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Scientists Seek to Turn Chickens into Dinosaurs

Scientists Seek to Turn Chickens into Dinosaurs

Well, just when we thought we’ve heard it all: researchers have claimed that science is getting close to being able to adjust the DNA in a chicken to create a “chickenosaurus” or a chicken-dinosaur. Researchers have announced that they’ve successfully modified the beak area of a chicken embryo so that it looks like a dinosaur’s […]

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Archaeologists Find Possible Origin of Chicken Consumption

Archaeologists Find Possible Origin of Chicken Consumption

Scientists believe humans first started coexisting with chickens thousands of years ago in Southeast Asia and China. For much of that time, however, chickens weren’t used as a common food source. Chicken bones from this early period of human civilization are scattered and sparse, suggesting that they were used in sports and rituals rather than […]

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Why Are My Chickens Laying Soft Eggs?

Chickens Laying Soft Eggs

Imagine you walk out to your chicken coop and find a soft-shelled egg, or even an egg with no shell at all. It would be a pretty disturbing sight, especially if you’ve never seen one before. Besides the fact that these eggs are pretty messy to handle, they could also be an alarm that something […]

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Understanding Your Chickens’ Pecking Order

Understanding Your Chickens’ Pecking Order

If you have chickens in your back yard, you may have begun to notice that they’ve formed their very own clique with certain chickens exhibiting specific behavior and other chickens reacting or reciprocating. Ever wonder why? It’s all about the pecking order! First of all, you should know that your chickens are social creatures, so […]

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Why Are Chickens Getting Bigger?

Why Are Chickens Getting Bigger?

Back in the 1950’s, broiler chickens were, on average, about one fourth the weight of today’s broiler chickens. They’ve gotten bigger, bulkier and meatier. A recent article in the Huffington Post illustrates this point with photographs comparing broiler chickens in 1957, 1978 and 2005. The difference is striking; the broiler chicken from 1957 looks like […]

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5 Accessories to Add to your Chicken Coop

5 Accessories to Add to your Chicken Coop

People take great pride in their DIY chicken coop designs, and rightly so. There are few things more satisfying than stepping back to appraise the fancy new coop you poured weeks of blood, sweat and profanity into. As admirable as this achievement is, however, it’s only the beginning. Now that you’ve built a happy home […]

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Rutgers Outreach Program Brings Chickens to Suburbs in NJ

Rutgers Outreach Program Brings Chickens to Suburbs in NJ

As concerns about the ethical implications of factory farming operations have come to the forefront of society’s consciousness, more and more Americans are becoming interested in producing their own food in order to free themselves from reliance on store-bought alternatives. In an effort to educate suburbanites about the viability of backyard farming operations, Rutgers has […]

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5 Little-Known Facts About Chickens

5 Little-Known Facts About Chickens

Chickens are often taken for granted. They are common features of just about every farm, and we all know that they lay healthy, delicious eggs. But don’t let their unassuming characters fool you. We bet the chicken is a much more interesting character than you think. Chickens see the world in full-color. Unlike many other […]

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Sprouting Fodder for Your Chickens

Sprouting Fodder for Your Chickens

For those of us who raise chickens in temperate climates, the winter is an expensive time of year. Grasses go dormant and many chicken owners are forced to buy extra feed in order to supplement the diets of their birds. Over the course of a few cold months, these feed costs can add up fast. […]

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Integrating New Chickens Into Your Flock

Integrating New Chickens Into Your Flock

For those of us who already have an existing flock of chickens, planning to order more chicks can be a stressful thought, mainly because integrating new chicks into a flock can be a challenge if you don’t know what to do.     Here are some tips to make the integration process as smooth as […]

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