The professionals at Cackle Hatchery® have been offering more than two hundred different types of poultry breeds for decades and we are proud to introduce the Splash Cochin Standard. This bird is feather legged and has fluffy grey feathers with spots of black. It is overall an extremely docile chicken. Although these chickens can become very large, they typically lay small/medium eggs. You can expect the Splash Cochin Standard to behave well around children. All of our Cochins make great hens for raising chicks. To maintain the size, color and health of this Cackle Hatchery flock we infused some Blue/Black bloodline from Roland Doerr in 2009. Splash color is made from breeding blues together in a mating about 1/3 of the offspring will be a splash. You can also breed splash to splash but over time they become too light. For additional details about this breed please contact Cackle Hatchery® today!
Many people who like this breed of chicken also like the miniature version of the breed, the Splash Cochin Bantam Chicken.
Also, may like Cochin Standard Surplus Special.
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Nat –
Sweet birds
Unfortunately the fox got the rooster but I have several of these hands and they are the sweetest and cutest birds. They’re busy laying eggs and one is broody.
wvdairygirl –
Blue Splash Cochins
We purchased 4 of these this spring along with a variety of other chicks. These Cochins truly stand out. We ended up with two roosters and two hens. They are absolutely huge! One of our roosters is the dark blue/black. He is gorgeous! They are such sweet tempered birds. We love them so much. Thank you Cackle Hatchery.
Kathryn –
Nice quiet calm chickens.
I have one hen who is totally broody. I may let her set on some eggs this spring. The eggs are slow but we have had some pretty cold weather, even tho the chicken house is warm they may be sensitive to the changes. I hope the egg production picks up, they are still not a year old. I love the color and all the great feathers. One rooster is displaying some protective tendencies which is great.
Hunter –
Standard Splash Cochin
Beautiful big birds really full and beautiful colors if you’re looking to get some Splash Cochin standards I would highly recommend these!!
Robert McCarthy –
Couldn’t ask for a better and more balanced example of the breed. Absolutely beautiful, well-balanced, shaped!
Chickenlady –
Great chicks.
Bought several breeds the end of April and have been very satisfied with them. My favorite is the coachin breed. Also got some Easter Eggers it’s been fun having blue and green eggs! Will buy again
Carolyn –
Beautiful Birds, ordered three they were all roosters.
Beautiful Birds, unfortunately they were all roosters. so I had to give them all away.
Sandra –
Very nice
I got 5 splash cochins and they are beautiful birds. Great feathers and good confirmation. I would get them again.
Dee –
Beautiful breed
The splash Cochins are a pretty white with splash of grey.
Dawn –
Splash Cochin standards
I bought 7 splash cochin standard chicks. Along with others breeds. All my chicks came in perfect shape and health. Now they are 6 months old (12-2019). All seven are gorgeous birds and I could not be more happy. They are even better than I expected and because they have much more to grow yet, I expect them to get even better. I highly recommend Cackle Hatchery and their splash Cochins!!
Billy –
Splash Cochins
Earlier this year I ordered some Splash Cochins for my bride. The chicks came in healthy, and are doing great. They are very hardy, and docile. Their plumage is beautiful. We have had a lot of great compliments on them. They are also great eggs layers. We love them.
Splash Cochins –
Docile, slow moving, sweet bird
End of April 2019. All 3 hens in straight run. That was a nice surprise, one however had splay legs which I immediately treat right away but has a more wide stance. She gets around just fine, just smaller and different. The other 2 are healthy decent splashes and the best breed I could have added to the flock. Hands down standard or bantam Cochins are so sweet.
Amanda –
Friendly, hardy, and pretty, this breed has it all!
We received a splash Cochin pullet in our surprise box in 2018. We call her Blue and she is one of the prettiest birds on the homestead. She’s calm, quiet, and gets along well in our mixed flock. The kids can pet her and if she’s not in the mood she just walks away. She had no trouble with the brutal Minnesota winter temperatures. I highly recommend this breed.
C Wright –
splash cochins
I got several splash cochins last year from cackle. They are very beautiful birds and I dearly loved them but had to give them to my friend due to illness. They are a must have bird if you intend to go a decent size flock, you won’t be disappointed.
Max –
Remarks on splash Cochins
Order a lot of chicks from Cackle they all have been wonderful.last year order 75 of three different type of Cochins..they all were good quality birds.ive worked for 2 large poultry company as a breeder so.these splash Cochins are wonderful birds and they are great pet easy to house in any climate.
Wanda, Texas April 2013 –
Now on the other chicks (Splash Cochins and Sussex) I think you may have crossed them with Michael Jordan. They have the biggest feet I’ve ever seen on an almost month old chick. My husband said he was so glad chickens didn’t wear tennis shoes.:>))) One of the Sussex is named Trouble and that’s enough said on her. Such a personality on that girl! The Cochins and Sussex are beautiful and the Spitzhauben are GORGEOUS! chicks. I wish I had room to build another chicken house and pen for a 100 of them. Wonderful looking chicks!!! I’m tickled to have them. Thanks so much,
Teresa Virginia July 2014 –
Thank You!
A special thank you to all your staff that sent the most beautiful baby chicks. Will be ordering more in the future, Thanks again!