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Do You Need a Rooster in Your Roost?

Do You Need a Rooster in Your Roost?

Wondering if you need to add a rooster to your backyard coop? The short answer is no, you don’t need to add a rooster into the mix to keep your hens occupied or to keep enjoying those tasty backyard eggs. But, there are some benefits that you’ll enjoy with a rooster that you might be […]

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Is Free Ranging Really Right for your Flock?

Is Free Ranging Really Right for your Flock?

As you decide on the best way to raise your chickens, it’s important to get some things straight about free range. The first thing you should know is that the USDA defines “free range” as chickens that have been “allowed access to the outside.”   This is a pretty loose definition, and basically means that […]

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Cuckoo Standard Old English

Cuckoo Old English Game Fowl Standard Chicken Rooster
  • Cuckoo Standard Old English – Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       
Seasonal/Shipped Early Feb thru Mid August.
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What is Broodiness and Why Does it Matter to Farmers

What is Broodiness and Why Does it Matter to Farmers

Birds (chickens, in particular) are very social creatures. They exhibit behaviors deeply engrained in their genetic code that maintain social order and promote the propagation of their species. One such behavior is broodiness, or the tendency for birds to sit on clutches of eggs to incubate them after they’ve been laid. This might be beneficial […]

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6 Great Reasons to Raise Guinea Fowl

6 Great Reasons to Raise Guinea Fowl

Are you thinking about raising guinea fowl in your backyard? Here are six reasons why we think guinea fowl would make a great addition to your backyard family. Tick Control Guineas are like miniature tick hunters. They’ll scour your yard for those tiny, disease-carrying ticks and get rid of them before they land on your children […]

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5 Little-Known Facts About Chickens

5 Little-Known Facts About Chickens

Chickens are often taken for granted. They are common features of just about every farm, and we all know that they lay healthy, delicious eggs. But don’t let their unassuming characters fool you. We bet the chicken is a much more interesting character than you think. Chickens see the world in full-color. Unlike many other […]

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