Like Surprises?
No choice of kind or amount of birds but Cackle Hatchery® will guarantee a bargain. You could receive chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, or bantams but there is no guarantee that you will receive all of those. This special consists of whatever we have left over after a day’s hatch, if there are no turkeys, ducks, geese etc, then you may not receive them in your order and could receive chickens only.Generally 40-50 numerous colors, breeds, and “possible” kinds of poultry sent in this fun surprise. We guarantee at least 40 healthy baby poultry on delivery. Please don’t call us to identify the poultry –that is your fun for the next 7 months. Please be prepared for the possible diversity of poultry and their slightly different care needs. You may need 2 small brooders or maybe 3 if you by chance get any waterfowl. Click here to read chick care instructions. Consider making a short YouTube video or taking photos as they grow. Look for ongoing cash prize contests found on Cackle Hatchery’s® Facebook page for a contest about the Surprise. There is also a Facebook closed group that you can join called “Cackle Surprise Identification Help”. This group helps others identify their baby poultry in their Cackle Hatchery® Surprise. A great deal for baby chicks for sale online cheap. (cheap, cheap)
We do not offer Marek’s Vaccination on Surprises!
So, this might not be a good choice to buy if you have other poultry on your place that have been exposed to mareks or have been vaccinated.
Cackle Surprise boxes are put up at the very last of the ship day and if we are behind and the last truck is leaving unfortunately surprise boxes will be at the most risk of not getting shipped. We try to reschedule but might continue to be of high risk of fulfillment.
Surprise boxes are put up at the end of the day after all regular orders are put up and we do not have time to mareks vaccinate them before they are sent off for delivery. Also Surprise box orders must be put on a separate order in the cart if you are ordering anything else.
Free Shipping applies only to this special, any other items ordered will have shipping added to it.
taylor.sander (verified owner) –
Extremely happy with my order!! Received 54 birds total including 2 ducks, 2 turkeys, 1 turken, 2 polish, and a broad assortment of others. All arrived alive and healthy! Will definitely order again!
Greg Moua (verified owner) –
Shipped Wednesday evening and arrived Friday morning. Received 2 ducklings, 1 turkey, and 53 chicks. No DOAs but 5 were lethargic and died shortly after placing in brooder, refusing to eat or drink. The rest are happy and healthy with no deaths since. Overall, noticing a nice variety of poultry breeds in this batch and am excited to identify breeds as they grow older. Definitely worth the money, but maybe keep a second brooder on hand for runt/sickly chicks that need a little extra boost (hotter temps, some egg yolk for nutrition, etc.). I’m planning to order again sometime in the late summer or fall after this batch grows up and gets processed. Maybe I’ll get some chukar or other birds, but we’ll see! 🙂
talljudyc (verified owner) –
This was so FUN!
I received 53 healthy chicks of a great variety. 2/3 were hens. I have not gotten healthier chicks ever.
I ordered months in advance and got the sweet anticipation for a long time.
Receiving them late July was great because it was hot and had less need for heat lamp and after a few weeks got them outside during the day. Later chicks are the way I will go from now on.
I could not be happier. Judy
femjedi (verified owner) –
We received our box on March 10, 2023. We got 43 healthy little birds, including 2 turkeys and 2 ducks. I was very happy about the turkeys, and my daughter was very happy about the ducks. My son was extremely happy about even getting a Turken. They are still all healthy as of today, March 24, and are getting stronger and getting feathers. 39 beautiful little chickens, and have not lost one.
lajems65 (verified owner) –
What a great selection of chicks and one turkey, no ducks in this one, maybe next year. My turkey is a broad breasted bronze. Have not figured out all the chicks yet, so far I have figured out that I have several colors of Cochin, several colors of wyandotte, speckled sussex, Jersey giant, Australorp, austra whites, four French black/copper marans, possibly some bielefelder, black sex link, rhode island red, several colors of ameracana, Easter eggers, possibly welsummer or brown leghorn, possibly a white rock or white leghorn, lavender Orpingtons, buff Orpington, two white crested black polish, one silver appenzeller spitzhauben. Super happy with my selection, will order again next year
lajems65 (verified owner) –
What a great selection of chicks and one turkey, no ducks in this one, maybe next year. My turkey is a broad breasted bronze. Have not figured out all the chicks yet, so far I have figured out that I have several colors of Cochin, several colors of wyandotte, speckled sussex, Jersey giant, Australorp, austra whites, four French black/copper marans, possibly some bielefelder, black sex link, rhode island red, several colors of ameracana, Easter eggers, possibly welsummer or brown leghorn, possibly a white rock or white leghorn, lavender Orpingtons, buff Orpington, two white crested black polish. Super happy with my selection, will order again next year
dan Ray (verified owner) –
Thank you
Today we received our first mystery box for this year. We got 54 beautiful chicks all doing great. It will be fun to watch and see what amazing colors we will as they get older. And now can’t wait till the end of July to get our second box. Thanks again. Amazing idea Cackle Hatchery
regiuscreations (verified owner) –
Being a born skeptic, I fully expected a bunch of low end, standard breed males but based on the reviews, I decided to give it a try. I couldn’t be more happy to be wrong. Although we can’t identify their sexes yet, there is a great variety of chicks and even a couple ducks in there. Once these are out of the brooder we’ll be placing another order!
ABIMAEL ACEVEDO (verified owner) –
I received 50 chicks and 2 ducks all were alive I recommend this company 100%
Amy Kashuba (verified owner) –
This was by far the most fun chick order we have ever purchased! Its been several months and its been a lot of fun with the variety of birds and figuring out what breeds they are. Thank you!! Ken and Amy Kashuba – Mountainside Cabins and Homestead – Hot Springs NC
Amber Wilkins (verified owner) –
Just received my shipment of the hatchery surprise!! Lots of feathery feet which I love!! Huge variety also a plus! Also got two guineas and a virgin red turkey. Only one baby chick DOA. Overall extremely pleased and cackle always does an outstanding job🥰😍
Melinda (verified owner) –
♥️Love this purchase
Received 53 birds in my Hatchery Surprise. An absolutely amazing assortment of very healthy and robust birds. Though I didnt receive the other half of my order (Cackle is refunding that portion) I am extremely happy with what I did receive. It is farming and completely understandable especially with the current events. Will definitely purchase again. THANK YOU!
RachealT (verified owner) –
Chicks plus 2 Ancona ducks!
Hatch date 4/17/19. We received 47 chicks and 2 Ancona ducks (no turkeys this box). All arrived healthy and doing well. Lost one chick several days after arrival, but I don’t think that was anything to do with the hatchery. The ducks are so cute and growing like weeds! I *think* I only got a few roos out of all the chicks, but will have to wait until they are grown to be sure. I did give away half of the chicks to someone, but kept the cutest and rarer ones 🙂 The box also came with a cute metal sign from Purina (look under your bedding in the box to see if you got any surprises).
Chicken lady –
Very happy
We just received the box. Very happy to say all are alive and doing well. We got 43 chicks and 2 black ducks. Was really hoping for a turkey but didn’t get any. Will be order more in the future for cackle hatchery
Great deal –
48 chicks 2 ducks 4/17/2019
I got my hatchery surprise today! Super excited to see what they all are.. I did join the cackle surprise Facebook page for identifying and even the people on there didn’t know what some of my babies are. I received 2 baby ducks (Cayuga and welsh harlequin), 1 turken naked neck, and the rest are chicks. There are two very very tiny yellow chicks and I have no idea what they are. I’ve never seen a chick so small. I thought maybe it was a quail. But I don’t think you get quail in this box. I’ll just have to wait and see! I will order again next year! I wish I could post my photo on this review because they are little beauties!
