Wheaten Aseel

(13 customer reviews)

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  • Wheaten Aseel – Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                Total of 3 birds to ship   
 Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru mid August   
Limit of 10

$17.99Sold Out

Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: All Other Standard Breeds, Orientals Class
  • Weights: Hen—–4 lbs
    Rooster—–5 1/2 lbs
    Pullet—-3 lbs
    Cockerel—-4 1/2 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Ornamental, meat; Exhibition
  • Egg Shell Color: Cream or Tinted
  • Egg Production: Poor
  • Egg Size: Small
  • Temperament: Aggressive
  • Fertility Percentage: 40-55%
  • Broody: Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 4 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 4 to 6 feet
  • Country of Origin: India
  • APA: Yes, Female was Recognized by the Standard of Perfection in 1996 and male in 1998.
  • TLC: Critical Status, Considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed
  • Breeder Farm Source: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of pure Wheaten Aseel (Asil) since 1996.


Aseel are a known breed originating from India and known for their gameness. Aseel are heavier than they appear because of their tight fitting feathers. They have compact bodies and are very muscular, with a pea comb. This breed requires a lot of room and range. The males are very territorial and will be aggressive to other male chickens and they need to be separated by 3 months of age. The Asil chicken is found on the Indian sub-continent and is probably the world’s oldest gamefowl breed. The meaning of the names, Asil, Aseel or Asli is “purebred” or “from pure descent.” Cackle Hatchery® offers for sale the Reza-type Asil chicken with a blend of many strains blended together (Sonatol, Rampur, Atkinson,) Cackle Hatchery® Breeding Farms are dedicated to preserve the Asil chicken breed along with the proper conservation and breeding criteria.


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13 reviews for Wheaten Aseel

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  1. K


    Good lively chicks on arrival. At three months, all the birds seem vigorous save one hen who won’t be used for breeding. Another hen is a standout so far for type and breed conformity, but there is a variety of station and stance, and tails are uniformly too high. They work fine for starting a line because of these variations, giving you a lot of room to breed different style birds with some work. They are reasonably aggressive with each other and I’ve had to monitor closely from about 6 weeks. An OEG ordered with them has taken dominance and I suspect as soon as the Aseels mature around 6-7 months I’ll need to separate, if not before.
    Overall, okay birds to start with, and plenty of genetic material to work with.

  2. KB

    kristin belghaouti

    You are alerted to your birds arrival by the post office calling you direct- make sure your number is right in Cackle’s order. My order arrived in March 2020, for 3 Wheaten Asils & “long tailed surplus”. I received a number of “extras” and there was only one chick that passed on, but not for fault of poor packaging or health of birds, but to “coop violence”. The birds were in a substantial box, with LIVE BIRDS lettered in red block all over it. You could hear the “peep peepeep” just in the door of post office. First thing get the chicks out & in brooder, then take each chick One By One and dipped in their water bowl. If I do not do this I will lose birds as they are too naive to find the water on their own selves. I noticed I got some extra birds, Cackle’s way of making up for possible future loss. I ended up with more birds than I paid for, but I lost birds on my own stupidity. You must, must use Heat Lamp for baby chicks and not make-do with incandescents. It just is not the same. Infrared goes through the tissues, where warmth is needed. Oh what a dreadful thing, to cause loss of life due to one’s own carelessness. Not only that, but they were my “best birds” of the order. Sigh. I wrote a review already a year ago, but I am updating it now, as Ive seen the birds one year old. Wheaten Asil cock is the singularly most beautiful bird Ive owned. People on the internet were offering me money for the Asil when he became not a cute chick but a full grown rooster. The roosters are NO JOKE and very possibly can injure a human. They are extremely belligerent, strong, and fearless. My rooster’s eyes literally went to pinpoints and turned red, like a scary goblin- he flew at me in a rage and screaming when I went to break up his harem. Very beautiful bird, if Cackle wants (much better than their own website pics) photos of mine, just ask.

  3. A


    Bright, healthy chicks

    Shipped from you on 18th of the month- arrived 10am in Arizona (how far away?? far!) on the 20th! All chicks except one were bright, active & very THIRSTY. I suspect the weakly one was picked at by the others during transit. I immediately dipped each beak into fresh warm water (NOTE- VERY IMPORTANT TO DIP THEIR BEAKS INTO THE WATER AS THEY DON’T KNOW TO FIND WATER SOURCE EVEN IF PUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM!) mixed with electrolytes (special new chick water supplement I got at feed store) all drank. They were quite active, I wanted them to quiet down & not use up their limited nutrients. I had a heat lamp issue that very night!! God help us, I lost about four chicks- Walmart because of the “Covid-19” had closed early & we could not find a SAFE heat lamp source for them, I cobbled together one mechanic’s lamp, house lamp, equaling 175 Watts. Temps now at 100F in “brooder” & all so far made it. Ive less than the “over-age” of the 15 chicks I ordered, but that was due to owner error & not planning for emergencies (& this is someone who KNEW better, no excuse) I am very pleased & satisfied with the quality of chicks. The Aseel’s are very assertive, cute, and darling. I can’t wait for them to grow up- or can I…? Thank you- God willing I will buy more again in future.

  4. S


    Please bring more pure asil variety

    Please bring more pure asil variety

  5. H


    Needs more gameness

    Wish they was more aggressive

  6. S


    Great Birds!!

    Have done well through a Maine Winter and Summer, even enjoyed Mud Season. Confident but not aggressive, and really beautiful.

  7. TM

    Travis Miller

    Ordered 10

    Only 6 have made it so far. 3 pea comb dark males and 3 single comb light brown females. One male has abnormal beak. I do hope they make it I really love them

  8. MT

    Mr t

    Far so good

    All 15 are still kicking and looking good I hope it stays that way

  9. M


    Love love love

    Awesome birds sooo cute and teeny as babies

  10. D


    They definitely must be in spaces of their own.

    They are aggressive and must be in an area of their own

  11. D



    There lively little things. Not afraid of anything.

  12. J


    Do you’ll sale them fully grown

    Love this bird one of my favorite breeds

  13. LD

    Larry December 2015

    Cackle Hatchery

    Liked your youtube video!

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