Blue Egger Female Surplus

(49 customer reviews)

As low as: $12.99

Hatching on August 6, 2025

Order now for estimated delivery by August 9, 2025.

  • Blue Egger Female Surplus – Sold As Baby Chicks Only

Seasonal/Shipped February thru Early August


Blue Egger Female Surplus – Includes at least 2 of the following breeds: Cream Legbar, Black Ameraucana, Blue Ameraucana, Lavender Ameraucana, White Ameraucana or Splash Ameraucana.

We will try to give as much as a variety as we can but no guarantee of an assortment.

For a list of the best blue egg layers visit Cackle Hatchery’s Best Blue Egg Layers Blog.

Inherent to the Ameraucana breed is a genetic beak issue. One out of 100 chicks may have cross beak in some degree of severity. Cross beak is the same condition as scissor beak. In this condition the top and bottom beak do not align. And it normally gets worse as the chick grows. You can find more information about this issue on our Cackle Hatchery blog. Numerous articles about cross beak are also on the internet.

A small percent may produce a light green color egg and we are aware of this and working on it.

“Sorry we do not tell you what color type or breed we sent with this package and we do not keep records of what breeds are sent.”


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49 reviews for Blue Egger Female Surplus

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  1. JS

    Jill Smith (verified owner)

    Love these birds! I ordered 5 blue egger female surprise, crossing my fingers I would get all Ameraucana, and I did! I was sent 6 altogether, 2 splash, 2 blue and 2 black. The extra splash ended up being a rooster, but it worked out because I lost my blue Amercaucana boy a few months later. He is a great rooster, just like my blue was, protective of the girls, but fine with people. This little flock has been a joy to watch. They are such beautiful birds, honestly, more beautiful than the Ameraucanas I had from a breeder. One of the blacks just started laying at 7.5 months and her eggs are a really beautiful, vibrant blue. I am so pleased with these birds, and am very excited to see that Cackle will be offering more Ameraucana colors in 2025!

  2. DS

    Dan Shelden (verified owner)

    Nice healthy birds. Black, Blue and spash Ameraucanas represented. Just starting to lay very small pullet eggs at 30 plus weeks. Will try to come back and update when laying is established.

  3. JP

    Jeff Pacotti (verified owner)

    Ordered 5 in January of 2024 and received 6, 3 blues and 3 blacks. I really wanted a splash but I guess that means I’ll just have to order again! Anyway, 6 fabulous females that lay a beautiful blue egg. They are fantastic specimens of the breed and meet the APA standards for showing. Very healthy and robust birds but all the chickens I’ve gotten from Cackle over the years have been fabulous! Would definitely recommend.

  4. DS

    Danielle Stowe (verified owner)

    I ordered 15 blue egger surplus chicks. I received a variety of white, black, and lavendar Ameraucanas and 2 Legbars. There was an extra chick in my order and only 1 ended up being a rooster. All of my chicks arrived healthy and grew into absolutely beautiful birds. I am extremely pleased with my purchase.

  5. TR

    Theo Running (verified owner)

    This surplus is my favorite thing to get from Cackle. Every time I’ve gotten it, it’s been mostly Ameraucanas – TRUE Ameraucanas – in Blue, Splash, Black, Lavender, and White – and usually a couple of Cream Legbars thrown in. The personalities and quality of the birds is phenomenal. If you are looking mostly for Ameraucanas and don’t mind the colors you get, this is the assortment for you. Cackle please keep this assortment available forever and I’ll keep buying it forever!

  6. PK

    Peter Knoop (verified owner)

    Cute lil’ girls! They are hard workers, too, each laying an egg daily. I love having a variety of egg colors, it’s just that much more fun to treat neighbors and friends to a carton of white, blue, brown, spotted, etc. eggs!

  7. MC

    Marissa Clark (verified owner)

    Love the Blue egger females! Beautiful chickens and they lay the most beautiful eggs!

  8. LS

    Lindsey Scott (verified owner)

    Ordered 6 female chicks in February 2024, they arrived at my PO on March 11th as expected. I only live one hour from Cackle. All chicks were happy and healthy. One ended up being a roo, but that was okay with me. It is now September 27th, and only two of the five hens are laying. Eggs are light blue and smaller, but they just started laying. I am happy with my order and will order again in the future.

