Female Black Swedish Ducks
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Male Black Swedish Ducks
Male Black Swedish Ducks
Continue ReadingMale Ancona Ducks
Male Ancona Ducks
Continue ReadingFemale Ancona Ducks
Female Ancona Ducks
Continue ReadingMale Welsh Harlequins Ducks
Male Welsh Harlequins Ducks
Continue ReadingFemale Welsh Harlequins Ducks
Female Welsh Harlequins Ducks
Continue ReadingNot Sexed Hatchery Choice Runner Ducks
Not Sexed Hatchery Choice Runner Ducks
Continue ReadingBreed Spotlight: Welsh Harlequin Ducks

Thinking about adding some waterfowl to your flock? Ducks are a great place to start. Many breeds are small, social and easy to handle, and their eggs typically have more protein and healthy fats than chicken eggs. Today we’d like to take a moment to appreciate one of our favorite duck breeds—the Welsh Harlequin. […]
Continue ReadingKeeping Ducks Together with Chickens

Ducks have been called the New Chickens, in honor of their increasing popularity. But the first time-duck owner who attempts to manage ducks like chickens can be in for an unpleasant surprise. The two main issues are that ducks like it wet while chickens like it dry, and ducks don’t have the same sensible sleeping […]
Continue ReadingNot Sexed Silver Appleyard Ducks
Not Sexed Silver Appleyard Ducks
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