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12 Benefits of Keeping Ducks

A young man herds some ducks

Maybe you already keep chickens or other poultry and are considering adding ducks. Or maybe you’re thinking of starting with ducks as your first foray into the world of poultry. To help you decide whether or not duck keeping is for you, here are some of the benefits of keeping ducks. Ducks are easy to […]

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Craft Your Coop

Infographic of how to craft your chicken coop

7 Great Tips For First Time Chicken Owners Start with chicks or mature birds instead of eggs Choose dual-purpose chicken breeds (meat and egg layers) Keep your first coop simple Keep your coop clean Get a heated water bowl Use natural foods and scraps from your own kitchen Establish a daily routine for filling feeders, […]

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Best Place to Buy Baby Chicks

A baby chick stands on a Scrabble board. The tiles in the foreground spell out "Cackle"

by Cackle Hatchery What is the best place to buy baby chicks? Without a doubt, Cackle Hatchery® is by far the best place to buy baby chicks, along with everything you might need to raise them to be happy, healthy chickens. Here’s why: Largest Selection Cackle Hatchery offers 230 varieties of poultry. That’s more varieties […]

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Easter Egger Bantam Chickens in the Spotlight

Easter Egger Bantam Chickens

Easter Egger bantam chickens are a smaller version of chickens that originate from a cross between blue-egg laying Ameraucanas and breeds that lay eggs with brown shells. The result is a breeding population of chickens with a variety of conformations and plumage colors, and that lay eggs with a wide range of shell colors. Physical […]

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Crossbeak in Chickens

A chicken with crossbeak

A chicken’s beak is an important tool for gathering food, drinking water, and exploring and manipulating objects in the environment. A chicken also uses its beak for preening, nest building, and engaging in social interactions. But occasionally a chick hatches with, or later develops, a deformity known as crossbeak. Also called crossed beak or scissors […]

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