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Egg Collecting Robot Gathers Eggs from the Chicken Coop Floor

Egg Collecting Robot Gathers Eggs from the Chicken Coop Floor

Like the Roomba robot eternally vacuuming a living room floor, the egg collecting Poultrybot searches for and gathers eggs laid by hens on the chicken coop floor. So-called floor eggs are the bane of every chicken keeper. When Europe banned caged layers, egg producers who turned their hens loose in the coop found that some […]

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How to Get Your Hens to Lay Eggs in a Nest, Not on the Floor

How to Get Your Hens to Lay Eggs in a Nest, Not on the Floor

Floor eggs are the eggs your hens lay on the chicken coop floor, rather than in the nice cozy nests you provide. Floor eggs are undesirable because they easily get dirty or cracked, making them unsafe to eat and unsuitable for hatching. A cracked egg is likely to get broken, encouraging hens to sample the […]

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Where Are All the Turkey Eggs?

Where are all the Turkey Eggs?

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Americans all across the country are gearing up for the biggest, most beloved feast of the year. For many of these folks, Thanksgiving dinner just wouldn’t be the same without a big, juicy turkey planted firmly at the center of the dinner table. Thanksgiving turkey recipes are often closely-guarded […]

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Why Are My Chickens Laying Soft Eggs?

Chickens Laying Soft Eggs

Imagine you walk out to your chicken coop and find a soft-shelled egg, or even an egg with no shell at all. It would be a pretty disturbing sight, especially if you’ve never seen one before. Besides the fact that these eggs are pretty messy to handle, they could also be an alarm that something […]

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Studies Demonstrate Nutritional Benefits of Free-Range Eggs

Studies Demonstrate Nutritional Benefits of Free-Range Eggs

Animal rights activists aren’t the only ones concerned about factory farming; now nutritionists are shedding light on the detrimental effects the practice can have on our food as well. Research has shown that the restricted grain diets of factory-raised chickens are making their eggs less nutritious than those of their free-range counterparts. Even the USDA […]

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