  9. OG

    Olga Glinka (verified owner)

    Ordered 5 chicks. Received 6. Now they are 6 months old and started laying blue eggs. All my girls are healthy and super nice and friendly. Gorgeous birds!

  10. OG

    Olga Glinka (verified owner)

    Ordered 5 chicks. Received 6. Now they are 6 months old and started laying gorgeous blue eggs. All my girls are healthy and super nice and friendly. Gorgeous birds!

  11. AB

    Alexa Buckman (verified owner)

    We ordered 5 mystery chicks. We got 1 black, 2 lavender, and 3 cream legbars. We had a cream legbar and a lavendar chick die on Day 2, but the rest thrived and are now all laying small blue eggs! My black ameraucana is the most friendly chicken I have ever had, she loves to sit in your lap and just be cuddled. The cream legbars are a breed I never considered buying before, but they are very friendly as well! They look like little roadrunners. The lavendar ameraucana is also friendly and so so fluffy. I do wish the eggs were a little bigger, but that may come in time. This is a great deal if you want so blue egger females!

  12. MD

    Melissa Davis (verified owner)

    We bought these in the spring (2024), and they have grown out beautifully! The chicks were healthy when we picked them up, and we have not had any problems. We love Cackle for all of our chick purchases!!!

  13. AC

    Amanda Cockerham (verified owner)

    Got a batch of these girls this spring and they were all great! Got mostly Ameraucanas in assorted colors (blue, black, splash, lavender) and two Cream Legbars. They haven’t started laying yet but I’m looking forward to it.

  14. W

    waggonerka1 (verified owner)

    Received 10 Surplus Blue Egg laying females beginning of April ’24. All were girls, no accidental roosters and all survived, even the runt whom yes we call “Runt.” They are all Ameraucanas and look to be Black and Blue varieties. I was very happy as I love this breed. Very pretty, smart, and sweet girls. Good foragers and they are very good at watching out for themselves. They just passed 26 weeks old and are starting to lay the prettiest little light blue eggs.

  15. RS

    Ruslana Sabbagh (verified owner)

    Fantastic selection of birds. I bought 10 chicks, out of those ended up with 8 different color Americuanas and 2 cream legbars, they are beyond adorable. Very good mix of colors. Didn’t have any losses. Very happy with the purchase, great choice for those who cannot make up their mind.

  16. T

    tonya-0511 (verified owner)

    Never have I seen such lively chicks! My 5 blue assortment had one extra. I received 2 splash, 2 lavendar, 1 blue and 1 black. All Ameraucana. Was hoping for a white but I love what I got!!!

  17. S

    sharenhod (verified owner)

    Ordered these as a last minute order on May 24, 2023. Received early morning May 26. 6 healthy cheepy chicks! 2 blacks- 1 turned out to be a roo. 2 blues -1 light, one dark, so I could tell them apart🙂, 1 white, 1 lavender. The lavender’s eggs are a little greenish like they said they would be, but she laid first (at 26 weeks) and most consistently . All of them are very nice girls. I ordered some splash and more blues this year. Very happy! Thanks Cackle Hatchery 🙂

  18. SA

    Sara Austin (verified owner)

    Arrived August 2023. All babies were healthy and got an awesome variety! Two black Ameraucanas, one lavender, one blue, and one CCL. A black Ameraucana ended up being a rooster, but that’s the risk you take with the sexing rates. Going to keep him because of his lovely temperament.

  19. J

    jpztz8 (verified owner)

    Ordered the “Blue Egger” special along with a few other varieties. At least one Rooster in the Blue Egger bunch (a couple died). Two out of three Buff Orpington were roosters. Almost all of the “Top Hat” special were roosters (these were sold not sexed, so it is what it is, but still disappointing). Initially I was able to communicate with them about the sexing guarantee. When I eventually sent pics of the roosters I could not get a response. I’ve sent 3-4 emails at this point with no response.

  20. LM

    Leslie Mather (verified owner)

    We ordered the female blue layer surplus, and I was very pleased with the variety. I got 1 each Black, blue, lavender, and splash americaunas, and a cream legbar. We live close enough we go pick them up, because I don’t trust the postal service with live animals. We have never lost a chick, they’re always very healthy. They started laying at 6 months.

