White Phoenix Standard Chicken

White Phoenix
  • White Phoenix – Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       
Shipped Mid Feb thru Mid August
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Free Range New Hampshire Chicken

New Hampshire Rooster Breed
  • Free Range New Hampshires – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3 
                          Female = 3
                          Male = 1    
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       


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Blue Ameraucana Chicken

Blue Ameraucana Chicken
  • Blue Ameraucana – Sold as Baby Chicks Only 
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3 
                          Female = 3
                          Male = 1    
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       

Seasonal/Shipped Early Feb thru Early August.


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Lavender Ameraucana Chicken

Lavender Ameraucana Chicken
  • Lavender Ameraucana – Sold as Baby Chicks Only 
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3 
                          Female = 3
                          Male = 1    
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       

Seasonal/Shipped Mid March thru Early August.

Limit of 15 Femals or Males 

Limit of 15 Not Sexed



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Studies Find Light and Sound Can Affect Chicken Productivity

Studies Find Light and Sound Can Affect Chicken Productivity

Nothing can foul up your day like losing sleep to the persistent beeping of a dying smoke detector. And is there anything more agitating than waking up from a dead sleep with a bright line shining in your eyes? We rely on a good night’s sleep to get the rest and relaxation we need to […]

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Homegrown Chicken Tastes Great Without 11 Herbs and Spices

Homegrown Chicken Tastes Great Without 11 Herbs and Spices

Colonel Sander’s recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken, made with 11 herbs and spices, is no longer a well-kept secret. The original KFC recipe appeared in the Chicago Tribune after being submitted by Colonel Sander’s nephew Joe Ledington. Mr. Ledington found the recipe in a scrapbook belonging to his late Aunt Claudia, the Colonel’s second wife. […]

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How to Remove Dried Mud Caked on a Chicken’s Shanks and Toes

How to Remove Dried Mud Caked on a Chicken's Shanks and Toes

Anyone who has had chickens for more than a few days soon discovers that they will eat or trample all the vegetation growing near their coop, eventually turning lush grass into bare soil. In a rainy climate, or during times of unusually heavy rainfall, the soil can rapidly become a sea of mud in which […]

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Farmers Use Chickens as Alternative to Pesticides

Farmers Use Chickens as Alternative to Pesticides

Chemical pesticides might do a fine job of protecting crops from harmful insects, but they can also have a decidedly negative impact on local ecosystems. In recent years, agriculture experts have become especially concerned about the threat chemical pesticides pose to pollinators such as honey bees. That’s why some farmers have begun searching for other […]

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