Most chicken keepers know that a hen will lay eggs whether or not a rooster is present. But a rooster is needed in order to get fertile eggs that will hatch. Less well known is that eggs can hatch without a rooster. Virgin Birth Virgin birth, or parthenogenesis, is the process whereby an unfertilized egg […]
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Sexing Turkey Poults and Guinea Keets
Turkey poults and guinea keets are difficult to sex, and therefore are typically sold as straight run. The males and females of both species, within the same breed or variety, look pretty much alike until they are nearly mature. Sexing Turkeys As turkey poults grow, you can take an educated guess as to which gender […]
Continue ReadingWhy Are Some Egg Yolks More Yellow Than Others?
Egg yolks get their golden yellow color from the same plant pigments that result in the skin color of yellow-skin breeds. These pigments are also responsible for beak and bill color in chickens and ducks, and for their brightly colored feathers. The pigments are of two main types— carotene and xanthophyll. Carotene is orange to […]
Continue ReadingSexing Ducklings and Goslings
Male and female waterfowl of the same breed and variety are difficult to tell apart until they are several weeks old. Except for a few autosex breeds of geese, the only way to determine the gender of waterfowl hatchlings is by vent sexing. Happily that is not nearly as difficult as it is for chickens […]
Continue Reading4 Ways to Tell Male and Female Chicks Apart
Four traditional methods are used to tell male and female chicks apart. Which method is most appropriate for any specific batch of chicks depends on their breed and variety, their age, and the skill of the observer. Vent Sexing Vent sexing, also called cloacal sexing, is a method of determining a hatchling’s gender by examining […]
Continue Reading22 Autosex Breeds of Chickens and Geese
Autosex chicks have differing down colors at hatch, by which the males may be readily distinguished from the females. Autosex differs from sex-link in being a straightbred (purebred) characteristic, rather than the result of a hybrid cross between two separate breeds. Here is how to tell the males from the females in 22 autosex breeds […]
Continue ReadingPenning a Hen with Her Chicks
If a hen and her newly hatched chicks are left to wander around the poultry yard, the babies may fall prey to house cats, hawks, and other predators. And baby chicks can slip through most yard fences that are properly built to confine mature poultry. Chicks wandering around a yard can get chilled in damp […]
Continue ReadingOther Eggcellent Layers
Looking to compare different features of poultry? Look no further. These are some of the breed facts about all of our other poultry including, ducks, guinea fowl, peafowl and turkeys. Click the name of the poultry type to view photos, purchase or learn more about that breed. Click here for a comparison of chicken breeds […]
Continue ReadingPoultry Breed Finder Index Page
STANDARD CHICKEN BREEDS Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Barred Plymouth Rock Exhibition Type Bielefelder Black Ameraucana Black Australorps Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Black Jersey Giants Black Laced Gold Wyandotte Black Laced Red Wyandotte Black Laced Silver Wyandotte Black Sex Link Black Sumatra Blue Ameraucana Blue Cochin […]
Continue ReadingThe Mother of All Chickens
A team of British avian paleontologists believe they have discovered the mother of all chickens — and ducks. They have identified the remains of the world’s oldest modern bird, dating to about 66.7 million years ago. The Wonderchicken Researchers call the bird the Wonderchicken. Its formal name is Asteriornis maastrichtensis. Asteriornis is combined […]
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