  21. V

    villyfarms (verified owner)

    I’m a little disappointed in my order of 10 Blue Egger Females. Their descriptions states you will get at least 2 different types of chicks and that is what I got. From reading other reviews, people have received a much larger variety with a smaller order. My order came with 8 Black Americaunas and 2 Cream Legbars. As soon, I got them I can already tell there is one male Cream Legbar, leaving me with one female. They are nice looking chicks and I LOVE Cackle Hatchery, just be aware that even if you place a larger order you may only get two different kinds of birds.

  22. T

    tang__17 (verified owner)

    I was pleasantly surprised!!

    Back in April 2023, I placed an order for Black Americaunas, Bielefelders, and Buff Brahma chicks. Just for fun, I added this to my order to see what I would get and I loved the assortment. Now that they’re older, I believe I have positively identified them as a mixture of Blue, Lavender, and black Ameraucanas, a white Ameraucana I named Pearl, a couple of Cream Legbars, and what I think is a Barred Rock hen I named Raven. Raven is so sweet. She jumps into my lap and loved to be petted. I’ve tried other hatcheries before, but Cackcle Hatchery has reigned superior in both what they sell and their customer service.

  23. S

    stealiebear86 (verified owner)

    Ordered 5 blue egger female surplus along with 5 French Maran female surplus, some olive eggers and brown leghorns for a total of 30 chicks for a hatch/ship date of 2/22. Received 33 chicks, 1 extra blue egger, extra maran and an extra leghorn. For the surplus chicks, there was a surprising variety, especially since Cackle only guarantees 2 different breeds in surplus. I received 1 blue Ameraucana, 1 splash, 2 lavender, and 2 cream legbars. Sadly, we lost 1 cream legbar the morning after arrival, failure to thrive despite my best efforts and following the hatcheries recommendations. The rest are doing great and are almost 5 weeks old and practically fully feathered already!

  24. RC

    Rachael Chandler (verified owner)

    I got my Blue Egger surprise box a few days ago and all the little chicks arrived healthy and whole. I am never disappointed by Cackle Hatchery.

  25. KA

    Keith Acquard (verified owner)

    I ordered 5 of the this surplus, 5 Silkie Bantam special, 5 Dark Brown Egg Female Surplus. Received 17 chicks, one was listless upon arrival, the rest were fairly active. I followed the info in the pamphlet. Unfortunately, another one became listless. I was able to get them to drink. They didn’t make it, the trip must have been too much for them. I sill have 15 very active chicks. I cant wait to see what breeds I have been given. Thank you Cackle Hatchery.

  26. M

    meagalina (verified owner)

    I’m very happy with the Blue Egger Surplus girls I got! I got 4 blue Ameraucana and a Cream Legbar. For me that’s perfect! I was kind hoping for a black Ameraucana, but I’m totally stoked because blue chickens are my personal favorite! I’ve never had CLBs do I’m excited to see what she’ll be like! If you want better variety, it’s probably better to order earlier in the year.

    Note: I wasn’t expecting my order until tomorrow am, but I checked the tracking and ended up realizing that they left Nashville at 7 am and we’re sitting at a bigger post office about 45 mins from my home. They weren’t going to deliver them to my local post office until tomorrow morning! So I drove there to get them and everyone was still healthy. So my advice is BE PROACTIVE! Don’t expect the USPS to care at all, check the tracking, call ahead, ur in the work and chances are you’ll have a 100% success rate!

  27. MC

    Molly Courtney (verified owner)

    Loved this assortment! I ordered 5 and received 1 black, 1 blue, 1 lavender, and 1 splash ameraucana and 2 cream legbar! I’ve had them for almost a year. My black ameraucana went broody and hatched some chicks for me. This is just for my back yard flock and colorful egg basket. I am very pleased!

  28. LK

    Lauae Kaleikau (verified owner)

    Great mix – at 1 week appears to be 3 Lavender (possible splash – one possible Roo), 1 Blue, 1 Black, 1 Cream Legbar (cream is a bit weak and smaller than others, I’m pulling for her!). Excited to see what eggs come of this, and if one of the Lav’s ends up as a Roo. Very happy with the mix, Black is already named Maleficent!

