White Ameraucanas are one of several color varieties of Ameraucana chickens the American Poultry Association (APA) recognizes. Along with other varieties, the APA accepted white Ameraucanas in 1984.
Rather than being bred up from Araucanas, all varieties of Ameraucana derive from Easter Egger™ chickens. They originated with four breeders in the Midwest of the United States.
At Cackle Hatchery® we breed our white Ameraucanas to produce eggs with blue shells. However, a small percentage of their eggs will be some shade of light green. For a list of the best blue egg layers visit Cackle Hatchery’s Best Blue Egg Layers Blog.
Inherent to the Ameraucana breed is a genetic beak issue. One out of 100 chicks may have cross beak in some degree of severity. Cross beak is the same condition as scissor beak. In this condition the top and bottom beak do not align. And it normally gets worse as the chick grows. Numerous articles about cross beak are also on the internet. You can find more information about this issue on our Cackle Hatchery blog.
Also relative to the Ameraucana breed: Professional sexers have a hard time determining the gender of the chicks. Therefore, vent sexing on this breed is about 80% accurate on average. That’s well below the normal average of 90% accuracy for other breeds. Please take this factor into account when you order female Ameraucana chicks. If you wish to learn more about our white Ameraucanas, please contact us.
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Joseph Morrison –
These are awesome sweet birds that adds beauty to your flock for sure,
Joseph Morrison –
These are some beautiful birds ,I bought some roosters first which all 5 survived and a couple of months later I bought 15 females and I still have 13 of them and they are growing to be beautiful birds aswell. They are all nice especially the roosters. I will be ordering more to add to my flock this spring!
iriedeby –
The black ameraucanas have been my favorite for 14 years, until I got these babies! These are the cutest, most loving babies! Even the rooster was a loving guy (I lost him). They want hugs from me daily, and it’s not just one special one out of the three hens I have, all of them want me to pick them up for hugs and pet them. So very special temperaments, so I am ordering some more, as I didn’t get to have white ameraucana babies myself. I even have one that turns broody now and then!!
sharenhod –
My whites have been my sweetest and most friendly of the Ameraucanas. They come to me to be picked up and held. Ordered 3 for May 24, 2023 with my New Hampshires and Blue egg layer female surplus. One of them failed to thrive even after a great start and passed away at one week old. All of the others though are doing great. My white so far lays the prettiest and darkest of my blue egg laying bunch. Have ordered more blue and splash Ameraucanas and barnevelders for this spring. Very happy customer. Best Hatchery ever!
Barb –
Icing on the cake
Love this breed. They are beautiful, family friendly, not bossy or mean to other breeds. Get along with the Polish, only better behaved. Plus they lay blue eggs.