Lavender Guinea

(42 customer reviews)

As low as: $6.35

Hatching on June 25, 2025

Order now for estimated delivery by June 28, 2025.

  • Lavender Guinea – Sold as Baby Keets Only – No Sexing Available

Seasonal/Shipped June thru Mid August.

 Minimum of 5.


Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Helmeted Guinea Fowl
  • Weights: Hen—-3-4 lbs
    Cock—–4-5 lbs
    Pullet—3 lb
    Cockerel—-3 1/2 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Egg Laying and meat; Exhibition
  • Egg Color: Dark and Spotted
  • Egg Production:Good, between 60-100
  • Egg Size: Small
  • Temperament: Active
  • Fertility Percentage: 60-75%
  • Broody: Setters
  • Mating Ratio: 9 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 4+ feet
  • Country of Origin: Western Africa
  • APA: No
  • TLC: No
  • Breeder Farm Source:Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm” developing our bloodline or strain of four pure colors of Guinea Fowl since 1977.


Figures of the Guinea Fowl are found on buildings built by ancient Egyptians as far back as 2400’s B.C. In 400 B.C. the Greeks considered the meat and eggs delicacies.The origin of the Guinea is the West Coast of Africa.

The guinea makes a very good watch dog and will let you know if an intruder is around. They are also known to be good tick and bug eaters. Guinea fowl are very hard to sex by sight. The males utter a one-syllable call, usually repeated several times in succession (chit, chit, chit). The females utter a two-syllable call, usually repeated several times in succession (buck-wheat, buck-wheat, buck-wheat, buck-wheat). Guinea fowl normally hide their nests and then show up with many little keets when allowed to free range. They like to roost high in trees.

Cackle Hatchery® is currently selling the following color varieties of Guinea keets: White, Lavender, Pearl, and Royal Purple Guineas. You can view and order these online and in our catalog. Place an order today for your local 4H and FFA student who want to show or breed them.

Cackle Hatchery® ships your baby guinea keet orders May-Aug and it is recommended to order in March and April to secure and reserve your baby keets. We hope you enjoy our guinea fowl breeds and check out our caring for keets.

We can not ship guineas to Hawaii.


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42 reviews for Lavender Guinea

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  1. VA

    Virginia Adams

    Extremely Happy!

    We received our keets on July 15, 2023. We ordered 6 and received 7 total.
    All 7 are doing great. We can’t wait to see and hear them all grown up!
    Recommend Cackle Hatchery! Beautiful Babies!

  2. GB

    Graf’s Blueberry Farm


    Made a large order of mixed guineas for my grandmother’s flock which has decreased in size over the past 25 years from more than 35 to 6 due to coyotes and stray dogs in the past few years. They arrived on time, communication and reminders about shipping were prompt. All arrived alive, however 1 did die a day or 2 later, but overall it was a good turnout. They are fully grown now and the lavender guineas are SO pretty and elegant looking. They formed 2 separate flocks for a bit once large enough to be let outdoors with the old originals and the younger flock not liking each other for several months, but they have since integrated and roost together each night high in the same group of large trees. Impressive flyers when they need or want to. Very Hardy but also a bit dumb. They tend to nest late and many hens will lay in the same best in a weed patch with 50 or more eggs leaving one poor mother to attempt incubating them all. Once a few hatch they always seem to abandon the nest where the unhatched chicks die in the eggs. They often do this in October or November and then traipse their keets through tall wet grass where they become soaked and then abandoned. I recommend collecting and incubating the eggs yourself or watching them closely and possibly removing them from the mother to have more success in raising them. They survive winters with no heat provided in a northern zone 7 (eastern WA) but they also do fine in the much colder Bitterroot valley in Montana which gets much harder winters. There they must have a protective shelter like a barn or coop to survive the elements during the coldest storms. They are excellent at keeping the bugs down. Occasionally eat some blueberries, but otherwise leave all of our various crops alone. Require very little grain when free ranging for food. Low maintenance and wonderful little dinosaur birds so long as you can put up with the alarm calls. In that regard they are great watch dogs. When something is wrong you will hear all about it. This can include an owl lighting in the tree near them or one accidentally bumping into the other at 2am in the dark. Once one goes off it is a chain reaction and takes them a while to settle down. If they roost in trees near your bedroom window you may consider the purchase of a chainsaw.

  3. GB

    Gorgeous birds

    Gorgeously guineas

    Typical guinea fowl but feathers are a beautiful purple grey. Males get bright blue heads!

  4. N


    Very Pleased

    All 5 of our guineas are doing great almost 7 months after their arrival!

  5. ML

    Mosaic lady

    Beautiful guineas

    Sad to say we only have 1 left of the 6 we purchased! They were doing great, then some critter found them good to munch on. As soon as they are available in the spring, we will give it another go. Have dealt with Cackle for 15 years. They are very nice, informative and have a wonderful selection of birds.

