Green Egger™ Hatching Eggs

(3 customer reviews)

As low as: $4.22

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Seasonal/Shipped Mid February through June 5th.


Green Egger™ – Cackle Hatchery’s Egger line offers several genetics of the eggshell colors. The Green Egger™ will produce many shades and tints of green shell color on their eggs and will lay medium-large egg size eggs. Depending on the time of year and care they will generally start laying around 6 months of age with averages of 200-250 eggs laid every 12 months after the first egg is laid.  The Green Egger™ is not the highest producer of eggs compared to a commercial egg layer but can lay and last more years in an even egg production. Cackle Hatchery’s breeding program for the Green Egger™ is not to have color conformity of the feathers and therefore they make a colorful and diversified looking flock of hens. Parent stock are from selected males and females from the Cackle Hatchery Easter Egger line.

NO Guarantees on hatchability – NO refunds – Order at your own risk
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SKU: 1447 Category: