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Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Cooking Chicken

A bunch of pieces of chicken frying in a pan.

Homegrown chicken can be more flavorful than any other kind. But if you make any of the following mistakes, you may end up serving something unpalatable or even unsafe. Avoid these 5 common mistakes when cooking chicken: Thawing Frozen Chicken When you plan to cook frozen chicken, thaw it in the refrigerator for a day […]

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Which Poultry Breed Lays a Black Egg?

A black chicken egg

The internet is rife with photographs of eggs from chickens and other poultry that have black shells. Are they a trick of the imagination? Poor photographic lighting? Or true poultry eggs with inky shells? If so, which poultry breed lays a black egg? Maybe Ducks Among ducks, the Cayuga sometimes lays eggs with black shells. […]

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Ancona Duck in the Rare Breed Spotlight

A group of Ancona Ducks

The Ancona duck originated in the 1910s, yet remains a rare breed that has never been listed in the American Standard of Perfection. Cackle Hatchery® is one of its few long-term breeders, having maintained Ancona genetics since 1977. Physical Attributes Anconas are typically white and black, or any combination of white and color, in irregular […]

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Duck Eclipse and Nuptial Molts — What Do They Mean?

A group of ducks sit on the water on the pond

Ducks, like other birds, periodically replace their worn-out feathers with a full set of fresh plumage in a process called molting. Young ducks go through two consecutive molts. After maturity, the hens renew their feathers annually, while the drakes go through two annual plumage changes —the eclipse and nuptial molts. Most domestic duck breeds in […]

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Turkey Mating Ratio for Good Fertility

Three bronze turkeys stand in a backyard.

What is the best turkey mating ratio for good fertility? That’s a question many first-time turkey keepers ask. Often as not, they get many different answers. Here’s why: Turkey Type The first thing to consider is the type of turkeys in question. If they are a broad-breasted type, forget it. These industrial size turkeys are […]

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Breed Spotlight: Appenzeller Spitzhauben Chickens

Appenzeller Spitzhauben

Spitzhauben chickens originate in the Appenzell district of Switzerland. They are therefore often called Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. The Swiss word spitzhauben refers to the breed’s crest of forward curving feathers, which remind Appenzell residents of their traditional lady’s bonnets. Near Extinction According to The Livestock Conservancy, Spitzhaubens have been known since the 16th century, kept in […]

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Potluck Ultra Rare Special Hatching Eggs

Potluck Rare Hatching Eggs

Potluck Ultra Rare Special Hatching Eggs


Only sold in 12 or 24 Pk 

No Pick up orders

Eggs need to be placed on a separate order and not with other birds. The egg orders are manually scheduled and you will receive your notice of your ship date within 24 to 48 hours.

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What is a Purebred and What Is a Hybrid Chicken?

two young girls each holding a chicken

Defining the differences between a purebred and a hybrid chicken can be complicated. Some breeds are not purebred. But even a pure breed may have started out as a hybrid. What is a purebred chicken? Purebreds, also called straightbreds, will breed true. That means all the breeder roosters and hens have uniform bloodlines, and their […]

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What Is a Dual Purpose Chicken?

white wyandotte chicken standing outside

To some chicken keepers, a dual purpose breed is one that’s suitable for both meat and eggs. To other chicken keepers, dual purpose refers to a breed that’s suitable for neither meat nor eggs. So exactly what is a dual purpose chicken? Meat or Eggs Before the poultry industry developed into the behemoth it is […]

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