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What to Do with Wooden and Ceramic Eggs

What to Do with Wooden and Ceramic Eggs

Wooden and ceramic eggs have lots of uses, ranging from enouraging hens to lay in the nests you provide, to creating stunning home decorations, to keeping kids busy with fun and educational activities. Here are just some of the countless things people do with wooden and ceramic eggs: Nest Eggs A “nest egg” is a […]

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No Guarantees When Ordering Hatching Eggs by Mail

Eggs that are sold specifically for hatching are called, fittingly enough, hatching eggs. They cost more than eating eggs but come with no guarantee they will hatch. Too many variables are not under the seller’s control. Even eggs laid by your own hens, or otherwise sourced locally, are not guaranteed to hatch. But when hatching […]

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Tips for Hatching Chicken Eggs in an Incubator

Starting a backyard flock with a small incubator and some hatching eggs can be fun and educational. How successful you are at hatching chicken eggs in an incubator will depend on a number of factors, some of which are out of your control — such as the inherent degree of difficulty in hatching eggs from […]

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How the Eggs of Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, and Geese Compare

When we refer to eggs, we’re usually thinking of chicken eggs. But other types of poultry lay eggs that are just as tasty.   Every egg contains a yolk surrounded by albumen, encased in membranes, and protected by a thick shell. Differences occur in how these parts are put together. Let’s see how the eggs […]

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Gathering Goose Eggs — If You Can Find Them

Freshly Laid Goose Eggs

Geese are not particularly prolific layers, as poultry go. The top producers might lay about four dozen eggs per year, which gives goose eggs their high value.   The large white eggs are most often hatched to raise goslings for holiday roast goose. The eggs are also prized for creating craft items such as decorative […]

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