Lavender Orpington Chicken

(23 customer reviews)

As low as: $8.63

Hatching on July 9, 2025

Order now for estimated delivery by July 12, 2025.

  • Lavender Orpington Chicken – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
Minimums –

Not Sexed = 3

Female = 3

Male = 1

Total of 3 birds to ship

Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru Mid August

Limit of 24 Not Sexed.

Limit of 15 Females and Males.


Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: English Class
  • Weights: Hen—–8 lbs
    Rooster——10 lbs
    Pullet—7 lbs
    Cockerel—-8 1/2 lbs
  • Purpose: Dual  Egg Laying and meat; Exhibition
  • Egg Shell Color: Brown
  • Egg Production: 150+ eggs per year (estimates only, see FAQ)
  • Egg Size: Medium
  • Temperament: Docile
  • Fertility Percentage: 65-80%
  • Broody: Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 5 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet
  • Country of Origin: England
  • APA: No
  • TLC: Graduated from priority list in 2016
  • BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of Lavender Orpington since 2017.


The Lavender Orpington chicken is a large breed with a upright stance and medium-sized single comb. They are a cold hearty and have full and fluffy plumage. Though they are not recognized by the APA they are a rare variety to add to your flock. They are a fair egg layer of medium to large size light brown eggs. Therefore making them a better choice for someone interested more so in their uniqueness. They are super docile and great with children, making them one of the best options for your backyard flock.

The lavender gene is different than the blue gene in genetics in that it will produce consistent lavender color in all the offspring. The “lavender” gene (lav) in the chicken causes the dilution of both black and red/brown pigments, so according to color background, dilution due to “lavender” gives a sort of plumage color patterns: On an extended background, this condition causes the entire surface of the body an even shade of light slaty blue, which is the typical phenotype known as ‘”self-blue”‘.

“The shredder gene in lavender chickens causes the feathers to split and the barbs to detach, resulting in rough looking feather development,” To learn more about please see our Shredder Gene blog.


Available   Low Availability   Unavailable  
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23 reviews for Lavender Orpington Chicken

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  1. L


    Great buy and they are perfect

  2. J


    I ordered 3 L.O’s and received 5 in total back 6/3 and all these girls are doing amazing! I absolutely love and adore these sweet,fluffy butts as our 1st chickens. We thought 1 might have been a roo but nope she’s just a very BIG hen lol. I’d definitely recommend cackle and the orpington breed for any chicken lover

  3. DF

    Dani Fishrt

    I ordered 5 Lavender Orpington chickens, 4 hens 1 rooster. Unfortunately, it turned out to be 2 roosters and 3 hens. This is the first time raising this breed of chicken, and I must say they are lovely. Besides their gorgeous feathers, their temperament is amazing. Very calm, very loving, and social. They live with 3 bantam chickens at the time and have no issues. And the icing on the cake is the roosters are the friendliest of them all! They even enjoy pets and eating from our hands. Our girls haven’t started laying yet, but they have been a great chicken to raise!

  4. AS

    Ash Sanchez-Hood

    I ordered 3 Buffs and 4 Lavenders. I wish I had ordered all Lavenders! They are so much sweeter and more loving. We just hit five months old, and one has started laying. They are very quiet and very healthy. I could not be happier with the purchase. The girls are just laid back and loving life. You can not go wrong with this breed.

  5. A


    Lavender orpingtons are the best!! They are just the sweetest, softest, most gentle, and prettiest birds. I’ve loved buff orpingtons for years and specifically ordered from Cackle because I wanted lavenders. I was so excited to order 3 buffs, 3 lavenders, and 3 wyandotts, and they sent me an extra of each. All twelve grew up beautifully (now 4 months old). The lavenders are the most docile of the bunch and just so pretty. Highly recommend!

  6. MG

    Michaele Green

    We love the Buffs as they are friendly, good with children, and are solid egg layers. So a couple of years back, we added the “Lavender Ladies” to our flock. One of the girls disappeared for two weeks and one week three we discovered her caring for a clutch of eggs inside a doll crib in our daughter’s outside playhouse. She successfully hatched six of the eggs and was a good mama with her chicks. This spring we decided to add to our flock and brought in more Lavender Orpingtons from Cackle Hatchery. Three of the four chicks arrived strong and active but the littlest one looked a little worn out from the trip. Cackle shipped an extra chick than what I ordered which was generous as sadly the littlest of the Lavenders did not make it past the first week. The rest have grown into lovely hens that are friendly, gentle, and curious. We have found that the Lavender Orpingtons are good with being contained in a pen and as free range chickens. They are a good breed for families as they are easy going with the children and our other animals. I highly recommend this breed!

  7. ME

    Mike Eichenlaub

    So far so good. Ordered 4 and got 5. Picked up at post office two days after hatching. One was a little weak, but a little sugar water got her going. She still a little smaller than the others, we named her Eleven. They’re about 14 weeks now and doing great. A little skittish, but also enjoy being held and pet. They are absolutely beautiful!

  8. PI

    All of the chicks arrived alive, happy and healthy. Very impressed. It has been over three months and they are thriving! I really love these little sweeties. They are so pretty, and very sweet birds. I will make all of my future chick purchases with Cackle!

