The White Plymouth Rock chicken was recognized as a distinct chicken breed and admitted to the American Standard of Perfection as a pure breed chicken in 1888. The White Plymouth Rock chicken is a good dual purpose chicken, a good pet chicken, a member of the Plymouth Rock family and known by their short name as a white rock chicken. A great American poultry heritage chicken breed that grandma and grandpa would have on the farm. They lay large to extra large brown eggs and the cockerels make very good fryers. White Rocks hens have similar characteristics as the Barred Rocks, except they are pure white in color. As chicks, however the chick fuzz can be white to all shades of dark smoky color turning to white feathers as new juvenile feathers emerge. As adults, they will have yellow legs, however as young chicks and juvenile chickens some will have darker leg color. They are graceful, inquisitive, friendly and easy to manage. White Rocks hens are not as popular as the Barred Rocks, they have soft feathers and a dawn like undercoat, making them very cold hardy. White Rocks are great chickens to have in a backyard flock. White Rocks hens start laying eggs on average at about 5 months after hatching and are among some of the earliest maturing laying hens. White Rock hens, like most laying hens, will go through a period of chicken feather molting, usually after laying for several months. During the molting period the hens won’t lay eggs and their pelvic bones will become not as wide. They may lose feathers and get pretty rough looking. Their faces will turn from a bright red to a pale pinkish color and it may take several weeks (4-8 weeks) to be done with the molting. When their face, comb and wattles become red again and the hens begin to sing you will know they are about to resume laying eggs. The White Rock chicken continues to be used as the female breeding side of the commercial Cornish Broiler Cross chicken. Cackle Hatchery® offers this great dual purpose White Rock chicken for sale and hope you consider adding this great heritage breed chicken to your backyard chicken flock.
We also offer at limited times of the year White Plymouth Rock Fertile Hatching Eggs
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SE_Gardener –
I maintain two dual purpose closed flocks – one layer (White Rock) and one meatbird (Delaware/New Hampshire). I’ve found over the years the White Ply Rock chickens are superior layers both in production and overall health/disposition with the large hens crossing over as meatbird breeders. But not all hatchery sourced birds are the same quality. I look to Cackle for my White Ply Rock foundation stock because they are consistent quality. All the White Ply Rock chicks I’ve bought from Cackle have docile, friendly dispositions. They are healthy and rigorous birds. Every 4 years I completely turnover the White Plymouth Rock layer flock. From a 15 bird straight run order, again I received near 50/50 male (6) to female (8) which speaks to the solid genetics of Cackle’s birds. Now at 20 wks, I’ve moved the pullets to the layer pen/coop ready for their point of lay within the next 4 wks. I processed the roosters at 16-18wks providing a delicious 6# dressed table bird. The hens will remain productive into their 4th year at which point they will be culled and repopulated. Whether you’re looking for a small layer flock or a seasoned flock owner looking for a solid layer flock, I can recommend Cackle’s White Plymouth Rock hens.
Corinna –
I ordered 22 chicks (20 females, 2 males)on 03/07/20 and received 30 on 03/17. I ordered 3 austrawhites, 3 brown leghorns, 3 delawares, 3 new hampshires, 3 white rocks, 5 blue layer assortment, 1 dominique cockerel, and 1 Delaware cockerel. I accept that chick sexing is not 100%. I CAN’T except that receiving EIGHT (8) cockerels was an accident, especially when one is an autosexing breed, cream legbar! I don’t have a claim for not receiving what I ordered as the cockerels were part of the bonus extras. I sell eggs. I don’t butcher – only cull when necessary. I maintain a few roosters for flock management, breeding and predator assistance. This was my 3rd order from Cackle and there have been issued with all but this was the worst. I think this will be my last. Being a dumping ground for roosters is unacceptable!
Mallory C –
We ordered 25 chicks in June from Cackle hatchery. 5 Buff Orpington pullets, 5 Barred Rock pullets, 5 White Rock pullets, and 10 Splash Silkies. We received them quickly! Cackle included 1 extra Orpington and 3 extra silkies. We did not lose a single chick. All are thriving and healthy! Thanks Cackle Hatchery!!
Agus –
Amazing dual purpose, great moms!
