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Gender Bending LED Incubator Alters an Egg’s Sex

Egg Gender

A Minnesota firm has obtained a patent for an incubator that can alter the sex of an egg before it hatches. Naturally hatched eggs result in about 50 percent females and 50 percent males. Anyone who has ever hatched eggs hoping for a majority of laying hens knows the problem — too many roosters. To […]

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Raising Cornish Cross Hens? Try This Delicious Recipe at Home!

Roasted Chicken

Raising a flock of chickens to put food on the table for you and your family? If so, the Cornish Cross is an excellent breed to consider as it will provide you with more than enough meat to make some delicious meals. Give this herb-stuffed roasted chicken recipe a try with your Cornish Cross hens. […]

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Goose Eggs Are Delicious

Goose Egg versus chicken egg size

Goose eggs are delicious! Just one egg makes a formidable omelet, although goose eggs are less often used for culinary purposes than for hatching or — because of their large size and thick shells — for creating goose egg craft items such as Christmas ornaments and decorative jewelry boxes. Yet goose eggs may be used […]

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What Causes a Duck to Limp and Go Lame?


A duck’s legs and feet are made for flying and swimming, not walking. Ducks have structurally weak legs, and the most common affliction of ducks is lameness. A duck may start to limp and eventually go lame for any number of reasons.     Injury Ducklings brooded on wire can get a tiny hock caught […]

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Breed Spotlight: Welsh Harlequin Ducks

Welsh Harlequin

Thinking about adding some waterfowl to your flock? Ducks are a great place to start. Many breeds are small, social and easy to handle, and their eggs typically have more protein and healthy fats than chicken eggs. Today we’d like to take a moment to appreciate one of our favorite duck breeds—the Welsh Harlequin.   […]

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Watch a Mother Hen Enjoy a Meal With Her New Chicks [Video]

Hen With Chicks

In honor of Mother’s Day, we’d like to take a moment to appreciate the remarkable maternal instincts of mother hens. Although some hens tend to make better mothers than others—Silkies and Orpingtons are widely-regarded as some of the best breeds for hatching—all hens have natural maternal instincts that kick in as soon as their chicks […]

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Learn How to Set up a Brooder for Baby Chicks [Video]

Baby chicks

Getting ready to receive your first order of chicks from Cackle Hatchery? Congratulations! Keeping a flock of chickens offers a great way to provide food for you and your family, control pests on your property and more. But before your chicks arrive, you’ll need to set up a brooder so they can have a place […]

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How to Deal with a Mean Rooster

How to Deal with a Mean Rooster

Mean chickens occasionally appear in nearly any breed, more commonly among roosters than among hens. The first thing to do is try to figure out what triggers an attack. Sometimes it’s something as simple as he doesn’t like your new chore boots, your favorite floppy pants, or the way you swing the feed bucket. Making […]

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