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The Mother of All Chickens

A team of British avian paleontologists believe they have discovered the mother of all chickens — and ducks. They have identified the remains of the world’s oldest modern bird, dating to about 66.7 million years ago.   The Wonderchicken Researchers call the bird the Wonderchicken. Its formal name is Asteriornis maastrichtensis.   Asteriornis is combined […]

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Successfully Transition Poultry From the Brooder to Outdoors

Chickens Outside

Successfully transitioning young poultry from their brooder to permanent outdoor facilities requires following a few common-sense guidelines. First determine that the birds are ready to move from their brooder, taking into consideration such factors as how well feathered the birds are, and outdoor temperatures during both daytime and nighttime. Degree of Feathering Fully-feathered poultry are […]

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Planning Your Spring Chick Order

Spring Chick Order

When planning your next order of chicks from the hatchery, give careful consideration to how many roosters you want (if any), and the real possibility that some of the chicks might not survive. Below are some important points to keep in mind when making your ordering decisions. Sexed Chicks For many breeds you have the […]

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How Much Feed Does a Chicken Eat?

Chicken Eating

How much feed a chicken eats each week varies with the chicken’s age, breed, and strain, degree of activity, and condition of health. Other factors include the ration’s palatability and texture, and its energy and protein content.   In cold weather, a chicken stays warm by eating more than it does during the heat of […]

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Buying a Ready-Made Chicken Coop — 10 Things to Consider

Prefab Coop

Buying a ready-made chicken coop, instead of building one yourself, has several advantages. It doesn’t require any carpentry tools or skills. It doesn’t take up several weekends of your free time to put together. And you don’t need a PhD in all the features a chicken coop needs. But you should know enough about how […]

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Chick Sales Sheets

PRINTABLE CHICK SALES SHEETS Tips for printing: Make sure your printer settings are set to landscape orientation and that the scale is set to “Fit to Page”. Ancona Duck Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Barred Rock Bantam Bielefelder Black Australorp Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Standard Chicken […]

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Chicken Breeds List Comparison Chart

Use the chicken breed list below to help you choose the right chicken. This list includes all of the chicken breeds that are for sale at Cackle Hatchery. Click the name of the chicken breed for more information, to see an image of that breed and for purchasing options. Chicken Breed Name Egg Production Egg Color […]

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Links To Poultry Associations And Clubs

These are a few of the many clubs and associations linked to poultry. If you would like your club or association listed, please send your request to:Webmaster, In an attempt to provide you with increased value, we have included some third party links on our site that focus on poultry.  These linked sites have separate […]

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Vaccination Policy

 MAREK’S VACCINATION Cackle Hatchery® charges a flat fee of $10.00 for a Marek’s vaccination of 1-66 chicks. Anything over 66 chicks to be vaccinated we charge 15 cents a chick. Example 100 chicks to be vaccinated times .15 ea. = $15.00 fee for vaccination. These vaccinations must be given at 1 day of age. There […]

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