Great chickens, lay all year round very consistent. Very Large eggs towards the second year, great foragers, very heavy, my roosters are 10LB! Love them.
Allison Tennessee 2015 –
Safe Arrival!!!
I just want to take a moment to say thank ALL ya”ll at the hatchery for my beautiful new babies. Each and everyone arrived safely and healthy and perfectly beautiful! Truly precious!! I had a predator take away one of my momma birds with her 5 babies and was just crushed. My heart hurt. It still makes me cry. You have filled the sad void and replaced it with God’s sweet new creatures. They are settling in with a buff hen to keep them safe and warm in their new home. Your shipping was fast, efficient, absolutely excellent. I am so pleased with the communication for pick up. Your services exceed my expectations and I will definitely be a regular customer. I don’t Facebook but you are more than welcome to post my comment for others to know what a great service you provide. I must go now and check on the babies…better than color TV!!!
Crazy critter lady –
Best all purpose
I have a WIDE variety of chickens. These are the best all purpose. Raise to butcher save a few hens each year for eggs. I live in brrrrrr Minnesota and do not pamper or heat my coop and these hens do great. Natural wormer using pumpkin and herbs…still never a problem. Cant go wrong with white rocks. Oh and theyre docile NICE birds!
oldline1 –
Great breed!
I ordered 25 straight run White Rocks for the freezer. They arrived safe and sound and were healthy and active. We kept 4 hens as layers as they were such friendly and sweet chickens to have around. Very tame and good with the grandkids. The hens turned out to be very prolific layers! The rest sure tasted good! I love these White Rocks and dealing with Cackle.
Tracy Indiana June 2009 –
superb job well done thank you very much!!!
Just received a order from your hatchery. Wanted to thank you and your staff for the great quality of chicks I received from you, can’t brag enough to my buddies what a great quality of stock you have. THANK YOU AND YOUR STAFF FOR A QUALITY JOB WELL DONE!
Fran Maine October 2009 –
Order Satisfaction
We are so pleased with our order that we received in July. They have all (21) survived and in fact we have been accused of ‘spoiling’ our chickens and housing them in a ‘palace’! We will be ordering again from you in the future. Thank you.
Kimberly, Connecticut June 2012 –
Thank You
I had a great experience with Cackle. Mu recent order of day old chicks went smoothly. I wanted to credit everyone from the person in the call center who took the order to the shipping department who sent them out with tracking number. I couldn’t be happier with Cackle’s delivery confirmation system. I wanted to thank everyone at Cackle for making this last order everything that I expected it to be.
Mike California Sept 2014 –
You hear a lot of complaints all the time. (I have read your message to the customers). What I want to tell you TODAY, however is THAT I THINK YOU DO A GREAT JOB, AND I AM 100% SATISFIED A++++WITH YOUR SERVICE, THE QUALITY OF THE BIRDS SENT, YOUR CATALOG, THE INTERNET AND ALL OF CACKLE HATCHERY–I LOVE IT. I have been ordering almost yearly from Cackle for about 10 years now I believe and I am never disappointed. There is nothing but good that comes from Cackle!
Ron West Virginia June 2015 –
Hi Jeff…just a quick note to express my extreme delight with my chick purchases this year, Healthy chicks, unsurpassed customer care.
Allison Tennessee July 2015 –
Safe Arrival!!
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank ALL ya’ll at the hatchery for my beautiful new babies. Each and every one arrived safely and healthy and perfectly beautiful! Truly precious! Your shipping was fast efficient and absolutely excellent. I am so pleased with the communication for pick-up. Your services exceed my expectations and I will definitely be a regular customer. I must go now and check on the babies…better than color TV!!!
Michael Tennessee July 2014 –
Cackle Hatchery
I appreciate the manner in which you packaged the chicks. Certainly much better than other hatcheries that shall remain nameless. You have me as a customer to stay.
Randy Missouri April 2014 –
Cackle Hatchery
17 healthy happy ladies and two turkeys arrived yesterday thank you very much you did everything you said you would do everything turned out great I appreciate everything you’ve done.
Rusty, Alabama May 2011 –
Good Morning
All my babies arrived well and in good spirits. They went to eating and drinking just like they had been doing it all their lives. Thanks