Diamond Z Ranch (verified owner) –
The More The Merrier!
I was given 5 white leghorns from the Ag teacher in town last fall. My family and I love the chickens but they are just boring white. After researching we ordered a Cackle Surprise Box to get more variety. My hatch date was 4/3 and the chicks arrived 4/5! 53 total (49 chickens, 2 ducks, 2 turkeys) all alive! Within the next 72 hours we lost 2 chicks (one failure to thrive and one was trampled by ducks). They are now 2 weeks old today and everyone is doing GREAT! I have won another surprise box with a ship date of 5/1 and I can not wait to see what is in the next box! Needless to say “I am a happy customer!” I’m sure that this will turn into a yearly event for our family!
Jamie (verified owner) –
Surprise box
Recieved our shipment today. My granddaughter was ecstatic with her surprise box. Recieved 54 baby chicks only one dead on arrival. And also 3 little ducks. So a total of 56 live and healthy birds. Appears to be a great mixture of primarily standard breeds. Will definitely order again in the future.
Jc –
Amazing surprise box
I was hesitant to order this at first. But after receiving the birds, I do not regret it. I received 50 chicks and 1 duck. At 4 weeks they are all still alive and growing great. Wide variety of breeds and colors. Great customer service as well. Will definitely buy this again!
Katie –
Thank you!
I recieved my surprise box today from the 3/25 hatch. I received 50 birds total. 2 ducks, 1 turkey, 2 naked necks and 45 chicks. A very good variety! All are alive and well!
SY –
I received my birds today, March 29,2019. They were shipped on the 27th. I am very pleased with the diversity and the health of my birds. Only 1 was DOA and that was due to its head being caught under one of the partitions. I am expecting another order of the Hatchery Surprise as well as some Cinnamon Queen birds. I am so excited. Last year was my first time ordering from any hatchery and I am glad that I chose Cackle Hatchery!!!! I called this morning to let them know how pleased I was with everything. Your customer service is eggcellent. The gentleman even told me to call back tomorrow to just let them know that the chicks were still lively and active. He even gave me a suggestion as what to do if any of them seem lethargic. Thank you again for the quality of your birds and the professionalism shown by your customer service representatives!
Awesome box –
Lots of healthy chicks
I ordered a mystery box last month and specifically requested a ship date. Chicks shipped on time and arrived 24 hours after I got my tracking number. Opening my box I have 51 birds, 2 being ducks, all alive and vigorous. 5 hours after delivery as I write this review all 51 birds have eaten, drank and are happily peeping away. My 2 year old is ecstatic!!!
Kris (verified owner) –
Fun fun!
I received my box yesterday. They were shipped on Monday and were at my post office by 11:00 am on Tuesday. 50 chicks and 1 duck! I was hoping for a couple more ducks and maybe some turkeys but I am happy with the variety! All were alive and well and full of energy! I believe there are 33 females and 17 males. Not sure about the duck. I’ll be ordering again! Thanks for the fast service!
Keats –
Just a question
Do you ship to UK?
AZChik –
Good Value
Ordered surprise box and inside: 38 chicks and 3 ducks. Super happy with birds. All still alive a week later and ducks are getting big. Thanks!!
Very happy! –
Review by Crystal, Texas
Pleasantly surprised with the birds I received this morning. Can’t wait to see what all we have besides the 3 ducks (they were the easy ones lol). Will be ordering from Cackle Hatchery again!!
Mark –
Great Variety
If you are looking for great variety to start and see what you like I would suggest getting this surprise box. I received mine this morning all happy health chicks. I was hoping for a few things that did come with my surprise box; 3 Turkeys, 3 Ducks, a Polish, a Turken along with many other breeds of chicken that I am looking forward to figuring out what I have. If you have not ordered from Cackle yet, you will enjoy the whole experience. They notify you with a ship date and they send a tracking info.
Angela –
Hatchery Surprise – Great Value
I received 43 babies in my surprise box. I was definitely excited to get 3 ducks and 3 turkeys (loving the turkeys’ personalities) and a good variety of other chicks. I lost 2 chicks within 24 hours, but absolutely a good investment.
Roach –
Great buy
I got my box this morning and was very happy with it. When I opened my box I found 3 turkeys 3 ducks and 39 baby chicks. All was alive and ready for water and food. Overall very happy with my order and plan on ordering again.
Hard Times Farm –
Very Happy
I got my surprise box today. There is 44 chicks 4ducks and 2 turkeys. Can’t wait to see what they all grow up to be. Thanks once again for a great deal like this.
Shellie, Nebraska (verified owner) –
Thank You Cackle
Ordered for your 2/13/19 hatch they arrived on the 15th, my first time ordering chicks from Cackle. All 51 arrived alive and well, and still are. Surprised 2 ducklings and a black turkey poult were included. Thank you so much for an great Surprise Box!
Brandy –
Great value!
This was an amazing value! I received over 50 birds and the breed variety was great. I picked mine up in store, so I don’t know about shipping. All were healthy and amazing birds; no losses due to illness. I plan to order again at some point.
Sam –
Healthy birds
I am so thankful I came across cackle. It really helped get me started with my first flock. What I love about the surprise box is that you can see which breeds fit your needs. I personally didn’t think I’d like buff orpingtons and they turned out to be one of my very favorites. I can’t wait to order some more from cackle in the spring!
Jaime –
So fun and exciting!
I loved waiting for my Surprise Box! I got 54 birds, 52 chickens and 2 turkeys. All but 1 bird was happy and healthy. I was worried they would be mostly roosters but they weren’t, I only wound up with 7 roosters. Great deal and will be ordering again!
Payton –
Hello, Jeff I wanted to say thanks to you and your mom and dad and your help. i so enjoyed the Surprise Special i get from you every year! My hens from this past spring are all feathered out and laying and roosters been crowing for a while. You all always give me such a great variety! Almost all good layers and some Marans and colored egg layer the cream legbar some delaware. So many different great breeds of chickens. Everything I could ask for in a good mix at a fair price and it’s always fun to figure breeds out. Would of been great if I could of got a goose but I know no guarantees and you never know what will be left over each time us hatch maybe next spring. A great bunch of chickens thanks again. I am looking forward to this coming springs order!
Trish (verified owner) –
So much fun!
I had the time of my life opening my surprise box. Hatch date was 7/16/18. I received a whopping 64 birds that included 4 turkeys and 3 Guineas! A really nice variety of chicks, including Cochins, Polish, a turken, wyandottes, spitz, among others. I lost a Cochin and a turkey on day 3 but everyone else survived! Will order this again!
JENN H (verified owner) –
So I have always been skeptical about buying chickens in bulk. I was extremely happy when we received our babies. We in addition to the surprise, ordered two bronze turkeys. In total including our turkeys we got 60! 60 peeping babies. Unfortunately 3 died a few days later but other than that they are amazing. We got two duckies!!!! And another turkey. Can you say one happy customer!!! Thanks for the amazing box of beautiful babies…..
Kelia –
Surprise Box
Today I received my order and I am so excited and happy. All have arrived and are thriving! Thanks Cackle Hatchery!
Loretta (verified owner) –
Hatchery Surprise
I received my hatchery surprise box last week(hatch date 7/11) all 55 babies are doing amazing! I’m excited to see them grow so I can identify what they all are. I have a few identified. Will definitely be ordering the surprise box again!
