Every spring, Chick Season® causes a surge in shipments through the United States Postal Service. The annual increase in cargo, consisting of chicks and support accessories, creates space issues. As a result, chick shipments may get delayed in transit. Sometimes the surge in numbers of packages will slow things down to the point that chicks […]
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M.A.D. Scientist Creates Self-Replicating Robot
It seems (as the story goes) that a project came to the Maker of Advanced Designs (M.A.D.) Scientist that would tax the brains of the most brilliant person to overload capacity. It seems that society needed a robot. Ohhh, but not just any robot. This one had to have six special characteristics and qualities. […]
Continue ReadingSuccessfully Transition Poultry From the Brooder to Outdoors
Successfully transitioning young poultry from their brooder to permanent outdoor facilities requires following a few common-sense guidelines. First determine that the birds are ready to move from their brooder, taking into consideration such factors as how well feathered the birds are, and outdoor temperatures during both daytime and nighttime. Degree of Feathering Fully-feathered poultry are […]
Continue ReadingSpeckled Egger™ Ceramic Nest Eggs
Speckled Egger™ Ceramic Nest Eggs
FREE SHIPPING on all supply order totals exceeding $25.00.
Item #N35
Continue ReadingWhat Causes a Double-Shell Egg?
If one of your hens lays a super big egg, it likely contains another egg inside. Such an egg is called a double egg or a double-shell egg and is the result of a reverse peristalsis contraction. How an Egg Is Laid To understand how this happens, you need to know how an egg […]
Continue ReadingHow to Care for Bantam Chicks Shipped by Mail
Bantam chicks shipped by mail arrive tired, hungry, thirsty, and sometimes chilled. A little extra TLC in the form of the three Ws of bantam chick care — Warmth, Water, Watch — will help ensure that your new arrivals settle safely and comfortably. Chicks hatch with yolk reserves that continue to provide nutrients for […]
Continue ReadingBlue Laced Red Wyandotte or Splash Laced Red Wyandotte?
Based on discussions and photos circulating online, there seems to be a bit of confusion about the difference between a blue laced red Wyandotte and a splash laced red Wyandotte. Since the two varieties are related and look somewhat similar, the confusion is justified. Another issue of confusion is the origin of blue laced […]
Continue ReadingBlack Slate Turkey
- Black Slate Turkey – Sold as Baby Poults Only – No Sexing Available
Shipped April thru Late July.
Your total order requires ANY 3 birds to ship.
Continue ReadingCrazy Cackle Toppies
- Crazy Cackle Toppies – Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available
Seasonal/Shipped Mid Feb thru Late August.
Continue ReadingGetting Guinea Fowl to Roost Indoors at Night
Guinea fowl are notoriously independent, often preferring to roost outdoors at night. They are more likely to perch high on a tree limb or on top of the coop roof, than to sleep inside, where they would be safe from owls and other night prowling predators. Getting guineas to go inside at night is the […]
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