery. Click the name of the chicken breed for more information, to see an image of that breed and for purchasing options. Chicken Breed Name Egg Production Egg Color […]
Continue ReadingCackle Hatchery Poultry Breeding Farms
CACKLE HATCHERY CHICKEN BREEDING FARMS Cackle Hatchery® supplies day-old grandparent and parent stock for our own use and to a few USA poultry hatcheries. We breed, raise and provide our own proprietary selected lines of feather sexable chicks within our Feather Sexing Program. We also work on improving sex-link, auto-sexing lines and vent sexing lines. […]
Continue ReadingWhat is Grit and Why Do Chickens Need It?

Natural grit consists of a collection of coarse sand, pebbles, and similar small, hard objects chickens eat while pecking on the ground. The grit lodges in the bird’s gizzard, where muscular action grinds the grit together with feedstuffs to break them down for digestion. Over time each piece of grit gets ground up, along with […]
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