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How to Care for Baby Chickens Delivered by Mail

How to Care for Baby Chickens Delivered by Mail

Chicks shipped by mail require a little extra TLC compared to chicks you might hatch at home. Think about how you feel after a long journey — dehydrated, exhausted, probably a bit cranky. What you look forward to most is a long drink and a warm bed. Baby chicks are no different. They suffer the […]

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Why Baby Chickens Get Pasty Butt and What to Do About It

Why Baby Chickens Get Pasty Butt and What to Do About It

Pasty Butt — also known as pasting, paste up, or sticky bottom — is a common condition in newly hatched chicks. It occurs when soft droppings stick to a chick’s vent, then harden and seal the vent shut. If the condition is not corrected, the affected chick may die. Although pasting may be caused by […]

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How Can Baby Chickens Survive in the Mail?

How Can Baby Chickens Survive in the Mail?

The hatching of a chick out of an egg — whether laid by a chicken, duck, goose, or other bird — is a remarkable process. Each chick enters the world with a built-in food supply that can sustain it for up to three days after the bird hatches. How does this happen? Starting on the […]

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Egg Incubation: Should You Help Chickens Hatch?

Egg Incubation: Should You Help Chickens Hatch?

When an egg is ready to hatch — whether chicken, duck, goose, or other poultry — the baby bird inside breaks a hole through the egg’s shell. The hole is called a pip and the process of creating the hole is called pipping. The little bird pips with the help of its egg tooth—a small, […]

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Weekly Special Exotic Island Fowl

Weekly Special Exotic Island Fowl -0

Weekly Special Exotic Island Fowl – Sold as Baby Chicks Only

 Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available

Weekly specials can be shipped together. Any other orders other than weekly specials needs to be a separate order.

Must ship within the next two weeks.

Item# WS1233

Minimum of 15.

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How to Take Care of Baby Chickens

How to Take Care of Baby Chickens

When you raise baby chickens in a brooder you must gradually change the brooding facilities as the chicks grow. After about the first two weeks of brooding, start making necessary changes to the following features: Adequate space for the number of birds Initially chicks don’t need much room, because (like other babies) they spend much […]

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The Best Mating Ratios for Poultry: How Many Hens per Rooster?

The Best Mating Ratios for Poultry: How Many Hens per Rooster?

The optimal mating ratio for chickens, turkeys, and other poultry is not the same ratio in which they typically hatch. Most poultry naturally hatch approximately 50 percent females and 50 percent males. If your goal is to obtain fertile eggs for hatching, that ratio will result in males fighting excessively with each other, and when […]

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What Do Baby Chicks Eat?

What Do Baby Chicks Eat?

Newly hatched poultry come equipped with yolk reserves that provide baby birds with nutrients for many hours after they hatch. It’s nature’s way of allowing the early hatchers to remain in the nest until the whole brood has hatched. Hatchery chicks shipped by mail take advantage of these yolk reserves during the day or two […]

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