Dark Brahma Hatching Eggs – FREE SHIPPING
Seasonal/Shipped Mid February thru June 6th.
Continue ReadingDark Brahma Hatching Eggs – FREE SHIPPING
Seasonal/Shipped Mid February thru June 6th.
Continue ReadingWhen those fuzzy little chicks, ducklings, or goslings arrive in the mail, the first thing you want to do is pick them up and cuddle them. Young children, especially, can’t resist snuggling those cute little fluff balls. The more time you spend with your baby poultry, the friendlier they will become. However, among the important […]
Continue ReadingOne of the most outstanding features of a rooster is his comb — that fleshy crownlike protrusion on top of a chicken’s head. So why do roosters have such ornate combs? At about 3 to 8 weeks of age, depending on the breed, baby chicks start developing reddened combs. A cockerel’s comb will gradually become […]
Continue ReadingFREE SHIPPING on all supply order totals exceeding $25.00.
Item #I13
Continue ReadingWith the laws that took effect in January 2017, finding a veterinarian that understands poultry becomes more crucial than ever. Not many veterinarians understand poultry medicine. Even avian specialists may be more knowledgeable about exotic birds than about backyard chickens or waterfowl. However, one of the advantages of the FDA Regulations regarding the use of […]
Continue ReadingA lash egg is a mess of vaguely egg-shape coagulated gunk, sometimes including bits of egg and egg shell, that results from infection somewhere within a hen’s oviduct. So, even though the thing might be laid by a hen, it’s not really an egg. Actually it’s not even a lash. The original definition of a […]
Continue ReadingBuff Orpington Hatching Eggs – 12 for $61.68 24 for $101.28 FREE SHIPPING
Seasonal/Shipped Mid February through June 5th.
Continue ReadingBlack Laced Silver Wyandottes Hatching Eggs –12 for $61.68 24 for $101.28 FREE SHIPPING
Seasonal/Shipped Mid February through June 5th.
Continue ReadingRhode Island Red (Production Type) Hatching Eggs –12 for $61.68 24 for $101.28 FREE SHIPPING
Seasonal/Shipped Mid February through June 5th.
Continue ReadingBarred Rock Hatching Eggs –12 for $61.68 24 for $101.28 FREE SHIPPING
Seasonal/Shipped Mid February through June 5th.
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