Tolbunt is a rare and beautiful color pattern that combines approximately 50% reddish-brown background color, 25% black lacing, and 25% white mottling. It is essentially a gold lace pattern with white mottling. The tolbunt Polish chicken takes many generations of breeding and presents a challenge to both create and maintain.
The word tolbunt derives from the German word tollbunt. “Toll” has various meanings in German. It can mean fantastic, breathtaking, or extravagant. And “Bunt” means multi-colored or colorful.
The plumage pattern of the tolbunt Polish chicken originated in former East Germany. A small population first arrived in the United States in the late 1900s. A few more have arrived since then.
Our Cackle Hatchery® Tolbunt Polish bloodline has mostly smooth feathers with a few frizzles. These birds have soft feathers, large crests, and a small V-shape comb. Some are bearded and some are non-bearded. For our Chick Season in 2024 and beyond we will be focused on 100% bearded and smooth feathers. As with any breeding project, it is a work in progress.
These docile chickens adapt well to confinement and small backyards. They are generally calm and friendly, therefore make wonderful pets. However, the large crest can impair vision, making the birds somewhat flighty, as well as vulnerable to predation. For birds not intended for exhibition, trimming back the front of the crest can be helpful.
Polish chickens, in general, are susceptible to Marek’s disease. We, therefore, recommend asking the hatchery to vaccinate your chicks before shipping them. You can find information about this deadly disease on our Cackle Hatchery blog.
Cackle Hatchery has only a limited supply of Polish chickens with rare and exotic tolbunt plumage patterns. We, therefore, offer no choice of smooth feathers or frizzling, beard or no beard. They will produce 10-20% frizzles.
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2025-10-15 |
2025-10-22 |
2025-10-29 |
lajems65 –
I love my tolbunt rooster, beautiful, crazy head, and he is gentle. What’s not to love
akamommy71 –
I absolutely adore my Tolbunts. I had no idea how friendly the would be. One of my best buddies is a Tolbunt rooster named Ozzy. He loves it when I rock him in the rocking chair. He’s low man on the totem pole and enjoys the TLC I give him daily. My 4 Tolbunts are all just sweet as can be. Straight run was not my friend with my complete order though. Of 14 different breeds ordered-6 are roosters. At least my 2 Roos are chill. I ended up with one frizzle which is so adorable!
I really admire the spectacular colors and they friendly dispositions. The boys aren’t mean or over zealous with our hens either. Great little ornamental breed.
The frizzle looks like a snow hi hivcapped pine one. So fancy.
akamommy71 –
I absolutely adore my Tolbunts. I had no idea how friendly the would be. One of my best buddies is a Tolbunt rooster named Ozzy. He loves it when I rock him in the rocking chair. He’s low man on the totem pole and enjoys the TLC I give him daily. My 4 Tolbunts are all just sweet as can be. Straight run was not my friend with my complete order though. Of 14 different breeds ordered-6 are roosters. At least my 2 Roos are chill. I ended up with one frizzle which is so adorable!
I really admire the spectacular colors and they friendly dispositions. The boys aren’t mean or over zealous with our hens either. Great little ornamental breed.
The frizzle looks like a snow capped pine one. So fancy.