  6. B


    love my lavendar guineas

    our guineas
    as arrived all in good health! all 18 lived! we gave 6away to a friend! love the lavender ones but they are too laid back! saddened to say we lost two of them my dog got one of them and we only had to put a muzzle on her for two days now she leaves them alone I’m pretty sure the dark purple guineas killed the other one! my husband had to break up a fight just last night the dark purple ones had one of the lavender ones cornered! don’t know why they pick on them! didn’t know they were so nosy!lol

  7. J


    Great farm birds

    Arrived in good condition. Did a super job of keeping ticks and insects away from the homestead this summer. We went with the lavender breed for their ability to roost in trees to avoid predators.

  8. J


    Mighty and Pretty Tick Eaters

    We ordered 5 lavender guineas after being disgusted by the number of ticks we were picking off our dogs. All 5 with 2 extras arrived healthy and happy. Having never raised fowl it has been an experience but watching them decrease bug/tick numbers is delightful. Their color is stunning and allows them to be seen in our underbush easily. So far all are doing well. If we increase our flock we will gladly use Cackle again.

  9. P


    Love our Lavender Guineas

    Since we enjoy variety, we order Lavender Guineas. They seem to be the most independent of the bunch. They seem to wonder off a bit more and explore but always go back to the group or the group follows them. One of the Lavender was the first to get very verbal and makes us laugh!

  10. K


    Great birds and we LOVE ordering from Cackle Hatchery!

    We’ve ordered guineas a few times from Cackle Hatchery. Our birds always arrive healthy and on time. We know we can count on quality keets here, and keep them as our go-to for any new fowl. The lavender are my favorite color, and seem to be a bit more docile than the others. If you’re looking for a place to get your birds in the spring, look no further!

  11. TJ

    tom j

    nice birds

    Very happy with these birds. Hoping for some offspring from them. They add so much to the farm and are our yellow lab Sookie’s obsession. She just chases them but doesn’t grab them. Very nice stock!

  12. L


    Very happy

    We’re very happy with our guineas. We plan on ordering more in the spring. They included quite a few extra, and we lost a few due my our own negligence, but we still have as many as we ordered.

  13. HH

    Happy Henny

    Love My Guinea Girls

    Best experience from ordering, shipping, managing expectations, education and product – thank you Cackle Hatchery, you are the best. I love these fun family pets, we especially love the look of the lavenders. All well and happy hens, and maybe a rooster!

  14. T


    Healthy keets

    They arrived healthy with all the chicks we purchased. They are much smaller than the chicks. Cackle hatchery is highly recommended!

  15. P


    Fun birds

    We ordered a mix of 15 birds of 3 different colors, we had great luck with them from the beginning, it was our first time raising guineas and we will definitely purchase again, we live in rural Maine and have lost all but 6 to various predators. They are noisy but protective of our hens. I am hoping they will lay eggs to boost our pack.

  16. IB

    Iron bridge Ranch

    Loved our guineas and chickens we received

    We did lose one of the lavender guineas the first day and one lavender guinea the next day. Out of 25 fowl, those were our only losses. We lost none of the chickens or any of the white guineas we received.

  17. T


    My Guineas are True Warriors!

    I ordered a bunch of Lavender guineas, a bunch of Purple guineas, and a bunch of Barred Rock hens – all of which came in the same box, about 17 birds total. They free range by day and are SUPPOSED to sleep in the coop with my older guineas and hens, but they all choose to sleep in a tree. I prefer the Lavender over the Purple.

  18. C


    Great Birds

    These birds have been great! We lost 2 as babies and raised 15 to adulthood. This was our first time raising any birds so we did a lot of research prior to ordering them. We have lost 2 more since moving them out of the barn as adults to coyotes. They are pretty loud birds but we do not mind it at all. They are pretty skittish at first but will follow you all around the property once they get comfortable. We have even started getting eggs in their coupe. They are quite a bit smaller than a chicken egg but taste great! Overall we have enjoyed raising them and they have made a great addition to our little farm. I would definitely recommend ordering from cackle. Their prices are competitive and the shipping is easy.

  19. JR

    J. R.

    Lavender Guineas are Healthy and Great!

    Have had these guineas for about 6 months now. All arrived healthy. Still very healthy and the family loves them. Very pretty.

  20. J


    Excellent purchase

    All my birds are beautiful and healthy

  21. J


    Thrilled with order

    I ordered 6 Lavender guineas back in July – 7 were shipped to me and all arrived happy and healthy! I was a little worried about them shipping, but they seemed to do great. When I picked them up at the post office I could hear them chirping very loudly! The ordering process is super easy, they provide detailed instructions on what to do when your chicks arrive. They are now almost 4 months old and are thriving! Thank you Cackle Hatchery. If I ever want/need to order more guineas I will definitely be back!

  22. P


    Lavender Guinea

    All arrived healthy!! They have turned out very pretty. Highly recommend Cackle Hatchery.