Mels maids (verified owner) –
fun to figure
We purchased a mystery box, had 2 turkey’s, but lost one. Turkens were easy, have a couple standard breeds, some polish, and some we are yet to figure out. We have some Cochins, and some bantams. Really is a bargain, if you don’t care what birds you get, and want a variety. May even buy another this year. We had 38 total.
Natalie –
I received my hatchery surprise quickly. Received 53 birds, 1 DOA, 3 heritage turkeys and 49 chicks. All healthy and active, there is a Facebook page that will help u identify what is in your box, “cackle hatchery surprise box identification” after receiving my box and talking so positive about it,a friend will be ordering her box soon. Would definitely order the surprise box again. Chicken math at its finest!
Lorie –
So excited
I received my surprise box today hatched 6/20, all were alive and well, I was very happy with such a wide range of breeds and my 2 turkeys and my 2 ducks were a wonderful addition
So Sweet Farms –
So pleased
We LOVE our chicks. We received 54 birds. Two ducks were included and the rest were chicks. The assortment is incredible. So much diversity and breeds we wouldn’t have usually chosen.
Happy baby chicks. –
Totally recommend the surprise box.
We received 111 live baby chicks ( we buy two boxes) on 6/06, with 2 blue slate turkeys and two ducks. A lot different breeds. My husband can’t wait to order again before falls. Totally recommend the surprise box.
Kathy (verified owner) –
hatchery surprise
I just received my hatchery surprise. All lively and what a beautiful assortment. They were mailed on June 4 and i received them June 6. Amazing considering I live all the way up in Maine along the Canadian border. Thank you Cackle Hatchery and all staff. I will order from no other hatchery but yours.
Nicole in Ohio –
I just received my 3rd box this spring. The first 2 boxes only contained chicks, but the variety of breeds is amazing! My 3rd box contained 2 ducks and 2 turkeys as well. My first box was delayed and resulted in DOAs and a few more that died in the first 24, but I didn’t lose enough to make a claim and the rest thrived. Second box 1 died within a few hours due to crushing but still more than 50 viable chicks. Today no DOA and everyone is doing well. If you don’t mind random breeds and a pretty flock this box is for you. Thank you so much Cackle!
Awesome selection –
Would buy again
Got a great mix of chicks including polish and some feather legged list 3 chicks and the only turkey but the 2 sucks and 40+ chicks that survived are doing great! Will definitely buy again!
Jen –
Suprise box
Very happy with my surprise. I received 50 chicks and 4 ducks. Everyone healthy and happy. I have the easy chicks identified! 2 naked necks and 5 polish. Cant wait to find out what breeds I have. Thanks Cackle!
Ashley (verified owner) –
Love it!!
First time ordering the surprise box. I got over 50 chicks and 2 ducks I think they are mallards. All different types of chicks lots of polish and a few turkens. I haven’t been able to identify the rest. All arrived healthy and happy! I will defiantly be ordering again!!
anna –
made it home
all 55 made it alive
Easter gift –
Absolutely perfect !
I bought these for my GMA for Easter. Because a wild animal broke into her cage and ate all of her old ones. She was so happy to see them and the variety …..was amazing ducks turkeys chicks… .turkins ? She hasn’t had a turkin in over 20 years enough memory back loved it so much. Thank you.all were alive and well
Albertaeb (verified owner) –
surprise box
first time ordering from cackle, I ordered the surprise box for a 4/2 hatch date. Chicks arrived on 4/4 early morning. lost one that wasn’t looking to good. The rest are doing great. Very pleased with the assortment. Will order from them again.
Carudrive –
2 weeks in all alive and kicking
Received my surprise box 2/28/18. 50 chicks all alive…. one goose I added to the order, also doing well. Very happy with the selection, have no idea what most of them are. I will order again, if/when the wife lets me.
Tony –
So I do this almost every year, it drives my wife crazy trying to figure out what chicks we got 🙂 This year I tried to surprise her but we live in the woods and the post office is in a very small town of about 100 people. The post master and my wife are friends and she ruined the surprise a little but that’s ok, it makes me smile all summer until she figures out what we got! This morning we got 55 healthy birds, no DOA’s! She hasn’t even seen them yet only a couple pictures and she’s obsessing over them LOL!! Thank you for the summer of entertainment I will order another in the spring!
Kristen (verified owner) –
Update on surprise box
We are almost 2 weeks in and have had ZERO losses from our box! Out of the 15 ducks we received(5 in the surprise box), we got at least 7 different varieties! In our surprise box we got turkens, chipmunks (to be id’d later), EEs, a blue Sumatra, and 1 silver and one gold Spitzhauben, just to name a few! Way to go Cackle, this first time customer is very happy!
Kori (verified owner) –
Money Really Does Buy Happiness!
My babies arrived this morning, 51 lively little suckers that are sure to keep my kids awake all.night.long. for the next few weeks. Which means DOUBLE happiness for the money spent! No DOA’s, all are eating and drinking, and while I “only” got chicks and no waterfowl or turkeys, I am beyond pleased. I have only purchased hatchery chicks one other time from a different site, but after this experience Cackle Hatchery is the only one I will order from. I cannot wait to see what we have!
Kristen –
So excited!
Got my surprise box today and could not have been happier! All in all, we received 47 peeping fluffball chicks, 1 turkey?(I think it’s a Royal Palm??) and 5 little ducklings. I think the one I was most excited about was the little Ancona Duckling we got, it is so adorable!!! I know we got some turkens and quite a few feather footed ones. I haven’t even tried to figure out what all we got yet but know we got a good variety! All 62 of our birds arrived alive and peeping! I was definitely not disappointed in my first surprise box! Thanks Cackle!
Chickie –
Lots of chicks.
Great selection of baby chicks. A few ducks one paid added on. Completely disappointed I didn’t get at least one goose. Three were Dead on Arrival. Overall would do it again but get a lot more people interested in sharing the chicks. Reviews on here had me hopeful for a bigger variety.
Chicken lady (verified owner) –
Very happy thank you
I love every single one of them I received 49 babies total 3 ducks, I was so scare when I open the box they all looked lethargic and sick but I gave them some sugar water abd that help a lot, one pass the same day and i might lose another 3 but every one else is happy and thriving I will buy again and again thank you so much
Charles –
Received my surprise box today. All little peepers arrived alive. 48 chicks and 4 ducks. Couldn’t be happier!
Jon –
Loved it!!!!!
Planning on ordering more this spring but last year when we got the box most of them died around 2 month old due to coons getting in there. But really loved it they were all alive and happy.
Happy chick momma –
Our surprise box arrived three days ago. I’ve been wanting one for some time and after begging and annoying my husband enough I got to order one!!! We received 52 little peepers. This included 2 turkens, 6 polish, some standard pheonixs, lots of little feather footers I haven’t identified yet and to my surprise 1 turkey!!! He has been identified as the black Spanish turkey!! I will be ordering another box next print in hopes of a goose or duck but I am beyond happy!!!
Kevin (verified owner) –
Surprise box
I got 46 chicks various breeds lots of feather footed some polish bunch of stuff I can’t tell yet 1 royal palm turkey I believe 3 or 4 guineas are in as well happy customer here even tho my package didn’t come till Saturday at 6 am no doa tho thanks everyone from cackle
Christina N. –
Very Pleased!!!
