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Study Finds Free-Range Eggs Contain More Vitamin D

Study Finds Free-Range Eggs Contain More Vitamin D

With the days getting shorter and the cold weather driving us indoors, we could all probably use a little extra vitamin D this time of year. Well, according to a study conducted at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, you can find a whole lot of the “sunshine vitamin” right in your back […]

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When Will My Hen Start Laying Eggs?

When Will My Hen Start Laying Eggs?

The age at which a healthy hen lays her first egg depends, in large part, on her breed. Chicken breeds that are developed primarily for high egg production may start laying soon after they reach four months of age. Many backyard breeds start laying at the age of about 5 months. Chicken breeds that are […]

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Five Ways to Preserve Surplus Homegrown Eggs

Homegrown chicken eggs are seasonal. Sometimes you have too many, sometimes not enough. Here are five ways to extend the shelf life of your fresh homegrown eggs, to preserve the surplus for days when your hens take a vacation from laying.     1. Do Nothing You may be surprised to learn how long clean, […]

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Turn Eggshells Into Miniature Seed Planters

Turn Eggshells Into Miniature Seed Planters

Springtime is upon us, and that means it’s time to get outside and breathe new life into our gardens. Why not making some DIY seed planters next time you whip up scrambled eggs for breakfast? Eggshells make perfect planters – they’re small, biodegradable and they’ll provide your plants with valuable nutrients as they deteriorate in […]

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