  29. S

    stickyfrog (verified owner)

    I order 3 barred rocks and 5 blue eggers. Received 10 chicks total with only one that didn’t make it. Of the nine remaining it looks like there are at least two lavenders in there. Very impressed with the shipping and selection so far.

  30. EG

    Erica Graham (verified owner)

    I’ve only ordered from cackle twice. The first time was lavender ameraucanas and I think I received a few extra. This time I didn’t receive 3 light brahmas that I ordered and it was even marked on the packing slip. They had a next day 50% off sale and light brahmas were on the list so I’m not sure what happened. Two of my blue surplus were dead on arrival but they sent one extra. They are making it right and are shipping a replacement order that will have the brahmas and blue surplus egger. Since then we’ve lost two more blue eggers maybe of the blue or splash variety. Hard to really say but based on what someone else said I’m concerned about the quality. The two additional we lost were not feathering and were runty compared to the others. They are being raised in the same environment as the others so I don’t think it’s my setup. We are 5 days in and there was a noticeable size difference. I would order again but cautiously since these were almost $10 a piece.

  31. EG

    Erica Graham (verified owner)

    I’ve only ordered from cackle twice. The first time was lavender ameraucanas and I think I received a few extra. This time I didn’t revive 3 light brahmas that I ordered and it was even marked on the packing slip. They had a next day 50% off sale and light brahmas were on the list so I’m not sure what happened. Two of my blue surplus were dead on arrival but they sent one extra. They are making it right and are shipping a replacement order that will have the brahmas and blue surplus egger. Since then we’ve lost two more blue eggers maybe of the blue or splash variety. Hard to really say but based on what someone else said I’m concerned about the quality. The two additional we lost were not feathering and were runty compared to the others. We are 5 days in and there was a noticeable size difference. I would order again but cautiously since these were almost $10 a piece.

  32. ZB

    Zoe Burke (verified owner)

    Ordered 15 in March of 2021. They sent extras and we only ended up with one rooster! My two favorite birds came
    from this shipment. A hen I call Ethel, and my big handsome Roo-boy Bruce. Very friendly birds who are excellent free rangers plus they lay beautiful blue eggs. I adore them! Thank you Cackle!

  33. MP

    Matt Phillips (verified owner)

    Really happy with my purchase, I received 6 birds all are doing well. 1 Cream Legbar, 1black Ameraucana, 1 blue Ameraucana, 1 white Ameraucana, 2 lavender Ameraucanas

  34. LK

    Laura Kremer (verified owner)

    WOW. Just wow! Ordered 5, recieved: 1 Legbar, 1 Black Ameraucana, 1 Lavendar Ameraucana, 1 Splash Ameraucana, 1 Blue Ameraucana. Unicorn order right threre!! Bravo SUE for taking the care & time to pack an incredible order! Air high five, Sue!

  35. J

    Jason (verified owner)

    I gotta say this has been a awesome package to buy. I ordered 15 and got 16. Got 4 creamed legbars, 4 splash, 2 black and 6 blue or lavender. All arrived healthy and nice and fluffy. I could t be happier. Now maybe I can order another set of 15 to add to my flock of 80, I mean what’s 15 more? BTW Cackle for the win!!

  36. BB

    Brandi Brower

    Ordered 5, got 6 chicks. 2 Blacks, 2 Splashes (1 looks like a lavender?), and 2 CCL. I still have one of each breed but no eggs yet. I’m excited about blue eggs!

  37. BK

    Brewster King

    I’m not sure why people are complaining about variety because it states on the page you are not guaranteed a variety. If you don’t want to take a chance pay full price under each breed. As for recieving cheaper chicks they all are 20 bucks for each sexed breed. Also buy theres are what they have extra from each hatch HINTS why the discount.

  38. C



    I ordered 22 chicks (20 females, 2 males)on 03/07/20 and received 30 on 03/17. I ordered 3 austrawhites, 3 brown leghorns, 3 delawares, 3 new hampshires, 3 white rocks, 5 blue layer assortment, 1 dominique cockerel, and 1 Delaware cockerel. I accept that chick sexing is not 100%. I CAN’T except that receiving EIGHT (8) cockerels was an accident, especially when one is an autosexing breed, cream legbar! I don’t have a claim for not receiving what I ordered as the cockerels were part of the bonus extras. I sell eggs. I don’t butcher – only cull when necessary. I maintain a few roosters for flock management, breeding and predator assistance. This was my 3rd order from Cackle and there have been issued with all but this was the worst. I think this will be my last. Being a dumping ground for roosters is unacceptable! I received brown leghorn rooster, cream legbar rooster (autosexing), 2 delaware roosters, 2 dominique roosters, new hampshire rooster and white rock rooster. For those interested in this assortment, I also received the following females: 2 cream legbars, black ameraucana, blue ameraucana and splash ameraucana in addition to the cream legbars roosters. One of the cream legbar females is much weaker and very light colored.