I just received my hatchery surprise today. A total of 54 birds, 13 are standard feather footed, possibly 3-5 bantams, 5 crested or polish, 1 turkey, and I haven’t identified the rest yet. All were live, all were healthy. There was an incredible variety in chicks. I am very pleased. Great value. I want to give a big shout out to Courtney, she helped me with my order and shipping dates and was amazing. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Therentzhomestead (verified owner) –
Awesome surprise
Got 54 healthy chicks. A lot of polish and I have no idea what the rest are but almost 2 weeks old and haven’t lost a one and looking good. Thanks cackle hatchery my little girl loves all of them.
TATERGATER (verified owner) –
HELLO,you guy and gals are great.I just got my surprise box a few days ago,3 total 1 last year.Up untill now i had never gotten anything other than chickens [alot of different breeds,never dissapointed].Well this time i got i belive 52 chicks 1 doa and 2 little black ducks,my wife was tickled cause she loves ducks.By chance i had my own quail and ringnecks hatching that mourning,so i had alot going on.My wife says i proubly got enough for this year but i see yall got turkeys hatching soon,sure would like to have me some lol.So thanks yall and GOD BLESS
Megan –
Can’t wait to order again!
I ordered the Cackle Surprise along with 6 Fawn and White Runner ducks on 6/13 and was told I was in luck because they had a hatch date on 6/14 and would be able to ship that day! On 6/15 I got a call at 7 am that I had a delivery at the post office. My son and I rushed over to find a box off 50 live and chirping chicks and 10 ducks. I had been sent 2 extra runners and 2 Anconas. So far the only chick I have been able to identify was a Turken. The rest are all random colored, shaped, and an amazing variety. My sister and I split the box and we are absolutely in love! I will definitely be ordering another box come next Spring. I also plan on ordering a few other chickens/guineas by the end of the season! Thank you Cackle!
Debbie –
Awesome babies!
I received my box 1 week ago and am so pleased with them! 58 chicks (no other types of poultry, doesn’t appear to be any bantams). One DOA, one more died in a few days (failure to thrive), but the rest are amazing! Active, happy, sweet little babies. Large variety- looks like I didn’t get more than 3 of any one variety/color, around 30 varieties total. Will definitely recommend your hatchery to others, and will likely order again next year!
Robinbird –
Thanks cackle-I ordered a Cackle hatchery surprise and you delivered!
I got a whopping 59 chicks! So pleased! Now the fun begins, to identify the breeds. I got the Dominiques that I requested, yeah! Identifying the black Turken was my easiest to ID, along with some various Polish. Got several with feathered feet ones as well. I viewed the youtube videos on how to care for chicks, those were very educational! I joined the facebook page cackle surprise identification group, let the fun begin! Big thanks to Cackle!
TATERGATER (verified owner) –
My second suprise box,ordered one last year i didnt get any turkeys or ducks in either order but thats okay because i’ve gotten alot of different chicks i got 55 healthy birds in this order i did’nt get any bantams this time that i can tell but all standard size of different breeds i believe some are the more high dollar chicks and some common breeds,i have’nt been dissappointed yet great job you guys.If you are looking for a nice flock of birds or just wanting to try out cackle hatchery’s quality of birds i would highly recommend a suprise i ordered the bantam weeKly special right after i put these in the brooder,can’t wait to see what i get there,i love suprises,thanks and GOD BLESS
Daniel (verified owner) –
We received our first surprise box from cackle on 5/5/17/ We got 53 very happy and healthy babies. I wish we could of got some other poultry besides chickens but overall we ate pleased with what we got. we will be ordering another in June so mabey we will get a different mixture then. Thanks cackle
bryan (verified owner) –
ok value
I got my box today and was mostly happy with what i got 51 chickens all alive on arrival. However beside two naked necks and two polish it looks like i got all full sized standard breeds, I was hoping for more diversity in the box, maybe a duck or other kind of bird. I would rate it a 7/10 as it was a good deal still.
Onnie, New Mexico (verified owner) –
What a fun surprise
We Recieved our surprise box 4/12/2017, it was my sons birthday present! He loves seeing all 54 baby chicks we recieved. We have another box coming in a couple weeks that’s how much we loved it. We’re hoping I have some Ducks in the next one.
But we have a wonderful selection of colorful chicks of all sizes in our box!
Thanks emalee. Sorry if I spelt your name wrong.
Onnie and Leroy –
What A Surprise!
I got my Surprise box April 14, 2016. The babies were shipped out April 10th, so my chickens and my now 4 year old son have the same birth day! He thinks that is so cool. We received our box full of 54 fluffy, and alive little chicks. We will for sure be ordering from Cackle in the future. My son and I live with my grandparents helping them out. They think I’m crazy because we already have a few chickens, my mothers husband just brought me some more chickens. So in total I have 78 Chickens, that does not include my ducks, turkeys and geese. Oh and our rabbits. Let’s just say we are having plenty of fun!
In my box we received all chicken chicks. Which was expected, I watched the excel page they have on the website showing what would hatch on my day. There was only chickens.
We have assortments of Wyandottes, hopeful marines, some white chicks that were not sure about yet, some fayoumis, cochins, polish, and now just playing the waiting game to see what else is growing because we have a lot of chipmunks.
Thank you once again Cackle, and Emalee M.
St. Martin –
Ordered the surprise box super excited
After we placed the orderwe were worried about the distance.3days after they hatched we received them. On a Saturday. I had been worried the whole time,going to the post office every day,letting them know we were expecting them. I’m Saturday I went to the post office. It was closed even tho someone is there sorting mail. I heard the babies chirping!!! My heart was pounding!!! The lady was happy to give them to me. When I got to the car I peered into the holes and noticed 2dead. I didn’t stop anywhere else. I was scared a whole bunch were dead. I drove straight home to get them into their brooder I had ready. Upon getting home me,my husband and 2kids were excited and sad at the same time. Crackle sent 55babies 2were ducks.ducks were doa. 🙁 total 37 survived the shipment..when we informed crackle of the loss they reimbursed kind. I’m return we have now ordered ducks,geese,turkeys and guinies.
I’ve got a bunch of colored baby chicks and am guessing at the different kinds. Very excited and still happy even with the large loss. I’m super happy at how crackle handled our loss as well. Plan on ordering another surprise box later this year closer to fall. Thank you crackle for the varriety of birds!! Cheapest hatchery I’ve found and you guys rock.
Brenda (verified owner) –
Surprised indeed!
Received our surprise box today!! So many different breeds!! 53 total chicks, including some Easter eggers, houdans, Cochins and polishes. Still trying to figure some of them out! No DOA, and so far all are lively little fluff butts! My oldest daughter was a little down that there wasn’t a turkey or a goose in the bunch but super excited about the polish and houdan chicks! As always excellent service!! Thanks cackle!
Shane –
They change everyday!
We received 2 Pekin ducks and about 50 chicks. Way to hard to count the chicks with their youthful movements and excitement. Received the birds on Feb 23 and none have died after 5 weeks. Several different breeds of birds and we are looking forward to identifying the breeds with additional time. We are happy with the purchase and would do it again.
Sara –
Loved it!
My bargain surprise shipped Monday and was in on Wednesday 6am. The packaging was sturdy. I got 52 chirping, energetic chicks with no losses. It included 2 Turkens, 2 Polish, and 4 Cochin -all different colors- plus many others. My husband and kids were thrilled with it and want me to put in another order (we split the first box with my sister ). I may never buy chicks from the local co-ops and feed stores again. Definitely a fan based on this experience.
