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What Do Baby Chicks Eat?

What Do Baby Chicks Eat?

Newly hatched poultry come equipped with yolk reserves that provide baby birds with nutrients for many hours after they hatch. It’s nature’s way of allowing the early hatchers to remain in the nest until the whole brood has hatched. Hatchery chicks shipped by mail take advantage of these yolk reserves during the day or two […]

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Have Fun Showing Poultry with Less Stress to You and Your Birds

Have Fun Showing Poultry with Less Stress to You and Your Birds

Showing poultry is fun, interesting and educational. It’s also a great way to meet people of all ages from all walks of life who share a common interest. But it can be stressful, especially for the first time exhibitor. It can also be stressful for the birds. In his book Showing Poultry, veteran poultry judge […]

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Woody Chicken Breast — One More Reason to Grow Your Own

Woody Chicken Breast

As if you needed one more reason to grow your own chicken meat, here it is — woody breast, defined as a hardening of breast muscle, resulting in stiff wood-like fibers that make the breast meat difficult to chew. Woody breast is one of three breast meat myopathies (muscle diseases) that plague the poultry industry, […]

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In Celebration of Heritage Poultry Breeds

In Celebration of Heritage Poultry Breeds

International Heritage Breeds Week is celebrated each year during the third week in May. So what exactly are heritage poultry breeds? According to The Livestock Conservancy, heritage chicken and turkey breeds share the following characteristics:     They can reproduce through natural mating. They have the genetic ability to live long and vigorous lives. They […]

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What Is a Standard Chicken Breed?

What Is a Standard Chicken Breed?

The term “standard breed” is often misused in referring to large chickens, as distinct from bantam breeds. So what, exactly, is a standard breed?   A standard poultry breed is any breed that conforms to its ideal description, as formalized (or standardized) by a central organization and compiled into a periodically updated book. The book […]

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Bird Watching: A Look at Pheasants and Chukar

Bird Watching: A Look at Pheasants and Chukar

Spring is an exciting time at Cackle Hatchery and we’re busy getting ready for the season to arrive. Pheasants and chukar are some of our biggest sellers, with chicks beginning to hatch and prepare for shipping in May. As we get ready for the warmer weather to arrive, let’s look at each species.     […]

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