Chicken Terms/Definitions/Phrases

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z – A – Addled A rotten or otherwise inedible egg. Or an egg in which the embryo died during early incubation. Age of lay The age at which a […]

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Chick Care Instructions : A Guide to the Care of Baby Chicks

Download or Print Cackle Hatchery’s Guide to the Care of Baby Chicks (Pamphlet) Download of Print “The Care of Baby Chicks” eBook Cackle’s Safe Handling of Poultry Poster  (Salmonella Safety) Table of Contents Arrival First Day Instructions Heating Feed Water Special Situations After the Chicks Arrive Litter Picking After 4 Weeks Baby Turkeys & Peafowl […]

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Weekly Special Female Jubilee Orpingtons

Jubilee Orpington

Weekly Special Female Jubilee Orpingtons –  Sold as Baby Chicks Only

Any other orders other than weekly specials needs to be a separate order. These specials can end at any time and are constantly changing throughout the season.

Minimum of 3.

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Which Chicken Breeds Make the Best Broody Hens?

Broody Hen

Some chicken breeds make great broody hens. Others are iffy. Still others are completely unreliable. And some never go broody at all. What does broody mean and why does it matter? Broodiness, in a nutshell, is maternal instinct. After a hen has accumulated a nestful of eggs, maternal instinct tells her to keep the eggs […]

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What Is a Bantam Chicken?


A bantam is a small chicken, about one-fourth to one-fifth as big as a standard-size chicken, generally weighing no more than 2 pounds. The popularity of bantams, affectionately known as banties, began as families moved from farms into suburban areas, and escalated from there. People who enjoy keeping bantams find that they require little backyard […]

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What Causes a Duck to Limp and Go Lame?


A duck’s legs and feet are made for flying and swimming, not walking. Ducks have structurally weak legs, and the most common affliction of ducks is lameness. A duck may start to limp and eventually go lame for any number of reasons.     Injury Ducklings brooded on wire can get a tiny hock caught […]

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Jubilee Orpington Chicken

Jubilee Orpington Chicken
  • Jubilee Orpington Chicken – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3 
                          Female = 3
                          Male = 1    
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       

Shipped Early March thru Mid August

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Best Chicken Breeds for Free Range

Best Chicken Breeds for Free Range

When chickens are allowed to free range, certain breeds fare far better than others, especially in terms of avoiding predators. Ideal characteristics for free ranging chickens include wariness, inconspicuous plumage, acute vision, and foraging ability.     Predator Wariness Chicken breeds that are best able to evade predators are the wary, high strung, excitable, so-called […]

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Weekly Special Standard Old English Surplus

Standard Old English Surplus Chicks

Weekly Special Standard Old English Surplus – Sold As Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available

Weekly specials can be shipped together. Any other orders other than weekly specials needs to be a separate order.

Must ship within the next two weeks.

Item# WS1242

Minimum of 5

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Why Does a Rooster Have a Comb?

Why Does a Rooster Have a Comb?

One of the most outstanding features of a rooster is his comb — that fleshy crownlike protrusion on top of a chicken’s head. So why do roosters have such ornate combs? At about 3 to 8 weeks of age, depending on the breed, baby chicks start developing reddened combs. A cockerel’s comb will gradually become […]

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