Chelle (verified owner) –
Thank you
I just picked my surprise box up from the post office ……I am excited this is my six year old birthday present and it will be so excited all arrived fine but we may lose one we had two ducks and i know this will make his day we will be ordering again
mkd2675 –
Very pleased
We ordered the box last year (2016). We added comments/request and I was very please that they were accommodated. We received 50 chicks, 1 pair of ducks, 1 bourbon red turkey (hen) and 1 white embeden goose. All arrived alive and only lost one chick. There were a pile of roosters, but really as a % not bad. The variety of chickens was surprising! Some of the breeds we got: Turkens, Easter Eggers, California Whites, Splash Polish, Cochins (3 colors), Brown Leghorns, French Cuckoo Marans, Black Copper Marans, Wheaton Maran, Golden Laced Wyandott, Phoenix, Welsummer, Delaware, Columbia Wyandott, White Chantecler,Buckeyes, RIRs, Buff Orphingtons, and more!
NC Mom of 2 –
Love the Hatchery Surprise!
We have ordered several of the Hatchery Surprise boxes over the last 3 years and have been pleased with every single one of them. The selection has run the gamut from all chickens to turkeys, ducks, and even a goose! We tend to order anytime from the end of April to beginning of June, and have never had a package arrive with any DOA. We have lost one or two from some boxes that were just too stressed from the shipping to make it…some have had zero losses at all. The chicks have always been healthy and hearty and their breeding flocks seem to be good stock. In our experience, the staff filling the boxes goes out of their way to provide a nice mixture of breeds, and varieties of poultry. Our boxes have ALWAYS been pullet heavy…way more than you would expect for this price. Yes…there will be some roosters, but there are always less then we expect. The customer service staff is always friendly and helpful when making an order. If you aren’t particular about breeds, want to try out some new breeds, or just like surprises, you should definitely give this a shot.
Megan Mccaff –
Best surprise of my life
I squealed when I opened the box! I figured it would be all the same random chicken….but boy was I ever surprised. I got a HUGE selection. All beautiful. All healthy. NONE dead. And they arrived to Michigan in a freezing and windy day!! Shocked. I expected for a few not to make it. I even got turkeys!! I am SO happy I decided to go with this. SO happy. I can’t wait to watch them grow and see what breeds they all are and see which ones I like the best. Thank you so so much! I will order from you guys again. Plus the customer service is great
Walke3 –
Everyone should give them a try
I ordered 2 of @ these boxes and we just received them this morning and all are happy and healthy. I amimpressed by the amount of chicken variety. In all I received 50 chickens per box and 2 ducks per box. I will sure be ordering from cackle hatchery.
Rick –
Very Happy with order…
Box arrived 4 days ago , 19 degrees in upstate ny , 50 chicks and 2 ducks , all alive and well , around 14 different breeds , I’ve been ordering chicks on and off for 30 years from other hatcheries , never been this happy with an order , THANK YOU CACKLE …..
Renee –
great deal
love this package. received 50 live chick and now at 2 and a half month we still have 45 live ones. we still have quite a few that we do not know the breed as we have not seen them before . We did end up with at least 4 roosters ( possible 6 not sure yet.) This is a great deal and a great way to try new breeds.
None –
I ordered Delaware baby chicks,they all arrived in great shape. It only took 16 hours to arrive at my p. O. I’m Very pleased. Your staff was very helpful. I would recommend you to my friends.
Happy Chicken Family (verified owner) –
Better than we hoped for!!!!!!
We Placed are order at the beginning of August to insure that we would receive the birds before the end of the hatching season. I being from the country have had chickens while growing up but my wife and sons had never cared for chickens or raised them from babies. The birds took 3 days to arrive so we were afraid of a number of chicks passing in shipping. When the post office called Saturday we rushed over to pick them up. We opened the box at the farm and found 49 baby chicks sadly 3 had passed in shipping and we lost 2 more in the next 24 hours. We have 44 left and they are happiest most energetic babies you will ever see. Today makes a week that have been here and the wife and kids love them so much that they are already planning the next order. We will try to give updates on the breeds we received once they are grown and we can identify them.
Bill and Jake –
Amazing variety of birds
My 13yo son runs our farm and he couldn’t be more delighted with this batch of cuteness delivered to us. We got 50 in ours and all are healthy and doing fine. Amazingly friendly birds. There are some that jump right on my shoulder (they are a little bigger now) when I enter their area. I like that there is more than one of most of the varieties. This works well for us as people have a selection of bird pairs for the chicken tractors we sell.
a freak gone country :) –
I ordered the surprise box for my son’s birthday and it ended up being a huge deal that now my other children all want one for their birthdays lol:) thanks for making it fun and exciting for everyone. Nothing better than getting kids back into the poultry/farm life . THANKS AGAIN . ABSOLUTELY THE BEST DEAL AND GREAT BIRDS. 66 TOTAL TO EXACT !!
Billie (verified owner) –
Healthy chicks!
51 healthy chicks arrived yesterday, no DOA’s. All are doing great! Nice assortment, can’t wait to order again!
roughrider103 –
thank you for healthy babies birds
Best cutes investment , all babies survived shipment in mid july.
Chicken farmer 69 –
Very very happy!!!
I was so excited to get my surplus chicks. I ended up getting two Guineas and 49 baby chicks. There are several different breeds. Can’t wait for them to grow up and find out what all I have. I am looking forward to ordering many more chicks from yal. Thanks a lot
Jason (verified owner) –
I was absolutely shocked when I received my package in the mail. I received 57 birds, two of which were royal palm turkeys!! I got a huge variety from phoenix, French cuckoo marans, chantecler, Columbian rock, new Hampshire reds, silver spangled hamburgs, both silver and gold spitzhauben, naked necked, easter eggers, black ausralorps, brown and white leghorn, cochins galore, silver laces wyandottes, and lots of bantams. I was very happy with my order. I did receive more roos than pullets though. but that is to be expected. overall, I am very, very happy with this order. it has been a lot of fun seeing them grow.
Amy –
First Surprize box!
We just got our first surprize box! My goodness! 53 chicks all alive and spry! My daughter was most excited to see 2 guineas in the mix! Wish there where some turkeys or other poultry but the pair of guineas made it worth it to see how excited my daughter was to ID them. We also got at least one silky and other interesting looking chicks! I’m a newbie to all the different breeds but we got what looks like a very diverse mix of birds! We will deffinately order again next spring to try and get some ducks! We ordered a trio of geese as well this year and after a few weeks they are doing great! We are very excited to watch everyone grow the next few months!
MB –
Hatchery surprise 7-22-16
I am very happy with my surprise box! I received 54 healthy chicks this morning. I believe it’s a mix of chickens and guineas. I can’t wait to watch them grow and figure out what breeds I have!
Perry (verified owner) –
Great surprise
I would like to recommend this choice if you want a big selection of birds….I received my surprise in April and although lost a couple was a very nice choice of different breeds.I got 2 ducks (cambell) and 47 chicks in mine and now although they are at full plumage I still dont know what all the breeds are mainly because most that I received was hens and they look alike in many breeds.I am thinking they are the game fowl but just not sure.Thanks and I will order again and tell others about this!
Ross –
awesome buy
Couldn’t be happier with our surprise box. My daughter’s love them. We received 51 chicks 1 Pekin duckling and 1 turkey poult. One chick was DOA and another died after 24 hrs. The rest are happy and healthy. So far I’ve identified several cochin bantams, a pair of RIR, and 5 polish. I will be ordering from cackle again
April (verified owner) –
Best Batch Ever!!
