Black Cochin Standard Chicken

Black Cochin Standard Chicken
  • Black Cochin Standard – Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                Total of 3 birds to ship 
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru mid August  
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5 Best First Chickens for Kids

Two children viewing a baby chick

A child’s initial experience with chickens is often the most memorable. To ensure that the youngster’s introduction to chickens is pleasant and fun, consider these qualities when choosing the best first chickens for kids: They are calm in disposition They are friendly with people The breed is appropriate for small hands The chickens enjoy hugs […]

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What You Can Learn from a Chicken’s APA Class

A mixed flock of chickens in a backyard

For exhibition purposes, large chicken breeds recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA) are organized into six classes. Most of the classes represent the geographic region where the breeds originated or were developed. Knowing a chicken’s APA class lets you infer a number of things about the breed, including temperament, laying ability, climate tolerance, and […]

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10 Reasons to Keep Bantam Chickens

Old English Bantam chicken sitting on a hand

First, let’s establish that “bantam” is not a specific chicken breed. Rather, the word refers to a collection of breeds that are smaller than the usual egg-and-meat chicken breeds. A typical bantam weighs no more than two pounds, leading practical chicken keepers to wonder, “What’s the point?” Bantams don’t lay exceptionally well, and the eggs […]

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11 Cold Hardy Bantam Breeds

A Wyandotte bantam in winter

Chickens, including bantams, tend to do better in cold weather than in hot weather. However, some bantams tolerate the cold better than others. Certain features — such as dense plumage, leg feathering, beards, and small combs — contribute to a cold hardiness. Often the country of origin provides a clue to a breed’s climate tolerance. […]

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12 Black Chicken Breeds

Australorp Hen sitting in the grass

The definition of black chicken breeds depends on who’s talking. The term might refer to a breed that’s truly all black — feathers, comb and wattles, beak, shanks and feet, skin, and even bones. But some chicken breeds with black skin and other body parts have varieties with alternative plumage colors besides black. Many chickens […]

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