The natural color of wild duck eggs is greenish or bluish. That’s because eggs with tinted shells are easier to hide from predators. Many consumers, however, prefer eggs with white shells, presumably because white represents purity. Eggs with Blue-Green Shells Wild mallards lay eggs with blue-green shells. Domestic Mallards usually lay eggs with blue-green shells, […]
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Blackhead in Turkeys Is a Serious Disease
Blackhead is a serious disease of turkeys. Histomonas meleagridis protozoa cause the disease, leading to its technical name: histomoniasis. Histomonad protozoa occur in nearly all poultry environments, except where the soil is dry, loose, and sandy. A turkey gets blackhead when histomonads lodge in the bird’s ceca, or blind intestinal pouches. From there they migrate […]
Continue ReadingWhat to Do if My Egg Layer Stops Laying Eggs?
What you can do when a egg layer stops laying depends on the reason she stopped. A hen may take a break for a great number of reasons. Once you determine the reason, you may be able to take measures to get her back on track. So let’s look at possible reasons why your egg […]
Continue ReadingChicks or Hatching Eggs? What’s the Difference?
When you are ready to raise a batch of baby chicks, should you buy chicks or hatching eggs? Each option has advantages and disadvantages. So how different is it when you start with eggs versus chicks? Starting with Eggs When you start with eggs that you plan to hatch, the first thing you need is […]
Continue ReadingMr. Ken Rooster and the Six Sassy Hens
FREE SHIPPING on all supply order totals exceeding $25.00.
Continue ReadingCrazy Chicken Lady Starter Kit
Turkeys Make Good Pets
Turkeys are much bigger than chickens and therefore would seem to be unlikely as companion animals. Nonetheless, they are becoming ever more popular as outdoor pets. Here are some reasons why turkeys make good pets: Why Turkeys Make Good Pets A turkey makes a good pet for many of the same reasons a cat or […]
Continue ReadingPlanning a Road Trip to Missouri? Be Sure to Visit Cackle Hatchery!
No trip through Missouri would be complete without a visit to Cackle Hatchery®. The facility is not merely a mail-order poultry hatchery. It also operates a year-around poultry-only products store and museum, and sponsors a popular annual chicken festival. The best time of year for you to visit depends on your purpose and on the […]
Continue ReadingCackle Hatchery Chick Ship Dates and Store Pickup Dates
Baby chick ship dates and Cackle Hatchery® store pickup dates change with each calendar year. For this year’s ship dates, consult our Chick Season® calendar. Chick Ship Dates We hatch and ship baby chicks from February through September. To avoid weekend layovers at the post office, we ship on Mondays and Wednesdays. We make exceptions […]
Continue ReadingPotluck Ultra Rare Special Hatching Eggs
Potluck Ultra Rare Special Hatching Eggs
Only sold in 12 or 24 Pk
No Pick up orders
Eggs need to be placed on a separate order and not with other birds. The egg orders are manually scheduled and you will receive your notice of your ship date within 24 to 48 hours.
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