I was beyond happy, I was enthused when my chickens got here and they were ALL ALIVE! We ordered the Hatchery Suprise which comes with approx 40 chicks, and 4 Rouen ducklings….what we so appreciatively received was 52 chicks, 4 Rouen, and 1 White Pekin!! This was the best surprise ever! I’d post pictures with this review, but alas, there’s not an option for it.
david (verified owner) –
won me over
dear cackle hatchery i have been ordering birds from another big name hatchery for years but the quality they put in to there assortment is not there anymore i ordered there assorted bargain special [50 chics] a week or so before ordering from you guys so i could actualy do a side by side comparrison you guys blew them away and at a much better price,we didnt get any ducks whtch my wife was hoping for but the quality and assortment of baby chics we got,i belive it was 51 lost 3 in shipping has won me over and i will continue to order from you guys thanks and GOD BLESS
Susan –
Happy customer
We received our surprise box as expected!! Beautiful little fluff balls. Lost about 20 the first week. Cackle sent us 51 chicks for the surprise box and the additional 15 we ordered for a total of 66. Overall we are happy with our surprise box and will order again!! We have so many different breeds including one duck and several turkeys. We have way more hens than expected!! Only a few Rooster’s. Highly recommend this surprise box 🙂
Chickamauga, GA –
Absolutely thrilled with my surprise box–you need to try this!
This is the most amazing deal and company. I am a 1st time chicken keeper and we followed their directions EXACTLY. These chicks are THRIVING and the variety in this box is PERFECT to get you started. I will order this again, without a doubt. We got 49 chicks and 2 Khaki ducks! All were alive upon arrival and continue to do fantastic!
Jim –
What a excellent treat!! We got 2pair ducks,turkeys, Polish , feather footed. A instant barnyard starter kit. Well worth it.
Will be buying more in the future. Kids love them. Great value.
Jordyn –
Super happy with my box
I received my box today (June 29th) of 52 chicks all chickens, with no DOA. I definitely got a variety. I’m really no where close to identifying them all but I do know I got at least some close to figured out
1 turken naked neck which I was hoping for
Around 11 Cochin wanted also(several colors)
2 Easter eggers (really wanted)
6 polish (3diff colors) wanted
Thinking 4 barred rock
&& many many more
Thankful for fast shipping an healthy chicks plan to place another order in a couple weeks
Jmluckie33 –
8 stars out of 5 lol
My wife decided to order 2 surprise special boy was it a surprise , Open the first box 4 and lots of chicks, Open the 2 box 5 more ducks, and more chicks in those 2 boxes were 4 naked necks in total we got 92 chicks and9 ducks, been 1 week and we have only lost 1 chicks we are very pleased and will be ordering some more for sure
Mrs. Pence –
So fluffy I’m gonna die! I
It was a long 2 1/2 month wait, but we received our chicks on June 3rd, 2016. We received 53 little (loudly) chirping feathered puffballs, all very much alive, however, one had pasty butt, and I wasn’t able to save the little one, despite relentless efforts. We now have two turkeys, and 50 chickens-. Not sure how to identify what breeds regardless of the extensive reading of research. I was kinda hoping our variety of poultry would include for a little bit of everything, so as to enjoy them as a lovely addition to our beginning establishment of our farm, and for the 5 kids to learn about the species, breed, and care of the individual birds. That said, we are far from disappointed! I do hope to be ordering again soon…If hubby approves (of course ). They are all super sweet little fluff-butts and I am thrilled and excited about raising these little chirpers. I REALLY wish I knew how to identify them though…?!?!?
Candie –
Thumbs up ! Very Good!
Just received my surprise box yesterday. I didn’t count the chicks but everyone arrived healthy. ! duck who of course laid in the waterer and would get up and plow through the baby chicks knocking them over,. So we got another baby duck locally and moved him out.I have been raising chickens for over 30 years and I am sorry but I couldn’t even identify one fourth of the chicks that I received. I think the people who tell what each chick is only 2 days after they receive them are full of hot air. I can’t wait to order my next box. The two sultans I received are my favorites. Makes the whole box worth it . Thank you Cackle, you have a forever customer.
Star –
Good deal
Only got chickens. But 52 arrived alive and chirping. 50 lived. Very good deal.
Tyler (verified owner) –
Very pleased
This was my first time ordering chicks that came in the mail and I am very pleased with the large variety I received. My surprise box had 50 happy chicks and 2 peeping baby ducks. I was surprised to open the box once I got them home and saw all had survived the ship! Thank you Cackle Hatchery for making my first order a good one. Planning on ordering more surprises next spring and summer.
Country girl –
I ordered 2 surprise packs my first time ordering from cackle I was very pleased with the different kinds of chicks I got 100 chicks and 4 baby ducks all alive and well I will be ordering again and cackle has another happy customer thanks cackle for making this such a great surprise
FromDorranceKansas –
I love my chicks!
I purchased two lots within two-three weeks of each other, because the first was SO much fun! You can’t beat the pricing and for $66 shipped, you’re not losing anything! I normally purchased these packs, and split them in half and kept what I wanted and had a neighbor or friend take the other half!
The assortment is good and you will get chick breeds you normally wouldn’t get to deal with! Plus, I LOVE a good surprise!
My first batch consisted of two Royal Palm turkeys and four ducklings and chicks adding up to 53 chicks — one duckling arrived DOA and had two more casualties a week later. Nonetheless, my surviving lone Royal Palm turkey is amazing and has become the best little buddy!
My second batch consisted of 57 chicks with one chick that arrived DOA. I had requested bantams and turkeys and received two black Spanish and half my batch were bantams!
Just placed my third order and will be placing a fourth and maybe even fifth here in the following few weeks! I am SO happy!
With friendly service, these guys are the reason why I won’t buy from any other hatcheries!
Daryl –
I received my surprise box on 5-6-16 and was very happy. I only had one DOA. Got them home and they where doing great and I’m havin a grand time trying to figure out what I have received. One of my chickens became sickly. I’m not really sure what was wrong with her she just wasn’t growing like she should have and was very lethargic. I also ordered 2 red bourbon turkeys. I was so excited to see these guys! But sadly one of the chicks had the same problem that the chicken did and died. A few days later the other turkey died as well. At any rate the rest of my chicks are doing great.
Scott Kansas May 2016 –
Dear Cackle Hatchery
Thank you so much for the “surprise pack”. I have purchased two lots & am already considering two more. They have been SO much fun & I split among friends and so forth! A special thanks to Pat M ( for so many bantams & my two turkeys) and Betty (?) (for my 4 ducklings & two turkeys) You guys are the reason I no longer purchase from the feed stores or any other hatcheries.
Vocea –
very happy
I ordered this and I received a very nice selection. We got 53 birds unfortunately 2 were dead when we got the box. And 2 died a day or so later. Over all they are all doing very well so far. We received what looks like 2 khaki campbell ducks and the rest are different types of breeds of chicken. They are about 3 weeks old now and growing nicely.
Kathy (verified owner) –
Cackle hatchery surprise box
On 3-31-16 I received 50 chicks and 2 ancona ducks. I lost 3 chicks not bad out of 50. I received a good variety birds most are doing very well now at 7 weekso old. I have only one complaint I have a silver spangled spitzhauben that is a failure to thrive it’s barley the size of a 2 week old at 7 weeks. I have struggled to keep her alive this whole time and I think her time is about up she is very weak. I think cackle needs to renew it’s Breeding flock of spitzhaubensome as I am sure this is a generic problem.
