Chick Care Instructions : A Guide to the Care of Baby Chicks

Download or Print Cackle Hatchery’s Guide to the Care of Baby Chicks (Pamphlet) Download of Print “The Care of Baby Chicks” eBook Cackle’s Safe Handling of Poultry Poster  (Salmonella Safety) Table of Contents Arrival First Day Instructions Heating Feed Water Special Situations After the Chicks Arrive Litter Picking After 4 Weeks Baby Turkeys & Peafowl […]

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Green Goose: The Cook’s View of the Goose Tribe

Roasted Goose

By: Victoria Brady   While some undoubtedly keep geese as pets or raise them just to sell, country folk and homesteaders often raise them for the table. This has not changed since the beginning of Goosedom. The noble turkey springs to mind when thinking of a special occasion meal but, while less common, the […]

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Got Chicks®! Now What? 8 Chicken Facts That Surprise First Time Owners

Got Chicks

So, you finally did it. You went out and got chicks®. Now what? Here are eight facts about baby chicks that commonly surprise first time owners. Brooding baby poultry of any type generates a lot of fine dust, so locate your brooder where dust won’t be a problem. Your living room or guest room, for […]

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When is Chick Season®?

Chick Season baby chicken

Chick season® for most birds is in the spring. Poultry, like other birds, gear up for laying eggs and hatching them as the days start growing longer in spring. Also like other birds, most poultry are seasonal breeders.   The length of the breeding season depends largely on the type of poultry. Chickens and other […]

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Selecting the Best Chicken Egg Incubator

baby chicks in Incubator

Sooner or later nearly every poultry keeper will want to try hatching eggs in a mechanical device known as an incubator. With the huge number of different egg incubators now available, selecting a model can be daunting. In choosing the best model to fit your needs, consider each of these features:     Price First […]

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