Ringneck pheasants are traditionally raised to be released as game birds. But people have plenty of other reasons for raising ringneck pheasants. They are also raised for their excellent meat, tasty eggs, gorgeous feathers, or simply for their awesome beauty. Game Bird The ringneck pheasant is a native game bird in China. Since the late […]
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Managing Forage for Free-Range Chickens
Unlike cows and sheep, chickens are not primarily grazers and cannot digest large amounts of tough fiber. Short pasture perennials are therefore more suitable than taller plants as forage for free range chickens. But, like any pasture, forage for chickens must be suitable for the climate and properly managed. Warm Season Forage Among warm-season greens, […]
Continue ReadingRainbow Egger™
12 for $79.20, 24 for $145.20 FREE SHIPPING
Seasonal/Shipped Mid February through June 5th.
Continue ReadingHow to Choose the Best Turkey Breed
Many turkey breeds are available to choose from. Although turkeys are typically considered to be primarily meat birds, some of the heritage varieties have become popular in the showroom. In selecting the best breed for your particular situation, consider three basic criteria. Size Matters A dressed turkey must conveniently fit into your refrigerator while it […]
Continue ReadingBreed Spotlight: Lovely Longtail Chickens
A longtail chicken is one of several breeds selectively bred for growing particularly long tail feathers. The roosters have two specialized genes that allow their tails to grow longer than those of other breeds. One is a nonmolting gene that causes some of their tail feathers to not molt. The other gene produces rapid tail-feather […]
Continue ReadingKeeping Ducks for Eggs
Some breeds of duck have been developed for their outstanding laying habits. Unless this ability is maintained through continued selective breeding, though, the laying potential of the strain will decrease over time. For this reason, not all populations of a particular breed known for laying are equally up to the task. Here are four outstanding […]
Continue ReadingWhat to Do with Wooden and Ceramic Eggs
Wooden and ceramic eggs have lots of uses, ranging from enouraging hens to lay in the nests you provide, to creating stunning home decorations, to keeping kids busy with fun and educational activities. Here are just some of the countless things people do with wooden and ceramic eggs: Nest Eggs A “nest egg” is a […]
Continue ReadingOther Eggcellent Layers
Looking to compare different features of poultry? Look no further. These are some of the breed facts about all of our other poultry including, ducks, guinea fowl, peafowl and turkeys. Click the name of the poultry type to view photos, purchase or learn more about that breed. Click here for a comparison of chicken breeds […]
Continue ReadingPoultry Breed Finder Index Page
STANDARD CHICKEN BREEDS Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Barred Plymouth Rock Exhibition Type Bielefelder Black Ameraucana Black Australorps Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Black Jersey Giants Black Laced Gold Wyandotte Black Laced Red Wyandotte Black Laced Silver Wyandotte Black Sex Link Black Sumatra Blue Ameraucana Blue Cochin […]
Continue ReadingBlack Laced Red Wyandotte or Black Laced Golden Wyandotte?
Black laced red is a relatively new variety of Wyandotte. In appearance the chickens are somewhat similar to black laced golden Wyandottes, which have been standardized as “golden laced Wyandottes” since 1888. To understand the nomenclature, as well as the differences between black laced red and black laced golden Wyandottes, let’s take a brief look […]
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