Raising chickens for meat involves first deciding which to choose: Cornish broilers or a heritage breed. The fundamental difference is the amount of time needed to grow them from hatch to harvest. The quicker they grow to the target weight of about six pounds, the cheaper they are to raise and the more tender the […]
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How to Keep Guinea Fowl from Flying Away
Guinea fowl are notorious for flying away, never to return. The problem is most likely to occur when guineas are moved to a new and unfamiliar location. Guinea fowl can be more easily encouraged to stay on the home place where they are raised. But getting them to stick around is more difficult when they […]
Continue ReadingGuinea Fowl on Tick Patrol
Many rural folks keep guinea fowl primarily to patrol for ticks and any other pesky insects they might snack on. When allowed to roam freely, a flock of guineas will effectively patrol a lawn, pasture, or edge of a woodlot. Just start up your lawn mower and guineas will gather to feast on whatever the […]
Continue ReadingPenning a Hen with Her Chicks
If a hen and her newly hatched chicks are left to wander around the poultry yard, the babies may fall prey to house cats, hawks, and other predators. And baby chicks can slip through most yard fences that are properly built to confine mature poultry. Chicks wandering around a yard can get chilled in damp […]
Continue ReadingWhy Does a Rooster Have Wattles?
A rooster’s wattles come in flexible pairs that dangle beneath the beak, while its comb is a single structure prominently affixed to the top of the head. Researchers have determined that hens base their choice of mates, in part, on characteristics of the comb. But when it comes to wattles, they scratch their scholarly heads […]
Continue ReadingOther Eggcellent Layers
Looking to compare different features of poultry? Look no further. These are some of the breed facts about all of our other poultry including, ducks, guinea fowl, peafowl and turkeys. Click the name of the poultry type to view photos, purchase or learn more about that breed. Click here for a comparison of chicken breeds […]
Continue ReadingNo Guarantees When Ordering Hatching Eggs by Mail
Eggs that are sold specifically for hatching are called, fittingly enough, hatching eggs. They cost more than eating eggs but come with no guarantee they will hatch. Too many variables are not under the seller’s control. Even eggs laid by your own hens, or otherwise sourced locally, are not guaranteed to hatch. But when hatching […]
Continue ReadingSubscription FAQs
General FAQ’s What is in each box? For each box, we carefully select fun products. We cannot guarantee that you will receive a specific item, however, we try to include some products for your chickens, and some for you! Will I receive live birds in a shipment? No, each box will only include supplies and […]
Continue ReadingPoultry Breed Finder Index Page
STANDARD CHICKEN BREEDS Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Barred Plymouth Rock Exhibition Type Bielefelder Black Ameraucana Black Australorps Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Black Jersey Giants Black Laced Gold Wyandotte Black Laced Red Wyandotte Black Laced Silver Wyandotte Black Sex Link Black Sumatra Blue Ameraucana Blue Cochin […]
Continue ReadingBlack Laced Red Wyandotte or Black Laced Golden Wyandotte?
Black laced red is a relatively new variety of Wyandotte. In appearance the chickens are somewhat similar to black laced golden Wyandottes, which have been standardized as “golden laced Wyandottes” since 1888. To understand the nomenclature, as well as the differences between black laced red and black laced golden Wyandottes, let’s take a brief look […]
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