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Chicken Coop Draft or Good Ventilation?

two chickens with text stating "good ventilation reduces heat stress"

Good ventilation in a chicken coop brings in fresh air without causing drafty conditions. Ventilation is important for many reasons. So, too, is avoiding drafts. Today we’ll explore the importance of coop ventilation, as well as how to determine whether your coop is too drafty or well ventilated. Reasons for Good Ventilation A chicken coop […]

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6 Forms of Cannibalism in Chickens

young chick

Cannibalism is the disagreeable habit chickens have of pecking one another until they draw blood. And then pecking some more. Chickens may engage in any one of six forms of cannibalism, varying by age and gender. Toe Picking — Chicks Toe picking is a common problem among chicks. It can occur in a brooder where […]

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Why a Chicken Goes Blind

hen's eye

Blindness is not a common condition among chickens. But when it does occur, it can be disconcerting for both the chicken and the human handler. Aside from injury resulting from a poke in the eye, here are three main reasons why a chicken goes blind. Marek’s Disease Marek’s disease is a cancer in chickens caused […]

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The Best Number of Chickens for Your Flock

flock of chickens outside

The best number of chickens for your backyard flock relates to both your goal in having chickens and the type of environment you can provide. Here are four ways to determine the best number of chickens for your flock. Local Regulations First find out how many chickens you can legally have. Local regulations, such as […]

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How Many Chickens Make a Flock?

flock of chickens

Everyone uses the word “flock” when referring to chickens. But what is a flock? And how many chickens make a flock? Definition of Flock According to Merriam-Webster, a flock is a group of animals (such as birds or sheep) assembled or herded together. The dictionary that came on my computer further refines the definition as […]

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Why Chickens Lay Eggs with Abnormal Shells

Misshapen Chicken Egg

Many things affect an egg’s shell color, texture, and strength. Among them are improper nutrition, environmental stress, age, and disease. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons why chickens lay eggs with abnormal shells. Poor Nutrition Improper nutrition can cause hens to lay eggs with soft shells or thin shells that crack easily. […]

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The Earlier Years – Cackle’s Annual Chicken Festival

For many years, Cackle Hatchery has held “Cackle’s Annual Chicken Festival” packed with events such as the Hard Boiled Egg Eating Contest, the Chicken or Poultry Costume Contest and a Clucking, Cackling or Crowing Contest! Our last festival was 2019 and those 3 contests were featured, and we plan to continue on with these fun […]

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Why Chickens and Wild Birds Shouldn’t Mix

black bird in tree

Chickens and other poultry are birds, right? So logically you’d think it wouldn’t be a problem for your flock to mingle with wild birds. But here are three reasons why chickens and wild birds shouldn’t mix. Fowl Mites The northern fowl mite (Ornithonyssus sylviarum) is the most serious external parasite of chickens. It is the […]

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4 Functions of a Chicken Egg’s Bloom

brown eggs in nest

The final step of an egg’s formation inside a hen is the application of an invisible coating. We chicken keepers call it bloom, but technically it’s the cuticle. Bloom consists primarily of 80 to 95% proteins. It also contains polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates that dissolve into simple sugars) and lipids (insoluble oily or greasy compounds). Lubrication […]

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The Where, What, When, Why & How of Chickens

Where do chickens come from? Chickens are descendants of wild jungle fowl, which were domesticated thousands of years ago.   Where are chickens native to? No one is really certain where chickens originated. Evidence indicates that chickens most likely originated in southern China or northern India.   Chicken Characteristics   Are chickens birds? Yes. Chickens […]

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