Cackle Hatchery Poultry Breeding Farms

CACKLE HATCHERY CHICKEN BREEDING FARMS Cackle Hatchery® supplies day-old grandparent and parent stock for our own use and to a few USA poultry hatcheries. We breed, raise and provide our own proprietary selected lines of feather sexable chicks within our Feather Sexing Program. We also work on improving sex-link, auto-sexing lines and vent sexing lines. […]

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Vaccination Policy

 MAREK’S VACCINATION Cackle Hatchery® charges a flat fee of $10.00 for a Marek’s vaccination of 1-66 chicks. Anything over 66 chicks to be vaccinated we charge 15 cents a chick. Example 100 chicks to be vaccinated times .15 ea. = $15.00 fee for vaccination. These vaccinations must be given at 1 day of age. There […]

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What’s the Difference Between a Barred Rock and a Dominique?

Barred Rock

A lot of chicken keepers who are unfamiliar with both barred Rocks and Dominiques have trouble telling the difference between them. Once you’ve seen both, though, you’ll have no trouble readily identifying which is which. First let’s get one thing straight: “Barred Rock” is not a breed. The breed is Plymouth Rock. The original color […]

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Geese: They’re More Than Meat and Feathers

Goose Eggs

Goose flesh makes a delightful dinner entrée and the feathers can be used to make a comfortable pillow, but the eggs are yet another reason to raise geese. When we don’t need them for hatching, we use eggs from all our flock – turkey, duck, chicken, goose, guinea and occasionally pheasant. Nothing goes to waste. […]

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How to Trim a Rooster’s Spurs — and How Not To

Rooster Spur

A chicken’s spur is an outgrowth of the leg bone, consisting of soft tissue covered with a protective sheath made of the same tough keratinous material that makes up the chicken’s claws and beak. The spur starts out as a little bony bump. As the chicken matures, the spur grows longer, curves, hardens and develops […]

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The Little Red Hen that Sailed Around the World

Monique hen who sailed world book

Frenchman Guirec Soudée is sailing around the world with a crew of one — a Rhode Island Red hen named Monique. “I knew I wanted to sail alone, for sure, but I wanted a pet. I thought a chicken would be brilliant, because I could have fresh eggs at sea,” Guerec told The Guardian. “I […]

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When Ordering Chicks, How Many Are Enough?

Baby Chicks

Deciding how many chicks to order can be challenging. Often the determining factor comes down to how many you want, versus how many you need, versus how many your local regulations allow you to have.   When starting a laying flock, decide how many eggs you want and size your flock accordingly. As a rough […]

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