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Have Fun Showing Poultry with Less Stress to You and Your Birds

Have Fun Showing Poultry with Less Stress to You and Your Birds

Showing poultry is fun, interesting and educational. It’s also a great way to meet people of all ages from all walks of life who share a common interest. But it can be stressful, especially for the first time exhibitor. It can also be stressful for the birds. In his book Showing Poultry, veteran poultry judge […]

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Five Ways to Preserve Surplus Homegrown Eggs

Homegrown chicken eggs are seasonal. Sometimes you have too many, sometimes not enough. Here are five ways to extend the shelf life of your fresh homegrown eggs, to preserve the surplus for days when your hens take a vacation from laying.     1. Do Nothing You may be surprised to learn how long clean, […]

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United Egg Producers Pledges to End Male Chick Culling

United Egg Producers Pledges to End Male Chick Culling

Currently, male chicks hatched to egg-laying hens in factory farms have pretty bleak prospects. Within a day, these chicks are sorted from their female counterparts and tossed unceremoniously into what amounts to a very large blender. It’s a practical consideration for egg producers, but it’s all pretty grisly and dystopian. Roughly 100 million male chicks […]

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Perdue Announces Sweeping Animal Welfare Reforms

Perdue Announces Sweeping Animal Welfare Reforms

This week, the fourth-largest poultry producer in the country revealed plans to institute a number of reforms that focus on improving the lives of the chickens in their operations. Animal rights groups such as the Human Society of the United States (HSUS) and Mercy For Animals are hailing the announcement as an important step forward […]

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Protecting Your Flock From Mites and Lice

Protecting Your Flock From Mites and Lice

Protecting your flock from mites and lice can seem like an impossible problem. In fact, many poultry producers in years past didn’t even bother trying to get rid of mites, lice and similar pest infestations because it was such a common and invasive problem. Fortunately, there are now some easy things you can do to […]

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In Celebration of Heritage Poultry Breeds

In Celebration of Heritage Poultry Breeds

International Heritage Breeds Week is celebrated each year during the third week in May. So what exactly are heritage poultry breeds? According to The Livestock Conservancy, heritage chicken and turkey breeds share the following characteristics:     They can reproduce through natural mating. They have the genetic ability to live long and vigorous lives. They […]

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Unique Egg Dyeing Styles for Easter

Unique Egg Dyeing Styles for Easter

Easter is almost upon us, which means it’s time to start the egg dyeing preparations! This Easter season, instead of doing the same old dye styles, check out these six unique styles that we love. Don’t Skip Brown Eggs If you’re plucking eggs from your backyard coop to use for making Easter eggs, you may […]

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