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3 Ways to Brood Guinea Fowl and 1 Way Not To

guinea fowl hen with keets

Guinea fowl are fiercely protective parents. Unfortunately they don’t seem to grasp the concept that their little ones can’t move as fast as the big guys. As a result, the keets easily get lost. Further, during their first two weeks of life baby guineas, or keets, chill easily. Trapsing through dew-wet grass while trying to […]

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What is NPIP? National Poultry Improvement Plan

National Poultry Improvement Plan

Cackle Hatchery® and Cackle’s Chicken Breeder Farms are members of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP). But exactly what is NPIP? What is NPIP? The National Poultry Improvement Plan is a nationwide collaboration between state and federal departments of agriculture. Its purpose is to monitor member flocks and hatcheries and certify them as being free […]

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Barred Plymouth Rock Exhibition Type

Barred Rock Exhibition Type Rooster

Barred Plymouth Rock (Exhibition Type) – Sold as Baby Chicks Only

 Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                  Female = 3
                                  Male = 1
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru September
Maximum of 5
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Raising Guinea Fowl

Guinea Fowl

If you raise guinea fowl that you plan to free range, start with keets rather than full-grown birds. Keets become acquainted with their home ground as they broaden their foraging range. Adult guineas, on the other hand, are notorious for flying the coop the first chance they get. By raising guinea fowl from keets you […]

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How Long Does It Take for an Egg to Hatch?

Three different eggs from various species

Precisely how long an egg takes to hatch depends on a lot of factors including species, breed, strain, conditions under which the egg was stored prior to incubation, and conditions during incubation. But whether you plan to hatch eggs in an incubator or under a hen you need a more definitive answer the question: How […]

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5 Bantam Breeds that Tolerate Warm Weather

Silkie Chickens

In addition to the miniature versions of large warm weather chicken breeds, five other bantam breeds also do well when the temperature rises. Of those described below, four of the five bantam breeds that tolerate warm weather are true bantams. Bantam Chickens The history of bantam chickens follows that of the Industrial Revolution. As families […]

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