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How to Care for Bantam Chicks Shipped by Mail

Bantam Chicks Ready to Ship

Bantam chicks shipped by mail arrive tired, hungry, thirsty, and sometimes chilled. A little extra TLC in the form of the three Ws of bantam chick care — Warmth, Water, Watch — will help ensure that your new arrivals settle safely and comfortably.   Chicks hatch with yolk reserves that continue to provide nutrients for […]

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Rhode Island Red Chicken (Exhibition Type)

Rhode Island Red Chicken (Exhibition Type)
  • Rhode Island Red Chicken (Exhibition Type) – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                  Female = 3
                                  Male = 1
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru September
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Silver Laced English Orpington Chicken

Silver laced orpington
  • Silver Laced English Orpington Chicken – Sold as Baby Chicks Only 
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       

Shipped Early March thru Early August.

Limit of 15 Not Sexed 

Limit of 10 Females and Males 


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Buying a Ready-Made Chicken Coop — 10 Things to Consider

Prefab Coop

Buying a ready-made chicken coop, instead of building one yourself, has several advantages. It doesn’t require any carpentry tools or skills. It doesn’t take up several weekends of your free time to put together. And you don’t need a PhD in all the features a chicken coop needs. But you should know enough about how […]

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Raising Pet Chickens for Your Backyard

Cackle Hatchery offers customers a diverse range of chickens to choose from, so you can find the right backyard chickens for your needs. If you are looking specifically for pet chickens and you are new to raising chickens, here is a handy guide to help you find the perfect fit and tips on how to […]

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12 Chicken Breeds with the Best Laying Hens

Brown Eggs from Productive Hen

All female chickens lay eggs, and all hens lay best in their first year of production. But some chicken breeds lay better than others. Hens that lay best are of breeds that have been selectively bred for egg production, rather than for fast growth or exhibition qualities.   Layers of Eggs with Brown Shells Chicken […]

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