Breed Facts
- Poultry Show Class: All Other Standard Breeds, Orientals Class
- Weights:
Hen—–4 lbs
Rooster——5 1/2 lbs
Pullet—3 1/2 lbs
Cockerel—–4 1/2 lbs
- Purpose and Type: Egg Laying, Long Tail Feathers; Exhibition
- Egg Shell Color: Cream or Tinted
- Egg Production: Poor
- Egg Size: Small
- Temperament: Active
- Fertility Percentage: 40-55%
- Broody: Setters
- Mating Ratio: 9 Females to 1 Male
- Roost Height: 6+ feet
- Country of Origin: Japan
- APA: Yes, Recognized by American Standard of Perfection in 1983
- TLC: Yes, Watch Status
- Breeder Farm Source: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of pure Golden Duckwing Phoenix since 2005.
Have you been searching for a unique poultry breed for your farm? At Cackle Hatchery® we have a wide range of options to choose from like the Golden Duckwing Phoenix. This variety is a cross between the Silver Duckwing and Black Breasted Red Phoenix, and it features beautiful black and gold feathering. Based on a Japanese breed that originated in Germany, this type of chicken is known for its long tail and small tinted eggs. In breeding for the golden color, silver is a heavy factor in the process and a large percentage of silver crops out. The golden color in this breed does not breed true. For more details about this type of Phoenix or any of the other poultry breeds we have available give us a call today!
Many people who like this breed of chicken also like the miniature version of the breed, the Golden Duckwing Phoenix Bantam Chicken.
Also may like Phoenix Standard Surplus Special.
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Out of 6 breeds (5 ordered in May from Cackle in one shipment). These Golden Duckwing Phoenixes have been my favorite. I am in a very predator-heavy area, and am working on developing a “smarter” flock, which means they need to be able to free-range and repeatedly withstand daytime fox and hawks attacks (and raise their young to do so as well).
I started with 17:
-3 Red Jungle Fowl
-4 Blue Sumatra
-3 Golden Duckwing Phoenix
-3 Egyptian Fayoumi
-4 Black Breasted Red Cubalaya Bantam
*plus 4 OEG bantams from TSC
That was May, and now in Oct., the toughest 6 have remained. All 3 Phoenixes, 1 Jungle Fowl roo, and 2 of the OEG bantams. The Fayoumis and Sumatras got picked off the fastest (1-3 at a time to daytime foxes or hawks). The Cubalayas may have fared better if they weren’t young and bantams, though eventually they were picked off as well.
I’ve been consistently surprised at the resilience of the Phoenixes (haven’t lost one). I believe all 3 are hens, though at 26 wks no eggs yet (based on their combs, I think they’re close). They’ll be my breeders (with the remaining jungle fowl roo), so time will tell if they’ll go broody and be successful mothers.
Definitely my new favorite, and Cackle has been a great source!!
Ashley McFarland –
Great birds, very hardy and strong chicks for an ornamental breed. The hens lay a lot of small cream eggs.
Stan –
Hello. I enjoy this breed, although a bit skittish they are now eating out of my hand now. their plumage is exceptional. Thank you.
Sam –
Stunningly Beautiful
I LOVE these birds. They have proven to be heat, cold, and predator resistant. The last is especially important because I free range all my birds. These are very skidding birds, which is the reason why out of the many breeds I have, I have never lost a Phoenix to predation.
Julia –
Received chicks yesterday with extras! All doing great and very active. Thank you so much!
Larry December 2015 –
Cackle Hatchery
Liked your youtube video!