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Keeping Ducks and Geese Together

Ducks and Geese

Ducks and geese get along well and may be kept together in the same area. Since most domestic duck breeds don’t fly well or at all, and some are too heavy to even walk fast, and since geese tend to be aggressive toward trespassers, keeping ducks and geese together offers the ducks some measure of […]

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Ducks for Eggs: How to Keep Your Ducks Laying Well

Ducks Laying Eggs

How many eggs your ducks lay, and for how many years, depends on several factors. Most of these factors are easily within your control as the ducks’ keeper. Here are six considerations that influence how to keep your ducks laying well. Breed and Strain Some duck breeds, or strains within a breed, lay better than […]

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Keeping Ducks for Eggs

Keeping Ducks for Eggs

Some breeds of duck have been developed for their outstanding laying habits. Unless this ability is maintained through continued selective breeding, though, the laying potential of the strain will decrease over time. For this reason, not all populations of a particular breed known for laying are equally up to the task. Here are four outstanding […]

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Sexing Ducklings and Goslings

sexing waterfowl

Male and female waterfowl of the same breed and variety are difficult to tell apart until they are several weeks old. Except for a few autosex breeds of geese, the only way to determine the gender of waterfowl hatchlings is by vent sexing. Happily that is not nearly as difficult as it is for chickens […]

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How to Prevent Angel Wing in Ducks and Geese

How to Prevent Angel Wing in Ducks and Geese

Angel wing is a condition in which the flight feathers of one or both wings of a duck or goose twist away from the body. It occurs when either the primary feathers overlap in reverse order — over each other, rather than under, from outer to inner feather — or, more commonly, the entire last […]

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How the Eggs of Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, and Geese Compare

When we refer to eggs, we’re usually thinking of chicken eggs. But other types of poultry lay eggs that are just as tasty.   Every egg contains a yolk surrounded by albumen, encased in membranes, and protected by a thick shell. Differences occur in how these parts are put together. Let’s see how the eggs […]

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Mixed Hatchery Choice Ducks

Mixed Ducks

Mixed Hatchery Choice Ducks – Sold as Baby Ducklings Only – No Sexing Available

Ships Aug thru Dec

No pick up orders.

Minimum of 15 to ship. Orders for these ducks needs to be on a separate online order so your order can be processed properly. 

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