Does caring for bantam chickens differ from keeping larger chickens? Yes and no. Any differences generally relate to the bantams’ smaller size and to their typically gentle temperament. Predator Protection Bantam chickens are so light in weight that most predators can easily carry one away. And because they have shorter legs, they can’t run to […]
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10 Things to Know Before You Get Chickens
Judging from numerous online posts, many people jump into chicken keeping without giving enough thought to what’s involved. As a result, you see lots of posts listing “things I wish I’d known.” Or along the lines of “advice to newbie chicken keeper.” Interestingly, these lists frequently repeat the same things. In the spirit of being […]
Continue Reading10 Reasons to Keep Bantam Chickens
First, let’s establish that “bantam” is not a specific chicken breed. Rather, the word refers to a collection of breeds that are smaller than the usual egg-and-meat chicken breeds. A typical bantam weighs no more than two pounds, leading practical chicken keepers to wonder, “What’s the point?” Bantams don’t lay exceptionally well, and the eggs […]
Continue ReadingShredder Gene in Lavender Chickens
“The shredder gene in lavender chickens causes the feathers to split and the barbs to detach, resulting in rough looking feather development,” explains Jeff Smith of Cackle Hatchery®. Lavender, also known as self blue, is a plumage color resulting from an autosomal recessive gene. Let’s explore how it works. Lavender vs. Blue The lavender gene […]
Continue ReadingBreed Spotlight: Appenzeller Spitzhauben Chickens
Spitzhauben chickens originate in the Appenzell district of Switzerland. They are therefore often called Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. The Swiss word spitzhauben refers to the breed’s crest of forward curving feathers, which remind Appenzell residents of their traditional lady’s bonnets. Near Extinction According to The Livestock Conservancy, Spitzhaubens have been known since the 16th century, kept in […]
Continue ReadingShould You Vaccinate Your Chickens?
Deciding if you should vaccinate your chickens depends on how likely they are to encounter infectious diseases. You may not need to vaccinate if you maintain impeccable biosecurity, because doing so significantly reduces your flock’s risk of acquiring a disease. Unfortunately, many backyard chicken keepers either don’t know about biosecurity or just don’t think it’s […]
Continue ReadingWhat is Biosecurity for Chickens?
Biosecurity for chickens includes all precautions you take to protect your flock from coming down with a disease. The more precautions you take, the better chance your chickens have to remain healthy. The fewer precautions you take, the greater the risk that one day some disease will affect your flock. So what are these precautions […]
Continue ReadingWhy Chickens Drink More Water
When chickens drink more water during hot weather, new chicken keepers often become alarmed and worry that something is wrong. But increased water consumption during summer is perfectly normal. It is one of the ways chickens keep cool. The water intake of chickens varies for many other reasons besides hot weather. Some of those factors […]
Continue ReadingWhat Kind of Chickens Live the Longest?
The average well-cared-for chicken may live 8 to 10 years. Some chickens survive 15 years or more. Many factors contribute to a chicken’s longevity. Some of these factors relate to genetics. Other factors have to do with good management. Guinness Records The first chicken recognized by Guinness World Records as the World’s Oldest Living Chicken […]
Continue ReadingWhen Not to Add Vinegar to Chickens’ Water
A lot of chicken keepers are fond of adding vinegar to their chickens’ drinking water. Chickens like the taste of vinegar in mild doses — one tablespoon vinegar per gallon of water. And since hens run the risk of dehydration during hot summer weather, many backyard keepers add vinegar to chickens’ water to encourage their […]
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