Easter Egger™ Started Pullet

As low as: $164.50

Easter Egger™ Started Pullet – 15 to 22 Weeks Old

Shipped Only Year Round. No Pick up Orders!
Started Pullets are 45.00 ea.  Shipping charges are non refundable.

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Easter Egger™ Started Pullets are 34.00 each for a 15 to 22 week old female. 
Shipping Charges: 1 bird-$227.00  2 birds-$261.00  
These pullets have been vaccinated for Marek’s disease with no additional charge. 
These started pullets are fed non gmo from day one. Have human interaction which makes them not as flighty. Have been raised in large areas with other birds, and would be a great addition to your backyard flock.
 The “Easter Egg” chicken originally came from Chile in South America, discovered by the Araucana Indians. The true pure Araucana chicken is rumpless (tailless) , has a small curling tuft of feathers next to each ear and come in different pure color types. The true pure Ameraucana chicken has a tail, full beard and comes in pure color types. The Easter Egg chicken is different because they have a full beard under the beak rather than a tuft and have a tail rather than rumpless and do NOT have pure color types. Cackle Hatchery® offers for sale the “Easter Egg” chicken, not the Ameraucana or Araucana, chickens for sale.
Cackle Hatchery® breeding program objectives for the “Easter Egg” chickens are to produce chickens with a wide variety of feather colors, patterns and feather combinations of colors. They also have a full beard under the beak and high egg production of colorful egg shells. The color of their egg shells vary from pale blue chicken eggs to dark blue to various shades of green and a few light brownish/pink eggs. The meat is delicious and it has a taste similar to quail. We do not offer a specific color variety of this breed; however we do breed for a wide variety of colored feathers and egg colors. The Easter Egg chickens are great chickens for backyards, chicken coops, larger chicken houses and for raising free range chickens.
NOTE: It should be noted that this breed has an inherent genetic beak issue. 1 out of 100 chicks as they grow may have some variance in severity of scissor beak/cross beak. This can be best described when the top and bottom beak do not align and this condition normally will get worse as they grow. There are numerous articles and information on the Internet on this subject. Also most Easter Egg chickens don’t inherit the lethal alleles from their parents unlike a lot of Araucana chickens Click here to view our guarantee on Started Pullets
Not available for residents of Minnesota, Virgin Islands,  Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico.
Click here to view our guarantee on Started Pullets.


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