- Bielefelder – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
Not Sexed = 3
Female = 3
Male = 1
Total of 3 birds to ship
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru September
Limit of 49 on Females
Continue ReadingNot Sexed = 3
Female = 3
Male = 1
Total of 3 birds to ship
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru September
Limit of 49 on Females
Continue ReadingFeather sexing is the ability to determine the gender of a newly hatched chick based on the rate of growth of its wing feathers. The trait is sex linked and works only if the chick’s father is of a breed that grows feathers rapidly and its mother is of a breed that grows feathers slowly. […]
Continue ReadingWhen those fuzzy little chicks, ducklings, or goslings arrive in the mail, the first thing you want to do is pick them up and cuddle them. Young children, especially, can’t resist snuggling those cute little fluff balls. The more time you spend with your baby poultry, the friendlier they will become. However, among the important […]
Continue ReadingWhen chickens are allowed to free range, certain breeds fare far better than others, especially in terms of avoiding predators. Ideal characteristics for free ranging chickens include wariness, inconspicuous plumage, acute vision, and foraging ability. Predator Wariness Chicken breeds that are best able to evade predators are the wary, high strung, excitable, so-called […]
Continue ReadingAfter handling poultry or visiting the coop, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, as recommended in “Protect Yourself and Your Family From Germs,” a poster distributed by the Centers for Disease Control. If soap and water are not readily available, the CDC recommends using a hand sanitizer until you are able […]
Continue ReadingNewly hatched poultry come equipped with yolk reserves that provide baby birds with nutrients for many hours after they hatch. It’s nature’s way of allowing the early hatchers to remain in the nest until the whole brood has hatched. Hatchery chicks shipped by mail take advantage of these yolk reserves during the day or two […]
Continue ReadingBaby chicks must have access to clean, fresh water at all times. During the first few days after they hatch, a one-quart waterer will furnish enough water for up to 25 chicks raised in a brooder. An inexpensive watering option is a screw-on plastic base that fits a one-quart narrow mouth jar. Another option is […]
Continue ReadingColonel Sander’s recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken, made with 11 herbs and spices, is no longer a well-kept secret. The original KFC recipe appeared in the Chicago Tribune after being submitted by Colonel Sander’s nephew Joe Ledington. Mr. Ledington found the recipe in a scrapbook belonging to his late Aunt Claudia, the Colonel’s second wife. […]
Continue ReadingAnyone who has had chickens for more than a few days soon discovers that they will eat or trample all the vegetation growing near their coop, eventually turning lush grass into bare soil. In a rainy climate, or during times of unusually heavy rainfall, the soil can rapidly become a sea of mud in which […]
Continue ReadingSeasonal/Shipped Feb thru June.
Your total order requires ANY 3 birds to ship.
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