Cackle Hatchery® offers several varieties of the miniature Phoenix breed, including the Black Breasted Red Phoenix Bantam. Originally developed from the Onagador Japanese breed, this chicken has long tails, a red saddle, and a beautiful black breast. If you are looking for a visually stunning chicken, there are few better choices than the Black Breasted Red Phoenix Bantam. They will start to lay at 4 months and lay a large quantity of eggs per year. Keep in mind that we also offer the standard version of this breed if you want a larger chicken. We have this variety available as baby chicks, so place your order today. For more information about this breed, please contact the Cackle Hatchery® team.
Many people who like this breed of chicken also like the standard version of the breed, the Black Breasted Phoenix Chicken.
Also may like Phoenix Bantam Special.
bsearles51475 –
I love my Black Breasted Red Phoenix. I have 1 male that is absolutely gorgeous and 2 females. They are so sweet. So very satisfied with them.