  23. E


    Highly recommend

    I ordered several keets and they all arrived healthy in June. Now 5 months in, all of them are doing very well.. I HIGHLY recommend purchasing from here..

  24. M


    Lavender guineas

    Great birds. Love the color as it flashes in the sun. Guineas are a fascinating bird and these are so different from most of the pearl “black” ones I see mostly around my place.

  25. D


    Healthy Birds

    Our guineas have grown and are doing very well. We will probably be adding more guineas in the spring. We’re sure looking forward to having fewer ticks this next year!

  26. N


    Great job

    I received 2 shipments all but 1 out of over 70+ arrived alive but within 24 hours I lost alot of them. With the unbearable heat, i believe they just got too warm.

  27. SG

    Shady Grove Cattle Farms LLC


    All arrived safe and healthy and there all happy and content roaming the farm !!!!

  28. T


    Absolutely delightful!

    Our guinea fowl are the most delightful creatures. They are thriving in our neighborhood!!! Thank you cacklehatchery for making this possible.

  29. C


    Wouldn’t order again

    Most of the keets died. I raised them at the same time and in the same way as 10 pearl keets I bought locally which I lost none of. Not impressed

  30. M



    Ordered several different types. Such a nice surprise that there were a couple extras. We did loose 2 in the first few hours, but the rest are healthy and thriving!! The Lavender Guineas are just beautiful!! We can’t find any locally, so having them shipped, healthy and thriving is just such a treat!!b Thank You!!

  31. H


    Guard birds

    I now have a total of 13 guineas and they let you know they are around with their vocals.

  32. R


    Lavender guineas

    We ordered lavender guineas. They all arrived healthy and have done real well. We are very happy with the quality and will buy more next year. Highly recommend you guys

  33. R


    Lavender guineas, excellent addition

    This was my second year purchasing guineas from this hatchery. First year I ordered pearl grey and this year I wanted a different color just to be able to tell the different ages apart. Love the color of the lavender. I believe I received 22 or 23 keets. All arrived alive and super cute. I ended up with 20 and still have all 20 free ranging daily 7 months later.

  34. M


    really pretty

    I just love this color and they grew bigger than the other keets I already had. Will be ordering more next spring.

  35. M


    Lavendar Guineas

    We raised ours on their own and not with chickens. They are cool and pretty but have no boundaries. They jump on cars, roofs, hot tub… They also didn’t understand they should be scared of dogs since our dog is really nice. They travelled over to the neighbors and a couple were killed by their dog. Not the dogs fault they were his yard. I like them but they are a lot of work. We did get more than we ordered and lost 2 babies.

  36. A


    Pretty, funny and loud!

    These guys arrived very healthy, I didn’t lose a single keet! Their coloring is so pretty, even though their faces are the kind of faces only a mother could love! They’re funny, quirky and very, very loud, but that’s all guineas, I think. Recently they alerted us to a dog in the chicken yard, so that loudness pays off!

  37. M


    Lavender Guinea keets

    Absolutely love them! Keets arrived very healthy, we didn’t lose any in transit or afterward, and they have grown to be beautiful and very healthy birds!

  38. S


    18 keets arrived alive and well

    We ordered 15 keets (5 of 3 different breeds). To our happy surprise we got an extra keet of each breed for a total of 18 birds. They all arrived healthy and well. We didn’t lose any except one, but that was because when we were transferring them to a coop one flew out and we couldn’t find it until we saw it dead of dehydration two days later (they were close to a month old by then) :,( Overall, very happy with the purchase. The keets got to my area on a Thursday, but they mailed it to another post office that was just as far as the first one, so I couldn’t get my keets until that Friday. But that wasn’t anyone’s fault, I just wish we could pick our post office next time to avoid this instead of someone picking the one in my city when in fact a post office in the city next to me is just as close if it means arriving a day early. They are close to 2 months now!

  39. L


    Great purchase

    I ordered 24 meets and I got 27! They are all safe and sound, our postmaster called at 7am. Once they got home they ate and drank! Cute little things, much smaller than chicks! Thanks, hoping they all do well tonight!

  40. M


    Healthy Arrival

    I cried when I found all of the baby guineas dead last week. This morning
    the replacement shipment arrived and they are all healthy and happy. Thank
    you so much for you kindness and rapid response in shipping the
    replacements. I’m delighted. I’ve ordered chicks from Cackle Hatchery for
    over 40 years and this is the first time that I have ever gotten a DOA
    shipment. Since I am now 80 years old, I probably won’t be here to do a lot
    of business with you in the future, but I definitely will be your faithful
    customer until the end. I recommend Cackle Hatchery to everyone who visits
    our farm.

  41. D


    After day 1 i am happy with this purchase !

    I was worried about USPS but they arrived happy and healthy all 15 with one extra .

  42. LD

    Larry December 2015

    Cackle Hatchery

    Liked your youtube video!

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