  39. FG

    Fort Gates Farms

    Great Selection, Beautiful Chicks!

    My chicks came in today, and I could not be happier with the selection and quality of breed. I got a few of each and they are all happy and healthy. Thank you so much Cackle Hatchery!

  40. VK

    Vegas Kid

    Happy, Healthy, True Ameraucanas

    I ordered 5 but received 6 birds. While I was a bit disappointed with the color variety- 5 blacks and 1 blue- I can’t argue with the value and quality. No obvious roos at 5 weeks, although a couple are suspect. Beautiful, true Ameraucanas regardless, thanks! I’ll definitely be coming back when it’s time to grow my flock.

  41. Y


    The good and the less so

    We received our order and all were healthy. They called a couple of weeks after I placed my order, and said they wouldn’t have enough Americanas available to fill the assorted blue egger order even though I had placed our order in early January. I asked several questions as to why when my order was in so early. They put me on hold and then came back and said they guessed they could make it work? Well, I got two Americaunas and the rest I’m guessing are cream legbars. What a bummer and a little suspicious. They are definitely a cheaper bird, so I guess it benefited them? If I hadn’t received that call, I would just be bummed.

  42. T


    Very happy with the chicks

    Very happy with the chicks. All were healthy and it looks like I got a variety!

  43. J


    5 blue egger hens

    I received 1 splash, 2 blue and 2 black Ameruacana pullets. They are healthy beautiful hens. This was such a great deal. It was fun to see what would be sent. gorgeous blue eggers. THANK YOU CACKLE!!!

  44. L


    Blue egg layer surplus

    I ordered 10 and I got 2 blue, 2 lavender, 2black, 2 white,and 2 slash ameraucanas. Wow gorgeous birds. All but 1 are hens. Great job. And the one rooster is a splash. So excited about that. I love this Hatchery!!!!!

  45. F


    Not blue eggers, Easter eggers

    Ordered this batch of blue eggers in late Spring, early summer. Received what appeared to be 4 black Ameraucanas and 1 blue and 1 splash. 1 was a runt and growth was stunted, died around 8-10 weeks. Started laying this fall and none lay blue eggs. Not happy with my purchase.

  46. C


    Good way to get a few blue egg layers

    We got this set because it was the most economical way to get a few blue egg layers. The hatchery gave us a nice mix plus one extra. 2 black americaunas, 1 blue, 1 lavender, 1 splash and 1 cream leg bar. There ended up being a couple roosters but it does state that the sexing isn’t exact. They are healthy and beautiful chickens. The americaunas were a little flighty at first and I wasn’t sure I was going to like them as much as the Plymouth Rock chickens that we had before but they have turned out to be really friendly. They come to me when I come outside and jump on my lap. They like to have the beards touched, even the roosters seem to like it. They are free range and seem to be doing great.

  47. E


    Beautiful birds

    I received three blacks( the form said they were blue, but it’s great either way) and two splashes and I love them all! They are almost three months now and enjoying their new coop and run. No matter what colors you get, I can guarantee you’ll love their fluffy faces and sweet disposition.

  48. B


    Love my chicks

    I received 7 chicks and ordered 5. I wanted 4 chicks originally but I will keep them all. They are about 10 weeks now and none appear to be cockerels so I’m very happy with that. I got 5 blacks, 1 white, and one cream leg bar (my fave, don’t tell the others). They arrived on time and alive and peeping. Can’t wait for them to start laying blue eggs.

  49. MV

    Mt view ranch

    So happy

    Got my order in the mail today I got a splash, blue, and 3 blacks thank you so much! Love the surprise. Also got 25 other chicks all doing great thanks for marking the different breeds I would have never been able to tell the difference between the OE and the Sussex.

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