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Easter Egger Bantam Chickens in the Spotlight

Easter Egger Bantam Chickens

Easter Egger bantam chickens are a smaller version of chickens that originate from a cross between blue-egg laying Ameraucanas and breeds that lay eggs with brown shells. The result is a breeding population of chickens with a variety of conformations and plumage colors, and that lay eggs with a wide range of shell colors. Physical […]

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Crossbeak in Chickens

A chicken with crossbeak

A chicken’s beak is an important tool for gathering food, drinking water, and exploring and manipulating objects in the environment. A chicken also uses its beak for preening, nest building, and engaging in social interactions. But occasionally a chick hatches with, or later develops, a deformity known as crossbeak. Also called crossed beak or scissors […]

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What You Can Learn from a Chicken’s APA Class

A mixed flock of chickens in a backyard

For exhibition purposes, large chicken breeds recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA) are organized into six classes. Most of the classes represent the geographic region where the breeds originated or were developed. Knowing a chicken’s APA class lets you infer a number of things about the breed, including temperament, laying ability, climate tolerance, and […]

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12 Black Chicken Breeds

Australorp Hen sitting in the grass

The definition of black chicken breeds depends on who’s talking. The term might refer to a breed that’s truly all black — feathers, comb and wattles, beak, shanks and feet, skin, and even bones. But some chicken breeds with black skin and other body parts have varieties with alternative plumage colors besides black. Many chickens […]

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10 Chicken Breeds with Beards

A Bearded Polish chicken

Chicken breeds with beards came about as a genetic mutation. Chicken keepers liked the appearance, and so they continued to breed more of the same. Other than the cuteness factor, scientists have yet to find any significant advantage or disadvantage to a beard on a chicken. A beard appears as elongated feathers growing beneath a […]

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Chicken Breed Abbreviations


Chicken keepers often use abbreviations and assume their listeners know what they mean. Here are some of the more common chicken breed abbreviations, along with abbreviations for variety features and those used for show that may be puzzling when you see them in poultry publications, forums, and websites. Note that abbreviations may be combined to […]

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Shredder Gene in Lavender Chickens

A few chickens inflicted with the shredder gene

“The shredder gene in lavender chickens causes the feathers to split and the barbs to detach, resulting in rough looking feather development,” explains Jeff Smith of Cackle Hatchery®. Lavender, also known as self blue, is a plumage color resulting from an autosomal recessive gene. Let’s explore how it works. Lavender vs. Blue The lavender gene […]

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At What Age Do Hens Start Laying Eggs?

chick surrounded by eggs in nest

Although the age at which hens start laying eggs depends on many factors, the ultimate factor is the breed. Some breeds mature fast and start laying as early as 4 months of age, while others mature more slowly and start laying much later. Below are just a few of the many chicken breeds, along with […]

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F2 Olive Egger

F2 Olive Egger

Cackle Hatchery use’s our F1 Olive Egger hens and we cross it back with a mix of males of the Black Tailed Red Marans, Black Ameraucana and Cream Legbar. This cross will produce eggs that hatch into chicks and grow up to lay eggs that will produce a wide variety of olive egger shades and […]

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