  9. J


    I love my Lavender Orpingtons! I ordered three, received four, and all of them are thriving. They’re only 13 weeks old, but they have grown into beautiful girls. Their feathers are a little curled, making them look slightly like frizzles, but I think after their first molt, they should straighten out. They’re not as friendly as some of my other chickens, but they look great in the flock and are good mannered towards the other chickens (I also have Jersey Giants and Silver Laced Orpingtons). I do think the Lavender girls are a bit smarter than the other chicks. They’re the only ones who have figured out how to get up on the swings I made from a tree branch. They’ll sit there for a while, balancing, before hopping off. They’re about the same size as the Jersey Giants right now, due to the slow growth of the Jerseys. I can’t wait until my little flock starts laying eggs!

  10. MA

    Mary Adams

    The lavenders are a lovely color, with pretty faces (yes, not all chickens have cute faces!). All arrived healthy. They do have slightly raggedy feathers as they’ve grown (just toward the tail) but we expected that. They’re a little more timid than the buffs we ordered, but overall curious and friendly. Sadly a neighbor’s dog broke in and killed most of our last order of chickens so we’ve only got 1 female and 1 male lavender left. We’ll see how they do compared to the rest of our flock but we like them a lot so far. As always, Cackle exceeds our expectations with shipping and providing healthy chicks that are very goods representations of their breeds. We can tell the care and quality that goes in to all their birds, and will continue to order from them in future!

  11. D


    Their perfect!!!! I ordered 5 chicks, I got 6, 5 of the 6 were hens, btw their not to broody….yet, but the hens have filled out beautifully!! I would 100% order again

  12. J


    Very Pretty Chickens

    Bought 4 female sexed Lav Orps and received 5. One died for unknown reasons as a chick and the other 4 were fine. They grew very fast laid their first eggs at the right time. They do not like to be picked up and are more scared of us compared to the other breeds I keep with them. They lay eggs consistently and get along with all the other hens. They are the fluffiest of all my chickens so far.

    My flock is 17 chickens right now. ISA Brown, Astralorp, Black Sexlink, Amberlink, and Lavender Orpington.

  13. M


    Lavender Orpington Chickens

    I was excited to purchase the lavender Orpington pullets. We aren’t allowed roosters in our community so I was thrilled to know I could get females. They grew up fast and beautiful. They are slightly larger and heavier than the buff and more feathers. They are very stout and beautiful to watch. Mine love to be held and are a great pet. They all know their names. Some better than others. I would definitely recommend adding them to your flock.

  14. J



    I have long been a fan of the Buffs
    as they are prolific layers, as well hearty birds.

    I was very taken by the Lavenders when
    I saw them in your catalogue and thought
    I’d given them a try. The flock is roughly
    about three months of age, have
    their own characters, and as they are
    more like pets; enjoyable to be around.
    My youngest son, my wife, as well as
    the neighbor kids all enjoy them.

    I would recommend anyone interested
    in adding this beautiful color to your flock
    to go for it. They will not disappoint.

  15. JF

    Jackie from Cackle Hatchery

    So sorry

    Sorry to hear about your Orpingtons. I lost my Cinnamon Queens to the same thing. And yes they do just kill for the thrill. So sad.

  16. T


    Review of Lavender Orpington

    Great chickens, they grew well and are beautiful. A wonderful addition to the flock and are easy to identify because of their beautiful gray feathers. Do not enjoy being picked up though!

  17. T



    All I have left are pictures of the Orpington’s I purchased….the Raccoons ate them all, plus most of the other ones…I think I have 3 of the original batch I purchased from you. Actually, Coons didn’t “eat” them, they murdered them solely for the thrill. A valuable lesson was learned on this hobby farm – Chickens must be kept in a vault like pen, which we now have!

  18. K


    Awesome birds!

    Love my lavender Orpingtons. They are beautiful to watch, funny and bold getting along with others in the flock. Great addition.

  19. T


    Stunning breed

    I ordered 3 straight run Lavenders hoping for at least 1 female. I received 5 and was ecstatic that my chances of receiving a female were increased. Unfortunately they were all males. I had to re-home 4 of them but I kept 1 because I couldn’t part with such a beautiful specimen of a bird. Y’all. He is huge. He is stately. He is stunning. I highly recommend Cackle Hatchery’s Lavenders if you are interested in a quality bred bird. He is the first bird people notice when they see my chickens. He is not aggressive and minds his own business when I’m in the coop. I can’t get him to eat out of my hand yet, but we’re working on it. Of the other roosters I re-homed, I have had the new owners reach out to me to tell me how beautiful their roosters are too! Excellent and stunningly beautiful.

  20. K


    Lavender Orpington Chickens

    The chicks got to us healthy and vital, no losses. They are a friendly and alert breed, easy keepers that lay large tan or beige eggs

  21. LO

    Lavender Orpingtons


    I love my lavender Orpingtons! They are beautiful and sweet. A beautiful addition to my flock!

  22. G


    Love them!

    I have two Lavender Orpington hens and one rooster that I purchased from Cackle Hatchery in February. They are absolutely beautiful! All of my friends love them, and so do I! They are a solid grayish lavender color and and just lovely. And like most Orpingtons they are very calm and have a great “personality”. My lavender boy is so beautiful that I can’t describe him. The pictures do not do them justice. I plan to get more next time I order baby chicks. If you want large, sweet, beautiful chickens, I highly suggest that you take a look at them. And as always, Cackle Hatchery is the best!!!

  23. A



    These chickens are beautiful!

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