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Keeping Chickens in the Garden — Good Idea, or Not?

Keeping Chickens in the Garden — Good Idea, or Not?

Keeping chickens in the garden may be picturesque, but chickens can do a lot of damage in a surprisingly short time, especially to freshly planted seeds or tender sprouts. A couple of chickens roaming in a large garden after the plants mature may do little damage, but in a small or newly planted garden just […]

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Are Polish Chickens Really from Poland?

Polish Chicken

The Polish chicken breed was not developed in Poland, but in the Netherlands. It was originally intended as a layer of white-shell eggs, but the breed is now considered to be primarily ornamental because of its characteristic puffy head feathers, known as a crest or topknot. The reason these chickens are called Polish has been […]

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Rare Breed Spotlight: The Ayam Cemani Chicken

Ayam Cemani

Of all the chickens in the world, the Ayam Cemani is one of the most unusual and interesting breeds. These chickens are instantly recognizable thanks to the pitch-black color that covers them from head to toe. This rare coloration is due to a genetic condition called Fibromelanosis that causes hyperpigmentation in the chickens. In fact, […]

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Why Do Chicken Eggs Come in Different Colors?

Why Do Chicken Eggs Come in Different Colors?

Most eggs sold at the supermarket have white shells. So where do brown eggs and blue eggs come from? The color of the shell is determined by the breed of the hen that laid the egg. Most white eggs sold at the supermarket are laid by Leghorn hens. Many other breeds lay eggs with white […]

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Do Backyard Chickens Attract Flies?

House Fly

Chickens do not attract flies. Filth attracts flies. Backyard chickens are confined to an unnatural environment, and problems arise when that environment lacks proper management. An accumulation of moist droppings provides an ideal place for flies to lay eggs and for the eggs to develop into maggots, which in turn make more flies. Droppings can’t […]

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Why Did My Chicken Stop Laying Eggs?

A hen can stop laying eggs for any number of reasons. At the top of the list is the fall molt. As winter approaches, chickens shed their worn feathers and grow a set of new plumage to better keep them warm through cold weather. During the molt, all hens slow down in production, and some […]

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China Uses Thousands of Chickens to Control Locust Populations

Locust on Leaf

If you’ve been keeping chickens for any length of time, you may have noticed that they love to gobble up insects in your lawn and garden. In fact, chickens have such an appetite for insects that some organic farmers use them as environmentally-friendly alternatives to pesticides. In China, government officials are taking this idea one […]

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How to Make a Dust Bath for Your Chickens

Chicken Taking a Dust Bath

Providing a healthy, hygienic environment for chickens to grow and thrive is a win-win for everyone—your chickens will be happy, and as a result, you will be, too. If you’re looking for effective ways to improve the health and well-being of your flock, you can start by making a dust bath! You may have already […]

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UK-Based Startup Is Turning Chicken Feathers Into Insulation

UK-Based Startup Is Turning Chicken Feathers Into Insulation

According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, there are nearly 19 billion chickens being raised as livestock worldwide. Chickens are the most populous farm animal in the world, and every day they shed thousands of tons of feathers. In some cases, these waste feathers are converted into low-grade animal feed. In others, they’re simply […]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens for Eggs

A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens for Eggs

It’s no secret that farm fresh eggs are tastier and better for baking and cooking than the store bought kind. Raising chickens for their eggs can be a very rewarding endeavor, but there’s a lot of preparation that goes into it. So what do you need to know to get started?     Prep Before […]

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