Jessica (verified owner) –
I love my surprise!
Received my hatchery surprise box this morning and we have 43 chicks and 2 ducklings, all happy, healthy, and running around. Everyone immediately took to their water and after waiting an hour for them to settle, they took to their food like mad! Loving the variety. Definitely seeing NN, silkies, OEGB, tophats, Cochin’s, d’uccle, Buff Orps, and many, many more. Very satisfied, we will definitely be using Cackle in the future. Thank you!!
big daddy –
surprise box received
just received our surprise package of joy we are very happy only lost 2 the other 44 are very lively 2 ducks and not sure of all the others time will tell going to be fun thank you cackle for another addition to our flock in upstate newyork
Cassey (verified owner) –
Great Surprise.
We picked up our surprise this morning and had a wonderful assortment of very loud babies. My daughter has been excited all week because of our anticipated chick arrival and is even more so now. Can’t wait to watch all 56 of these lovely little babies grow up. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!! We have already placed 2 more orders for surprises to get us through the summer.
Herbel Farms, Poolville, TX –
I was somewhat wary of the bargain, but after seeing the reviews my wife and I decided to take a chance. We recieved 47 babies and unfortunately lost 9. Upon calling the hatchery, they promptly reimbursed for the 2 lost. The promise for delivery is 40. Anything above that is ‘gravy’. We have had them for almost a week and have put in another order. The ducks are especially fun. A must buy for the adventerous.
Kim from Texas –
Very happy customer! !!
My first experience with cackle hatchery was a great one. I ordered the hatchery surprise box guarantee of 40 live chicks and I received 52 on 3/30/16 all alive and healthy with no deaths and it’s been a week. Love the variety I received as well! I will definately continue to order from them in the future.
Carleen, NENY –
Another great order from Cackle Hatchery 🙂
Yay for surprises!!!! Today our chick order came in…a day later than expected a couple casualties in shipping (one bantam and one duckling 🙁 ) Over all some very healthy ready to go chicks who are eating and drinking and running around. We live in some pretty cold conditions here in the Northeast so our casualty count may rise but we are so excited to watch them grow and discover exactly what we have. Cackle Hatchery has always been wonderful to work with..Thanks again for healthy chicks.
Allison Davis, Des Arc, Arkansas –
Tickled pink
I received 47 total chicks in the mail today 4/1/16. 4 ducks and 43 chicks of unknown breeds. All arrived healthy and thriving. I can’t wait to watch them grow to see what I have gotten. My girls and I are thrilled beyond words!
Kim from Texas –
Very happy customer! !!
Picked up my order this morning. ..when the po called I heard all the chicks chirping loudly in the background. I received 52 very healthy and active chicks with zero losses….2 ducks and 2 turken naked necks for sure. I’m new to all this so not sure about the rest just yet. I’m so very pleased with my order and will order more from cackle hatchery in the near future.
Nikki. Roanoke, Va –
Surprise box happiness!
Great experience! I got my Cackle surprise box right on time 3/23/16.
53 chicks in all. One died on day 1, another on day 3 due to crowding. So far I’ve identified-
3 Salmon Faverolles
2 Mottled Houdans
4 Turken Naked Necks
2 Black Cochins
8 Polish-4 golden laced, 2 white crested, 2 buff laced or white?
11 Easter eggers
Thanks for the adorable healthy assortment of chicks!
Sharon –
Cackle Hatchery Surprise
Great experience buying the Cackle surprise. Chicks arrived healthy and lively. Great variety of breeds. Can’t wait to watch them grow up!
Mike –
Best purchase yet
Got 55 chicks in the mail today,have not lost none.ducks,turkeys,lot of chickens.i would not order no we’re else but from cackle.i would recommend anybody to purchase here,thanks cackle
leah –
Husband, kids and I love our surprise! We received 47 chicks and only lost one! We got several rare breeds , gold lace polish, Easter eggers, lakenvelders and many more! Love our new clutch of chicks and will be ordering some more soon
Dawn (verified owner) –
Fantastic Deal!
Amazing deal and we love all of the different birds sent! Ducks, turkens, silkies, tophats, americaunas, bantams and so many more! Received 53 birds and lost only 2 in transit all the way from Missouri to North Dakota in March! Thank you!
Amy –
Healthy awesome variety of birds!!
Ordered the surprise more to see if it was a good deal, and for fun! I needed a few birds to rotate out the flock, and honestly didn’t have too high of expectations, figured if I at least got 15 birds that I liked it would be worth it. They shipped 49 in my package, 1 arrived dead, and another died the next day. And I got 2 ugly ones. So out of 49 birds I have 45 that were totally awesome. Huge variety, tho I have no clue what they are! I am so impressed with this package and shipment. I will without a doubt order the surprise package again.
Donna –
Received my SURPRISE earlier this week. The temperature was down in the 20’s and so I opened the box while still at the Villa Ridge Post Office. A few were already gone with several more cold, limp and barely breathing. The guy at the USPS office was kind enough to get the chicks some water! Amazingly, by the time I got home a half hour later, they were all up and running about. I had hoped for a variety of species – that did not happen – BUT I received an amazing variety of chicks. Of the 46 remaining there are 3 sets of four and the rest are all 1’s and 2’s of a kind. I will order again (and again!) Thank you Cackle.
Cathy in Michigan –
Full list of my surprise box
My surprise arrived around Memorial Day weekend 2014.. I initially had 49 chicks, lost 2 feather footed little ones in the first few days, but all others made it to adulthood. I sold 12, and had a major loss to a predator in month 3… but prior to then I was able to do a tally of the variety. What I got doesn’t mean you’ll get the same thing, as it’s leftovers, but I provide this so others can see the variety.
Here’s the list:
49 total (47 chickens, 2 ducks)
2 died (feather footed cochins/bhramas)
2 Rouen Duck (2f)
1 Welsummer (1f)
1 Lakenvelder (1m)
2 Spitzhabens (pair)
7 easter eggers (4f, 3m)
2 light bhramas (pair)
1 buff bhrama (1f)
1 dark bhrama (1m)
1 spash cochin (1f)
1 blue cochin (1f) huge and beautiful!!
5 leghorns (white) (1m, 4f)
6 chanticleers (2m, 4f)
2 new Hampshire (red) (pair)
1 astrolorp (1f)
3 barred rocks (3 f)
1 coocoo maran (1f)
2 dark cornish (pair)
1 silver laced w (1f)
1 gold laced w (1f)
1 astro-white (1f)
1 silver laced cochin (1m)
4 white crested black polish (1m, 3f)
Hunter –
The hatchery surprise is awesome…..we got almost 60 chicks and all of them were alive. Got suck a variety of poultry from chickens to turkeys to Guineas. Thanks cackle!!
Tricia Gilliland –
45 Healthy chicks arrived today on a COLD 28 degree morning. Lost 3 to the cold but everybody else happy and peeping. Now the fun begins – trying to determine exactly what was in that box! I am fairly certain there are several White Crested Black Polish – they were easy, as well as the Black Turken naked neck chick. Keeping my fingers crossed for turkey chicks, but it’s ok if there aren’t any. Planning another order in June or July! Thanks again!!
Lin –
Thank you for surprizing me!!!
I had never owned chickens before so I didn’t know what kinds to order or anything else either. When the 50 healthy chicks arrived early one June morning I was both surprized and very happy with the selection. 4 ducks and 4 turkeys along with a colorful mess of happy chicks.
