Weekly Special Black Sex Link Females

Weekly Special Black Sex Link Females-0

Weekly Special Black Sex Link Females – Sold as Baby Chicks Only

Any other orders other than weekly specials needs to be a separate order. These specials can end at any time and are constantly changing throughout the season. You may order one of our discounted weekly specials today online or call us at 417-532-4581.

Must ship within two weeks.

Minimum of 15.

Item# WS1270

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Heritage Turkey Spotlight — Royal Palm, Ideal for Small Families

Royal Palm Turkey

The Royal Palm is a lightweight turkey with stunning white plumage trimmed in black. Turkeys with a similar color pattern have been raised in Europe since the 1700s, known there variously as black-laced white, pied, or Crollwitzer.   The first turkeys in the United States with the palm color pattern appeared in the 1920s in […]

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Chicken Breeds List Comparison Chart

Use the chicken breed list below to help you choose the right chicken. This list includes all of the chicken breeds that are for sale at Cackle Hatchery. Click the name of the chicken breed for more information, to see an image of that breed and for purchasing options. Chicken Breed Name Egg Production Egg Color […]

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Cackle Hatchery Poultry Breeding Farms

CACKLE HATCHERY CHICKEN BREEDING FARMS Cackle Hatchery® supplies day-old grandparent and parent stock for our own use and to a few USA poultry hatcheries. We breed, raise and provide our own proprietary selected lines of feather sexable chicks within our Feather Sexing Program. We also work on improving sex-link, auto-sexing lines and vent sexing lines. […]

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7 Reasons Why Chickens Stop Going Into Their Coop at Night

Chickens Outside Coop

Chickens that stop roosting in their coop after having been trained to go into the coop at night likely have a good reason for not wanting to return. Your job then becomes determining what the reason is and taking corrective measures. Here are the seven most common reasons chickens become reluctant to go home to […]

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French White Marans Chicken

  • French White Marans – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3 
                          Female = 3
                          Male = 1    
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru July
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What is Grit and Why Do Chickens Need It?

Chicken Grit

Natural grit consists of a collection of coarse sand, pebbles, and similar small, hard objects chickens eat while pecking on the ground. The grit lodges in the bird’s gizzard, where muscular action grinds the grit together with feedstuffs to break them down for digestion. Over time each piece of grit gets ground up, along with […]

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Chicken Keeping: A Time-Honored Tradition

Medieval Chickens

Chicken keeping has a long and successful history, dating back to antiquity. Some 19th century writers would have their readers believe that prior to the Victorian era poultry breeding was not a specialized occupation. It was certainly elevated in status once poultry shows began awarding prizes for quality and for new breeds, but the number […]

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What’s the Difference Between a Barred Rock and a Dominique?

Barred Rock

A lot of chicken keepers who are unfamiliar with both barred Rocks and Dominiques have trouble telling the difference between them. Once you’ve seen both, though, you’ll have no trouble readily identifying which is which. First let’s get one thing straight: “Barred Rock” is not a breed. The breed is Plymouth Rock. The original color […]

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Which Chicken Breed Looks Like a Hawk?

Easter Egger

With their large, hawk-like eyes, flattish head profile, downward turning beaks and striking feather patterns, Easter Egger chickens are often described as looking like hawks. Easter Eggers are related to Ameraucanas, which also have a somewhat hawk-like appearance. Easter Eggers are not considered to be a true breed, because they lack uniform conformation and plumage […]

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