Chick Starter Kit

Chick Starter Kit

FREE SHIPPING on all supply order totals exceeding $25.00.

Item #BE10

This brooder could take up to 2 weeks to receive. Please order prior to your chicks.


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Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Cooking Chicken

A bunch of pieces of chicken frying in a pan.

Homegrown chicken can be more flavorful than any other kind. But if you make any of the following mistakes, you may end up serving something unpalatable or even unsafe. Avoid these 5 common mistakes when cooking chicken: Thawing Frozen Chicken When you plan to cook frozen chicken, thaw it in the refrigerator for a day […]

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10 Reasons to Keep Bantam Chickens

Old English Bantam chicken sitting on a hand

First, let’s establish that “bantam” is not a specific chicken breed. Rather, the word refers to a collection of breeds that are smaller than the usual egg-and-meat chicken breeds. A typical bantam weighs no more than two pounds, leading practical chicken keepers to wonder, “What’s the point?” Bantams don’t lay exceptionally well, and the eggs […]

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Blackhead in Turkeys Is a Serious Disease

white turkeys outside

Blackhead is a serious disease of turkeys. Histomonas meleagridis protozoa cause the disease, leading to its technical name: histomoniasis. Histomonad protozoa occur in nearly all poultry environments, except where the soil is dry, loose, and sandy. A turkey gets blackhead when histomonads lodge in the bird’s ceca, or blind intestinal pouches. From there they migrate […]

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Why Chickens Lay Eggs with Abnormal Shells

Misshapen Chicken Egg

Many things affect an egg’s shell color, texture, and strength. Among them are improper nutrition, environmental stress, age, and disease. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons why chickens lay eggs with abnormal shells. Poor Nutrition Improper nutrition can cause hens to lay eggs with soft shells or thin shells that crack easily. […]

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