Thank you so much for the fun and excitement of owning these birds, I’ll be buying again. `
Susu –
Great package
The chicks should have vaccination
Tamsin –
I am so pleased! 61 birds total, none lost in shipping, all super heathy! This included 2 Bourbon red toms, 2 blue slate toms, 2 fawn and white runner female ducks, 2 blue Swedish female ducks, 2 easter egger hens, a blue bantam Cochin hen, and many more, mostly hens!
Heather –
will be getting again this year!
we got this last year and we loved it so much in feb. we had to get a second on later in the year, it is so much fun! we got chick,s turkeys, guineas and lots of variety!
Amy Wisconsin June 2009 –
I got them…thanks. The kids are having a great time trying to figure out what we got in the surprise package. So far only able to tell the ducks, turkeys and goose. Chicks will keep them busy for a while. Thanks again!
kimmie –
GREAT SURPISE PACK(Get 1 of your own)
I have ordered a lot of chicks from other places and I have never been so pleased as I have been with the cackle suprise pack, the chicks are super healthy, and so many different types of chicks and 8 guineas. I ordered back in july 2015 and waited to see just how many would be hens, to my surpise most are hens and alot are heavy breeds. So happy with the order from cackle I just had to write a review and tell everyone that they will never go wrong by ordering the suprise pack, not to mention the fun of watching them grow into all these different beautiful birds. Our 2 year old grand daugther loves them all.
Michelle Pennsylvania October 2011 –
Cackle Hatchery
THANKS so much for the “Hatchery Special” which we received in mid-June. The kids have had such a fun summer with their chicks and have learned so much. We really appreciate the great customer service we received when I called in the order, and the box full of really fun chicks (and one duck!)that we’ve so enjoyed raising and watching feather out and grow.
James, Oklahoma March 2013 –
Positive Feedback
Cackle Hatchery just wanted to give some positive feedback. I had a order shipped to me the 25th of February of a Cackle Surprise got 40 chicks and pair of Khaki Campbell ducks all were alive and well, in fact I have yet to loose any of these chicks or ducks. I was very pleased and have about 75% of the chicks breeds identified. A few I’m still up in the air about but with them feathering more daily it will come soon. This was my first time ordering chicks in the mail. We will do business again. Thanks you.
Dawn Mississippi April 2013 –
Cackle Hatchery Surprise
I would like to say how pleasantly surprised I was at the variety of breeds we received in our Hatchery Surprise. We got them today and only one was lost during shipping. I was expecting maybe 25 but when you said it was a bargain you weren’t kidding. We got 50 from at least 10 different breeds. They are all healthy and very active. Thanks Cackle for never ending source of joy and delight.
Rhonda, Montana May 2013 –
Cackle Hatchery
The chicks, turkeys and duckling arrived in great shape as usual. I continue to be impressed with the quality and care given us by Cackle Hatchery. This year we couldn’t decide what we wanted. The Hatchery Surprise exceeded our expectations. You truly are a great company and it is a pleasure doing business with you. Thanks again
Nina, Missouri July 2013 –
Chick Order I’m Worried
Well Cackle Hatchery comes through AGAIN. Despite my worries my chicks arrived hearty and hale, in perfect condtion. The lady at the post office called me at 6:30 this morning. She said it was pitch dark when they walked into the back room. When they flipped on the lights, there was an explosion of cheeping. She said they were looking around like “What the heck?” I cannot believe how many chicks I received and the variety. I am busy going through your catalog trying to find out what I may have received. I am thinking (fingers crossed) there may even be a turkey or two in there as I said it would be great in my notes to have one. After their beak dipping they all began eating and drinking. Every time I have checked on them today they are either eating, drinking or sleeping under the brooder lamp. I have already ordered you special heavy pullet and guineas. I won’t be as worried about their arrival. The care with which your birds are packed and the attention to detail is amazing. I had to write down your info for the people in the post office as they all wanted to know where I got my chicks from. When I told them about my Blue Slate turkeys and showed them the pictures on my phone, they were all saying that they were going to try it. Thank you again for your help. The post office employees were surprised when I told them what time I had written with my concerns and how quickly you answered me…and just who you were. You cannot argue with a quality product being sold by quality people who take obvious pride in what they do.
Pam Texas May 2010 –
Attn: cackle-Extremely Happy Customer
Just a quick note to thank you for my surprise package and to let you know how much I enjoyed visiting there on Tuesday. All the babies in the surprise package arrived alive and are growing like weeds. The three little turkeys and silver Sebright chicks I when I visited made the trip home with us just fine and are doing great. I told Don we would have to make a “Cackle visit” a routine part of our trips north from now on. Thanks Again!!!
Margaret Minnesota May 2010 –
Hatchery Surprise
Our order arrived this morning and we are delighted with the variety and health of the birds. Now to identify them! Thanks Alot
Mary Kansas May 2010 –
Many Thanks
I am very pleased to report that the 4th order has arrived like the rest. All healthy happy vigorous and ready to go. The orders prior to this one have lived and been healthy for the first 2 weeks. Please keep up the good work. Also Superior Customer Service. Again Very Pleased AAA++service. Thanks to you all!!!
Reggie Maine May 2011 –
Hatchery Surprise arrival
Just wanted to tell you my hatchery surprise arrived today bright and early right on time. I only lost one bird in shipping all other birds alive and well!!! And a surprise I’ve got here too!!! Nice variety! I’m very satisfied with my order and I hope to do more business with you in the near future, Thanks
Abby Alaska March 2014 –
Attn: cackle-Extremely Happy Customer
Overall I am extremely happy with my chicks. They are so much more boisterous and healthy seeming than the other hatchery I ordered from last year. I will definitely be ordering from you again, possibly this year. Thank you for the quality birds!
Benjamin California May 2015 –
Cackle Hatchery
Today we received our chicks in from the post office and we had 0 casualties whatsoever very happy thank you so much and have a great day.
Donnie New York March 2014 –
Cackle surprise
I received my order today, the Cackle Surprise and I was very pleased! Every bird was alive and well! This was my first time ever ordering from a hatchery. I had also called about two weeks ago with a question on my order and I don’t remember the name of the rep I spoke with but they were extremely helpful and even though this was only a small 64.00 order they made me feel like I was a valued customer. I will remember you first next time I’m ordering chicks.
Donald North Carolina May 2011 –
Order Received
I just received my order and wanted to thank you for the great job. I ordered a hatchery surprise and received a great assortment of birds. They are all doing great and one day will make a great addition to my flock. Now to figure out what type of birds I got, gonna take a while, lol Thanks again!
Jeanine, California (received Feb 2015) –
Thank You
I got my baby chickens today and they are so healthy and happy. I got the “surprise” and it is so wonderful. I got so many different kinds of chickens. I wanted to thank everyone who participated in my order as well as all of the cackle hatchery staff. I think someone was reading my mind when they filled my order because I got every kind I always wanted. I’m also pleased with the quickness of shipping.
Thanks again for such great chickens and a great bargain.
Dosral, Alaska (received March 2015) –
Very Pleased!
Hello, Recently received an order of birds, (long story short) 40% died within the first 72 hrs “due to harsh shipping” which was sad but I could not be more pleased more with the way your hatchery handled the situation. Your employees hooked me up with replacement birds shipping out Monday. My wife and kids were extremely excited to here more birds are on the way. My family will without a doubt continue to order from Cackle!
MARK, Pennsylvania (received May 2015) –
surprise box